tekst prekopiran iz bloga Achilles Arrow
David John Sorensen in dr. Vladimir Zelenko
6. februar 2022
Poročilo o smrti zaradi cepiva 1. september 2021
Namen tega poročila je dokumentirati, kako je po vsem svetu umrlo na milijone ljudi in se je zgodilo na stotine milijonov resnih neželenih dogodkov po eksperimentalnih COVID injekcijah.
Razkrivamo tudi resnično tveganje genocida brez primere.
Predstavljamo le znanstvena dejstva in se izogibamo neutemeljenim trditvam.
Podatki so jasni in preverljivi.
Za vse predstavljene informacije je na voljo več kot sto referenc, ki so podane kot izhodišče za nadaljnje raziskovanje.
Podatki kažejo, da smo trenutno morda priča največjemu organiziranemu množičnemu umoru v zgodovini našega sveta. Resnost te situacije nas sili, da si zastavimo to kritično vprašanje: ali se bomo postavili v obrambo milijard nedolžnih ljudi? Ali pa bomo dovolili osebni dobiček namesto pravice in bomo sokrivi? Mreže odvetnikov po vsem svetu pripravljajo skupinske tožbe za pregon vseh, ki služijo tej kriminalni agendi. Vsem, ki so bili doslej sokrivi, pravimo: Še je čas, da se obrnemo in izberemo stran resnice. Prosim, naredite pravo izbiro.
Although this report focuses on the situation in the United States, it also applies to the rest of the world, as the same type of experimental injections with similar death rates – and comparable systems of corruption to hide these numbers – are used worldwide. Therefore we encourage everyone around the world to share this report. May it be a wake-up call for all of humanity.
At least 5 times more deaths, CDC whistleblower signs sworn affidavit
VAERS data from the American CDC shows that as of September 17, 2021, already 726,963 people suffered adverse events, including stroke, heart failure, blood clots, brain disorders, convulsions, seizures, inflammations of brain & spinal cord, life-threatening allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases, arthritis, miscarriage, infertility, rapid-onset muscle weakness, deafness, blindness, narcolepsy, and cataplexy.
Besides the astronomical number of severe side effects, the CDC reports that 15,386 people died as a result of receiving the experimental injections.
However, a CDC healthcare fraud detection expert named Jane Doe investigated this and came to the shocking discovery that the number of deaths is at least five times higher than what the CDC is admitting. In fact, in her initial communications to professor in medicine Dr. Peter McCullough, this whistleblower said that the number of deaths is ten times higher. The CDC health fraud detection expert signed an affidavit, in which she stated her findings. She carefully chose the wordings ‘…under-reported by a conservative factor of at least five’, but as she revealed initially, the factor could also be ten. Here is an excerpt of the affidavit: 1
‘I have, over the last 25 years, developed over 100 distinct healthcare fraud detection algorithms. … When the COVID-19 vaccine clearly became associated with patient death and harm, I was inclined to investigate the matter. It is my professional estimate that VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database, while extremely useful, is under-reported by a conservative factor of at least 5. … and have assessed that the deaths occurring within 3 days of vaccination are higher than those reported in VAERS by a factor of at least 5.’
According to this CDC health fraud detection expert the number of vaccine deaths in the U.S. is not 15,386 but somewhere between 80,000 and 160,000.
The CDC is also vastly underreporting other adverse events, like severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) reported that a study showed how the actual number of anaphylaxis is 50 to 120 times higher than claimed by the CDC.2, 3 On top of that, a private researcher took a close look at the VAERS database, and tried looking up specific case-ID’s. He found countless examples where the original death records were deleted, and in some cases, the numbers have been switched for milder reactions. He says:
‘What the analysis of all the case numbers is telling us right now is that there’s approximately 150,000 cases that are missing, that were there, that are no longer there. The question is, are they all deaths?’ 4
How criminal the CDC is, was also revealed a few years ago, when researchers investigated the link between vaccines and autism. They found that there indeed is a direct connection. So what did the CDC do? All the researchers came together and a large dustbin was placed in the middle of the room. In it they threw all the documents that showed the link between autism and vaccinations. Thus, the evidence was destroyed. Subsequently, a so-called ‘scientific’ article was published in Pediatric, stating that vaccinations do not cause autism. However, a leading scientist within the CDC, William Thompson, exposed this crime. He publicly admitted:
‘I was involved in misleading millions of people about the possible negative side effects of vaccines. We lied about the scientific findings.’ 5
The worst example of criminal methodology used to hide vaccine deaths is the fact that the CDC doesn’t consider a person vaccinated until two weeks after their second injection. This means that anyone who dies during the weeks before or the two weeks after the second injection, are considered unvaccinated deaths, and are therefore not counted as vaccine deaths. By doing this, they can ignore the vast majority of deaths following the injection. This is the nr 1 method used in nations worldwide to hide the countless numbers of vaccine deaths. 6,7
300,000 adverse events, Moderna hides hundreds of thousands of reports
A whistleblower from Moderna made a screenshot of an internal company notice labelled “Confidential – For internal distribution only”, showing there were 300,000 adverse events reported in only three months:
‘This enabled the team to effectively manage approximately 300,000 adverse event reports and 30,000 medical information requests in a three month span to support the global launch of their COVID-19 vaccine.’ 8
50,000 Medicare vaccinated died, US death rate probably near 250, 000
Attorney Thomas Renz received information from a whistleblower inside the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS), which reveals how 48,465 people died shortly after receiving their injections. He emphasized that these death numbers are from only 18% of the U.S. population.9 If we apply this to the entire U.S. population, that would mean a death rate of ± 250,000. Other factors also play a role of course, such as the age of the Medicare patients, and the younger members of the American people, so we can’t simply extrapolate this to the entire U.S. population. But we do see that something extremely serious is going on.
Less than 1% is reported, the actual number is 100x higher
All this information already shows us that the number of adverse events and deaths is a multitude of what is being told to the public. The situation is however still far worse than most of us can even imagine. The famous Lazarus report from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care inc. in 2009 revealed that in general only 1% of adverse events from vaccines is being reported: 10
‘Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.’
According to this study, numbers of adverse events and deaths should be multiplied with a factor of 100, in order to understand the true prevalence of serous vaccine injuries.
Reasons for underreporting, the population is misinformed
nadaljevanje tukaj
Feb 07, 2022