Objavljeno Aug 09, 2015

Ameriško-Zionistična Strategija za Dominacijo Svetu... (koje NEEEE Pali Više...al je dugo na njoj Bazirala Američka Ekonomija i Njihova dominacija...ki je Zdaj v RAZSULU...Moč Ostalega Sveta je PREVELIKA celo za tako ambiciozne kot so ameri)

American-Zionist Strategy Instructions for World Domination

Securing the top position requires :
- economic domination
- military power - pre-emptive war or blackmail by war (seeking domination requires an inevitable increase in the military budget)
- a cultural and media invasion
- special operations to influence or neutralize leaders with negative attitude
Modern mechanism of world domination
1. If the country does not accept American rules of the game, we start a "velvet" or "colored revolution.
2. We replace the government by pro-American regime.
3. If the government resists, we start the US and NATO military operation and help the anti-government organizations to overthrow the government.

Strategies used
1. Destabilization strategy based on terrorism - you kill political leaders and civil population, blow up government buildings and blame the opposition.
2. Stabilization strategy - first, "terrorists" destabilize the situation in the country and then the US and NATO troops come to "stabilize' it.
3. "New order" or a "controlled chaos” strategy - American “new world order” to be established through the international chaos, permanent wars, civil wars and revolutions.
My definition :
"Controlled chaos” strategy –
geopolitical re-division of the world by provoking riots, revolutions, civil wars and overthrowing regimes in independent from USA sovereign states to keep the U.S. world hegemony. Political, national, religious and social conflicts in target countries have to be permanent. The strategy is being covered by a "struggle against international terrorism". The operation is preceded by information war against the target regime and backed by NATO forces if necessary.

Most important targets of the 21st century – Russia and China. That’s the reason we occupy Afghanistan. We have to circle China with our military bases in Central Asia.
4. Global energy control strategy - the US control of major oil regions and gas fields.

To keep America on top, we would have to prevent cooperation and coalitions between: China and Africa; Shi’ia and Sunni Muslims; Germany and France; Venezuela and Cuba. Their trade agreements and alliances will change the geopolitical situation.
In most important world regions keep the balance by supporting the country which follows the leader:
In Europe - support Britain to balance Germany. You rule Europe if you rule the Persian Gulf. You rule the world if you rule Europe, and that’s why you have to keep NATO by all means to block the military independence of Europe (Germany).
In East Asia - support Japan, Russia and Taiwan to balance China.
In South Asia support Pakistan to balance India.
In Latin America - support Argentina to balance Brazil.

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