V zadnjem času je imel precej zdravstvenih težav, po možganski kapi pa so ga pripeljali v bolnišnico, kjer je tudi sklenil svojo bogato življenjsko pot.The Lakers Organization is mourning the passing of former NBA Commissioner David Stern, whose unprecedented vision and tireless spirit made the game what it is today. Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with his wife, Dianne, and his family. pic.twitter.com/xY5rcoyJIQ
— Los Angeles Lakers (@Lakers) January 2, 2020
Stern je vodil Ligo NBA med letoma 1984 in 2014 ter pripomogel, da je to danes najbolj organizirano in najboljše klubsko košarkarsko tekmovanje v galaksiji! Ne pozabimo, Sternu gredo tudi zasluge, da so svojo različico lige dobile tudi košarkarice, bil je tudi pobudnik za ustanovitev razvojne lige.One of the most influential figures in basketball history.
David Stern's legacy will live on forever. (via @NBATV)pic.twitter.com/tlQRfAKzAS — Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) January 1, 2020
Stern je iz Lige NBA naredil globalni brand.Throwing it back to David Stern's legendary NBA draft performance in 2013.
R.I.P. 🙏 pic.twitter.com/uRD9ZWH1Z2 — NBA on ESPN (@ESPNNBA) January 1, 2020
Gospoda David Stern, počivajte v miru!The NBA world reacts to David Stern’s passing 🙏 pic.twitter.com/AkN96JLW35
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) January 2, 2020
The Lakers Organization is mourning the passing of former NBA Commissioner David Stern, whose unprecedented vision and tireless spirit made the game what it is today. Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with his wife, Dianne, and his family. pic.twitter.com/xY5rcoyJIQ
— Los Angeles Lakers (@Lakers) January 2, 2020
Jan 02, 2020