Objavljeno Apr 19, 2022

The US Space Command has released the following information: “US President Donald Trump is safe and currently located at the Cheyenne Mountain/Cheyenne Mountain space station near Colorado.” There have been three attempted murder in the last two weeks. The Hazardous Mafia / Kabal is clear that Trump is in close contact with Putin. “ ▪️Europe is also being separated from the Hazard mafia and is moving towards the side of Russia. Such a sign is that German and European buyers of Russian gas have already agreed to convert payments into rubles, according to the Russian Vice Prime Minister. https://tass. com/economy/1438305? fbclid=IwAR2iFP1Fhds4Gunj6X6bzzWQA61kz24jEghaPy7bt6377Eco4PRWndTFH4c&utm_source=facebook. com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=facebook. how&utm_refer=facebook. com ▪️ A total of 9 of the 10 largest armies in the world line up on the side of Russia. According to Pentagon sources Putin has Tesla technology to disarm the entire US fleet. We are talking about Tesla's technology after the CIA. ▪️The electric car Nikola Tesla, which runs with clean air, has been around since 1921. This is a self-charging car that does not run on batteries, oil or gas. Electric vehicles have been around for much longer than some people think. This isn't even a myth, it's just hiding the lost technology to have total control over us. Free Energy = Independence and Freedom against the Matrix, freedom to go wherever you want, live off-grid, have heat and electricity and live happily without government intervention.

Joe Kanteny