Objavljeno Apr 15, 2018

Nedovisni švicarski kemični laboratorij je ugotovil, da substanca s katero sta bila zastrupljena Skriptalova ni narejena v Rusiji ampak so jo uporabljale angleške in ameriške tajne službe.

The Washington Post

Seveda bodo zdaj desničarji začeli vpiti, da so Švicarji komunajzarji.

Izsek iz članka:

Swiss center that assessed the samples is actually the Spiez Laboratory. This facility is a Swiss state research center controlled by the Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection and, ultimately, by the country’s defense minister. The lab is also an internationally recognized center of excellence in the field of the nuclear, biological, and chemical protection and is one of the five centers permanently authorized by the OPCW.

The substance used on Sergei Skripal was an agent called BZ, according to Swiss state Spiez lab, the Russian foreign minister said. The toxin was never produced in Russia, but was in service in the US, UK, and other NATO states.


Swiss center that assessed the samples is actually the Spiez Laboratory. This facility is a Swiss state research center controlled by the Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection and, ultimately, by the country’s defense minister. The lab is also an internationally recognized center of excellence in the field of the nuclear, biological, and chemical protection and is one of the five centers permanently authorized by the OPCW.

The substance used on Sergei Skripal was an agent called BZ, according to Swiss state Spiez lab, the Russian foreign minister said. The toxin was never produced in Russia, but was in service in the US, UK, and other NATO states.

Swiss center that assessed the samples is actually the Spiez Laboratory. This facility is a Swiss state research center controlled by the Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection and, ultimately, by the country’s defense minister. The lab is also an internationally recognized center of excellence in the field of the nuclear, biological, and chemical protection and is one of the five centers permanently authorized by the OPCW.

The substance used on Sergei Skripal was an agent called BZ, according to Swiss state Spiez lab, the Russian foreign minister said. The toxin was never produced in Russia, but was in service in the US, UK, and other NATO states.


par problemov imaš s tem zapisom ... 1. tega - da naj bi šlo za "BZ" - ni izjavil švicarski laboratorij, ampak ruski zunanji minister (ki se je zlagal, da naj bi laboratorij to izjavil) 2. švicarski laboratorij je izmišljijo lavrova takoj zanikal 3. švicarski laboratorij je potrdil, da je OPCW identificiral strup - ruski novičok https://twitter.com/SpiezLab/status/985243574123057152 hecno, da je vse to jasno že iz članka, katerega link si objavil - ampak razumem, WP piše v angleščini, kar zna predvsem starejšim ljudem predstavljati oviro pri razumevanju. če bi rad prevod zgornjega tvita, ti ga z veseljem priskrbim (da ne bo še kakšnih nehotenih nerazumevanj. še naprej pa velja: novice se pred objavo preveri - da ne izpadeš smešen, butast ali oboje.