Objavljeno Feb 08, 2022
V velikem delu prebivalstva mora obstajati močan podzavestni proces, ki povzroči tako visok odstotek, da naredi, kar jim je naročeno, kljub dejstvu, da to, kar jim je naročeno, nima kakršne koli praktične utemeljitve ali logične razlage in je velika verjetnost, da jim škodijo.
Primerov je veliko. Ena najbolj ostrih je "velika prevara, nošenja COVID mask". Zakaj bi se kdo strinjal z ukazom, da nosi takšno masko?
Z minimalno količino raziskav lahko človek takoj prepozna, da gre za neuporaben kos blaga/papirja, ki omejuje dihanje in ustvari videz kriminalca.
Zakaj bi kdo zaupal in sledil nasvetom politika, ki ne izkazuje razumevanja tega, kar zahteva, da njegovi volivci spoštujejo?
Kako bi lahko kdorkoli, ki je sposoben neodvisnega razmišljanja – ne da bi se niti ustavil, da bi razmišljal – menil, da nekakšen uvodnik v osrednjih medijih, ki jih podpirajo podjetja, predstavlja glas razuma?
Zakaj bi se kdo nedvomno strinjal z objavo na BBC-ju, ki gledalcem sporoča, naj obsojajo nekoga, ki se odloči, da se ne bo cepil? In tako naprej in tako naprej.
Globoko v naših psihah mora obstajati močna vnaprej določena potreba po prilagajanju. Izbira "politične korektnosti" in nekritičnega spoštovanja navodil avtoritete in tako imenovanih "strokovnjakov".
Nekaj, zaradi česar ljudje padejo na kolena pred določeno figuro, ne da bi se kdaj potrudili preveriti pristnost razglasov te osebe.
Še posebej je očitno, kako ima televizija takojšnji subverzivni učinek na presojo ljudi. »Videl sem ga na televiziji!« pravi razburjeno bitje in utemeljuje svoj razlog, da daje poseben pomen besedam in stališčem tega posameznika. Dovolj je, da se je ta oseba 'pojavila' na posvečenem zaslonu.
"Kako veste, da so pristali na luni": so vprašali možička kmalu po izstrelitvi appola 11. "Seveda vem" je odvrnil, "saj so pokazali na televiziji".
No vsak malo razumen človek z osnovami fizičnih zakonitosti in razumne observacije dejstev ve, da je človekov pristanek na luni misija nemogoče in da gre le še za eno od korporativnih prevar tipa 11. september in COVID-19. Ampak se na tej točki ustavim.
Nastop nekoga na televiziji daje le temu takojšen boljši status napram nekomu podobnemu, ki ga nima.
Pristnost televizijske hiše ali novinarja je le redko vprašljiva. Nacionalne TV postaje so razvile skrbno izdelano "avro avtoritete" in tiste, ki se pojavljajo na njih, povzdignejo v kategorijo "pomembnih", čeprav je to, kar pravijo, čista neumnost.
Kot reakcija na zdravnika v belem plašču in stetoskopu – zdi se, da večina izgubi občutek za ravnotežje, ko ta mitska figura pride skozi vrata in reče: »V čem se zdi problem?«
Ta oblika spoštovanja avtoritete je stara. In ena njegovih ključnih ikon avtoritete je figura, imenovana "bog".
How many reading this were raised on a diet of Old and New Testaments? The old one, as I recall, was chock-full of pronouncements by a highly dictatorial god. An authority particularly keen on vengeance and war, who used ‘fear of disobedience’ to ensure that his lofty position was never under serious threat.
It was hard not to feel a sense of awe concerning this god’s seemingly omniscient powers.
Then moving on, we find this same highly authoritarian figure punishing Adam and Eve for having dared to take a bite from a particularly alluring apple. ‘The forbidden fruit.’ Something this god had specifically ordered them not to do “Do not eat from the tree of knowledge” said he.
Now why on earth would he give that order? Nature surely gave that apple a special aura, a natural attraction that would appeal directly to one’s taste buds and sense of curiosity – God given gifts of every human being, after all. And if this apple also grew on ‘the tree of knowledge’, well, one would be doubly tempted to pluck it and take a bite. Well I would – wouldn’t you?
But oh, what disaster – Adam and Eve had the timerity to disobey the authority of some heavenly control freak – and got the boot from the Garden of Eden. What Adam and Eve were subsequently accused of is referred to as ‘the original sin’. But is it a sin to to defy the word of some irrational god who wants to control the behaviour of two prototypes of humanity?
The whole tribe of man has been suffering under the yoke of this false ‘proclamation of guilt’ ever since.[1]
I see here a powerful myth which, to this day, works on the psyche of those who follow the commands of those deemed to be ‘higher’ than them. Adam and Eve, for me, were the first properly documented practitioners of ‘civil disobedience’. There is something distinctly heroic about their defiance of ‘the word of god’.
In this bold act I recognise a very necessary breaking out from a state (and place) of child like innocence in which one’s ‘freedom’ is dependent upon unquestioningly obeying the father figure and having no true mind of one’s own. We are talking about adults, not children.
Yet all around are those who appear to have not yet discovered that they have a mind of their own, especially when coming-up against those who get up on their political pedestals to declare “You must vaccinate yourself”. “You must not leave your home”. “You must be afraid of Covid”. “You must trust us.”
What about to trust yourself? Who is advising one to do this?
To trust one’s self is to trust one’s powers of discernment. To trust one’s intuition, one’s ability to be aware – and one’s ability to say ‘NO’.
That ‘self’ which you grow to trust above all else, is a conduit of cosmic consciousness, a fragment of the divine. By getting on good terms with this ‘self’ you discover that you are following the path of truth and thereby overcoming the fake authority figures who want you to buy their lie and abandon your precious freedom for their deadly protection.
At this very moment hundreds of millions are finding in themselves this treasure and learning to trust it. What’s more they are finding themselves attracted to the same richness in others – and are getting together as part of a powerful global resistance movement.
It is this movement that is destined to topple the sterile gods from their hollow narcissistic thrones.
For those who are addicted to bowing to the fake gods, this is going to be a rough ride. Freedom involves using one’s mind; taking responsibility; forming creative relationships and becoming a mature human being.
Those fearful of moving down this road will thus remain trapped in their less than human slavery. But once their dark protectors have been forced to flee by the rising tide of manifest truth – where will they hide?
The turning point for most comes at the moment our comfort zone diversions have all but dried up.
When the chimeric ‘authority’ we allowed to run the show is no longer there to be blamed for a continual backward slide into slavery, a void opens-up. A void which those addicted to the old fake order will find themselves a part of.
While those already freed from compromised dependency on the rules of the matrix, will come together, joined in the liberating pursuit of encouraging the manifestation an enlightened new era. Those who have been through the fire and come out the other side freed from illusion.
Covid has done us a favour. It has given us the chance to finally face our delusional addictions and to see that ‘the authorities’ pushing this egregious lie are nothing more or less than the hired hands of a Lucifer infected criminal cabal.
If we want never to be fooled again we have to be fully cured from the contagion of deference to false gods and sickly bowing to fake authorities.
The time has come to unsheath our swords, caste out the demons and regain our self respect – as warriors of Truth.
Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, writer, international activist, entrepreneur and holistic teacher. He is President of The International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside. His latest book ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through’ is particularly recommended reading for this time: see www.julianrose.info
[1] See Overcoming the Robotic Mind – chapter: ‘Original Sin – A Myth Whose Time Is Up’
Featured image is from Anti-Empire

Pristnost televizijske hiše ali novinarja je le redko vprašljiva. Nacionalne TV postaje so razvile skrbno izdelano "avro avtoritete" in tiste, ki se pojavljajo na njih, povzdignejo v kategorijo "pomembnih", čeprav je to, kar pravijo, čista neumnost.