FB: Boris Gorenc napisal hvalospev in pol slovenski reprezentanci!
Objavljeno Sep 10, 2017
Po dobrih predstavah Slovenije na EP se je odzval tudi Boris Gorenc, nekdanji reprezentant, danes pa lastnik agencije ProStep Agency, ki zastopa košarkarje. Gorenc ne skriva navdušenja nad izbrano vrsto, zapis objavljamo v celoti. I would like to thank our Basketball national team. They have desplayed to us all how incredible this sport is. What I have been able to see during this EC is something to be proud of. Beautiful Basketball, from the team spirit, Goran-being our leader and superstar in my opinion best player to this point at EC. Luka Doncic is a joy to watch and comparison to Drazen Petrovic is becoming every day more and more legit (never tought I would say that). Anthony Randolph who is playing for our country like it was his own and having "Dragon" by his side he doesn't need to have that "superstar" mentality-it helps him be SO much better. These 3 players doing their job to almost a perfection, is giving other players the right energy/mind set to show their talent in the best possible way. We are able to notice how positively this effects other players and brings THE BEST out of them, is one more thing to be joyful and appreciating the moment we are ALL in. Klemen Prepelic: what a tournament he is having!!Gasper Vidmar being such a solid presence down low. He even got me believing that each free throw he is taking will go IN. Aleksej Nikolic, PG who in my opinion is more then ready to actually play in his euroleague team of Brose basket is giving Goran (everytime he needs a rest) a very, very solid substitution which says a tonne of this young talented player. Jaka Blazic who is coming from a euroleague, acb and good seasonS behind him excepting his role and always giving his best with the right attitude-just beautiful to see-way to go Jaka! Vladko Cancar showing his confidence and letting us know why he was choosen in this year NBA draft. Edo Muric being a "gentleman" who would do just about everything for this team. Ziga Dimec coming in with great energy and giving the team defensive and rebounding presence. Don't want to leave out Sasa Zagorac and Matic Rebec also them both deserve a big credit, you really do. Coach Igor Kokoskov; I liked him already when Coaching Georgian national team. His presence is special. Calmness, leadership, this kind of nba/european mixture of coaching, players respecting him,etc.. Definitely a fan of his. His Coaching stuff for preparing games every day, watching videos late into the early hours (I am pretty sure) desrves a big respect as well. Doctors, therapists and everyone around I wish you to enjoy every moment of this Championship. To me You "Guys" have already given So much and I am looking forward to see you play one more game and get my self lost in every detail of this great, beautiful game that we all love so much. I can't care less of what you will do from now on, would like you all to be very proud of what you've already achieved until now since everything from now on is just a big bonus. Thank you guys!!🙏