TTIP je mrtev!
Objavljeno Sep 07, 2016

Nemški gospodarski minister in podkancler Sigmar Gabriel, je pred nekaj dnevi izjavil, da se EU v pogajanjih o TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) ne sme podrediti zahtevam Amerike. Povedal je, da so pogajanja propadla. S to izjavo, se je pridružil francoskemu premierju Manuelu Vallsu kot tudi francoskemu ministru za zunanjo trgovino Matthiasu Feklu.

Pogajanja so se začela leta 2013. Po 14. "rundah" razgovorov o 27. točkah ni bil dosežen noben dogovor, prav nobeden, kar napeljuje k zaključku, da je dogovarjanje mrtvo. Ne glede na to, da je kanclerka Angela Merkel do konca julija 2016 z vsem srcem branila sporazum, je zahteva tako Nemčije kot Francije, da se pogajanja dokončno prekinejo.... 

The collapse of the TTIP is one of the best news for Europe – and I mean the people of Europe – in recent times; an initiative of the two major players in the EU. This decision has several meanings:

1. European countries are gradually taking back their sovereignty from Brussels and decide for themselves what is good for them and for Europe;

2. With a failed TTIP Europe escapes, or avoids, being enslaved by US corporatism, financial institutions – and US legislation;

3. Europe may now continue making its proper policies on socioeconomy, environment, food safety, agriculture — and

4. Europe is now freer to pursue its own monetary policy. Under the grip of the TTIP, it would have been difficult, say impossible, to adopt a monetary policy outside of the Euro which many countries would like, openly or covertly – some without making a lot of noise for fear of being ‘reprimanded’ by Brussels.

Originalni članek v celoti: Good News for the People of Europe: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Is Dead. Negotiations have Failed.  By Peter Koenig Global Research, September 07, 2016

dr. Milan ZVER (ELS/SDS)                  ZA