Objavljeno Mar 02, 2016


Ker v vladi RS skačejo v zrak in govorijo kdo mora odstopiti in zakaj bom napisal svojo resnično zgodbo.
Sem policist PP Velenje in sem prejšnji teden kot prvi policist v RS v času stavke dobil disciplinski ukrep, za katerega me je predlagal komandir enote potrdil pa g. Marjan Fank.
Za kaj se gre?
Dne 3.22016 sem kot vodja patrulje bil v patrulji kjer je lastna policijska postaja imela poostren nadzor akcija veriga. Ker stavkam kot vsi policisti v RS preventivnih akcij ne izvajam.
Tako tisti dan nisem meril z radarjem nisem ustavljal avtomobilov in nisem izvajal preizkusov. Iskal sem na terenu druge hujše kršitve, če bi jih opazil.
Gospod komandir me je zaradi tega predlagal direktorju PU Celje za disciplinsko ta Marjanu Fanku generalnemu direktorju policije ta pa je potrdil naslednje kršitve iz tega dne.
Očitajo mi, da sem lagal v delovnem nalogu, da sem odšel iz policijske postaje ven ob 6.40 uri odšel pa sem ven ob 7.45 uri.
Očitajo mi da kljub tewmu da mi je na delovnem nalogu pisalo da moram meriti hitrost tega cel dan nisem delal.
Očitajo mi da sem 3x neopravičeno bil na policijski postaji za 2, 8 in 29 minut. Za to kršitev mi očitajo da sem v delovnem nalogu lagal da sem bil na terenu ko pa sem bil v enoti (bil sem WCju pa pri dežurnemu policistu).
Očitajo mi hude kršitve različnih točk kodeksov policijske etike, s tem da sem sramotil policijo v javnosti, da sem vplival na poslovni rezultat policije,da sem ogrožal življenje in premoženje ljudi s tem ko očitno nisem meril z radarjem, da sem okrnil svoj ugled in ugled policije, da sem si zbil integriteto itd itd...
Skratka zrel sem za disciplinsko so bile besede komandirja in sem jo dobil.
Naj omenim, da sem bil lani ocenjen odlično 5, brez pritožbe na kakšen postopek, brez kaznivega dejanja skratka vzoren delavec. Lani sem tudi dvignil ugled policiji v javnosti z rešenim umorom. Generalni direktor ni imel časa da bi prišel v Celje ali da bi kdaj koli med tem časom enega leta kontaktiral z nama v patrulji. 
Imel pa je čas da potrdi disciplinski ukrep.
Vabim vas, da sem 8.3.2016 ob 8.00 uri udeležite te farse od disciplinske obravnave v Celju na PU Celje kjer mi bodo sodili za vse kršitve, ki sem jih naredil v času legitimne policijske stavke.
Kot zanimivost, gospodje iz uprave so zasegli snemalni disk videonadzora policijske postaje in so pogledali posnetke kam sem šel kdaj sem prišel itd... Torej videonadzor objekta očitno ni namenjen objektu ampak nadzoru kam in kdaj pride kakšen policist v enoto.
Pa naj še omenim, da je tisti dan deževalo kolegi in kolegice. Dež je padal.
Na pomoč mi je takoj stopil Zoran Petrovič in celoten sindikat SPS!
In potem berem po časopisih kaj želi Vlada RS in vodstvo policije prikazati iz Petroviča.

Danijel Šljivič

On 16-03-02 04:17 PM, Axj USA INTERNATIONAL wrote:


Disciplinary measures against a Slovenian Police Officer

Why has the Government of the Republic of Slovenia been alarmed by me stating who should resign, and why I wrote this true story.

I am a Police Officer PP Velenje. Last week, the first Police Officer in Slovenia during the Police strike, received disciplinary action from my commander as a result of the suggestion by the commander of the unit and confirmed by Mr. Marjan Fank, the Director General of the Police Officers in Slovenia.

What is this all about?

On Febrary 3, 2016 I was a head of patrol. I was patrolling my own police station which had intensified as a result of a control action called "chain".

As a result of the Police strike, all Police Officers in the Country didn't preform preventive action.

So that day I was not preforming any radar activites, did not stop any cars, and carried out no tests.

I was looking around for other serious misconduct.

As a result of this my Commander referred me to Director of the Police Station in Celje, for disciplinary action against me. Then Marjan Fank, the Director General of the Slovenian Police, confirmed all the following infringements of this day.

They accused me that I lied in a police report. That I walked out of the police station at 6:40 pm, but in reality I left at 7:45 pm.

They accused me, despite the signed work order, that I did not work all day. 

They accuse me that I was 3 times unjustifiably at the police station for 2, 8 and 29 minutes. 

As a result of this violation, they complained that I lied on my police report. When I was in fact working.

They accused me of serious violations. Various points of codes of conduct. Of violating police ethics. And that I defied the police in public. That this has all affected the results of the police, and that I was endangering the lives and property of people. All this apparently because I did not preform radar activities and that it damaged my reputation and the reputation of police. Also they questioned my integrity, etc ...

In short, I that I was too mature for disciplinary action were the words of Commander that I received.

I should also mention that last year a received a perfect 5, without appealing to any procedures, and without any criminal offenses. In short, I was the perfect employee. 

Last year I also raised the reputation of the police in public by solving a murder. The Director-General did not have time to go to Celje, nor to, not even during one year, contact us while patrolling.

Neverlethess, he had time to confirm the disciplinary action against me.

The Hearing

I invite you to come on March 8, 2016 at 8:00 pm, to attend the disciplinary hearing in Celje in the Celje Police Station, where I will be judged for all these alleged "violations", which I did during the legitimate Police strike.

Suspiciously, someone from Public Administration seized video surveillance of the police station, and they looked for evidence where I went and returned, etc ... So the video surveillance is clearly not intended for the facility, but to control where and when there are Police Officers at the Station.

I should also mention that on that day it rained.

Zoran Petrovic has stepped out and helped me immediately, as well as the entire Union of the Slovenian Police Assocciation!

No wonder now I read in newspapers that the Government wants a new leadership of the Police.

Daniel Šljivić