Celica nosi glas Ljubljane po svetu

Po "zaslugi" ljubljanskega župana zaprta Hostel Celica še vedno navdušuje tuje medije, da svoje bralce obveščajo o njenem obstoju.
Ta obstoj je sedaj ogrožen, ker se je tako odločil ljubljanski župan Zoran Janković.
Takole pišejo:
A Night in an Old Prison Cell
An old army prison building in Ljubljana has been transformed into the beautiful Hostel Celica. 20 old cells have been converted into unique hostel rooms. Each of the cells was designed by a different artist, however, all the cells still have the original bars on their windows and doors. Upon arrival, guests are not allowed to choose their own cells, instead, one is assigned to them, the same way, a cell was assigned to the prisoners in the past.
Feb 23, 2018