Objavljeno Aug 05, 2021
V slovenski izbrani vrsti so tudi tokrat precej energije namenili komunikaciji s sodniki. Da z opravljenim delom sodniške trojke na čelu z Brazilcem niso bili zadovoljni, je bilo jasno takoj po tekmi. Takrat pa so se na Twitterju pojavile besede, ki jih je na račun Fibe, svetovne košarkarske zveze, izrekel naš As Luka Dončić.
doncic in mixed zone after defeat vs France: "i hope FIBA is happy"
— Roy Jankelowitz (@roijay) August 5, 2021
"FIBA happened" - Luka Doncic yelled after I asked Ziga Dimec to summarise the end of the 4th quarter of the Olympics semifinal. Luka was raging in the mix zone and repeated several times that FIBA is happy about the result.
— Marius Milašius (@mamilasius) August 5, 2021
Luka Doncic was reported to be shouting "FIBA is probably happy" and "FIBA happened" after Slovenia's loss to Francehttps://t.co/UoIToPgFKt
— Eurohoops (@Eurohoopsnet) August 5, 2021
Luka Doncic reportedly frustrated after loss: “FIBA is probably happy” https://t.co/SYSEmXcprG
— Sportando (@Sportando) August 5, 2021
Aug 05, 2021