Afirmacije za self - concept
Objavljeno Oct 24, 2021
My self concept affirmations / manifestation rules for my reality: These are POWERFULLL
I always get everything I want no matter what
I never have to wait for anything. I manifest all of my desires instantly
I am good enough deserving worthy and capable of all of my desires
I am perfect as I am to have all of my desires
I always get everything I want every part of it the way I want it
Everything about me is already perfect for me to have all of my desires
I never go looking for results. Results find me
I will not waiver no matter what I see don’t see or hear
I manifest everything I want 100% of the time on a time crunch that I set no matter what it is
I am able to have anything I want I am able to maintain everything I want
All of my deliberate desires are being delivered to me no matter what I think or believe
Only my positive thoughts manifest
Nothing is too good for me
I have no relation to the old story. It’s irrelevant to me or my manifestation
I am accepted by everyone exactly as I am
I am chosen by everyone 100% of the time
No one except for me is chosen
I never get rejected by anyone
I deserve to have everything I could ever want and more and theres nothing I need to be do or have in order for me to be worthy of it or deserving of it I just deserve it
I never get rejected by anything I want in life
I don’t have to believe I can have what I want or that its possible and I still get everything I want
I don’t have to believe my affirmations
All of my desires stay forever, and they stay beautiful and perfect for life
Nothing is too good for me it is natural for me to be chosen by everyone
Theres nothing for me to do it will all be done for me unless I naturally feel led to
All of my desires manifest 100% of the time
The past is irrelevant
My life is always so perfect and easy
Everything always goes my way
There are no conditions to have anything I could ever want other than assuming I already have it. that’s literally it
There is ALWAYS movement no matter what I see or don’t see
I manifest all of my desires instantly
It is EASY for me to manifest everything I want
I am the woman who has it all
I never have to settle because I ALWAYS get exactly what I want 100% of the time
I will not be affected by what i see or dont see or hear or dont hear