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Objavljeno Aug 02, 2021
If you think the clock on the wall is real, and showing you real time, then you haven’t confronted reality yet ..... and if you really beleive its 2021... or that 365 days makes a year.. then you got alot of deprogramming to do....
Actually if you would think for yourself sometimes, you would realize that certain theories are just brainwashing..... example: everyone believes that 365 days make a year... all because they were told so... but it takes 360 degree to make a circle lol.... so how can a year be 365 days? Makes no sense right? That’s because it doesn’t lol.... actually they remodified everything... they added the 5 days... it was originally 360 days.... but this domesticated society wouldn’t know that... because such information in hidden..... they even alter the astrology charting.... so none of you are actually the zodiac sign that you think you are......
Everything on the surface level is rigged to trap you.... so if you’re just believing things without doing your own personal research and apply discernment, you gonna get got......
The clock purpose is not to tell you time, its purpose is to psychologically fuk your mind and induced you into the artificial concept, this makes you a more obedient slave....this will make you rush life and believe your always rinning out of time.... this is a program that runs in the background of people’s consciousness, once its accepted.... you meet pple everyday, and they’re always worried about time... the clock on your wall is the instrument that enslaved your mind... its not even real, never will be..... the funniest part is when they say its day light savings time
You only need a clock to operate in the matrix... its a slavery device to supervise and calculate the amount of energy harvested from souls.
40 hours a week, is 40 hours of soul energy extracted and consumed by that corporate entity. 40 is also 4+0= 4th chakra- heart... a business entity is a corporation.. corporation means corpse... corpse means dead... you csn bring a corpse- corporation to life , by creating the corporation, then get people to work there, their energy will breeth life into the corporation, and now it becomes a living entity with same rights- rites as a living person..., its all alchemy!!
But normal people are completely unaware of this.... they just think what they are shown is normal and natural.... this entire society is grafted by occultist lol.
Even your graduation ceremony was a ritual, but you had no idea... the square cap on your head, the gown has triangles pointing down at floor... even a suit an tie is a ritual... the tie around your neck signifies a freemason noose cable tow... chocking out the throat chakra... you cant pass... you get a degree at college, because degrees are when masonic apprentices move up in ranks....
(Rambo M Singz)