
Eichhorst and Palmer will visit BiH from 25 to 30 January

The joint visit is part of continuing EU - U.S. facilitation efforts in BiH, with a focus on the constitutional and electoral reform needed for the country

(Patria) - European External Action Service Managing Director Angelina Eichhorst and Senior State Department Official in charge of electoral reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina Matthew Palmer will visit BiH from 25 to 30 January 2022.

The joint visit is part of continuing EU - U.S. facilitation efforts in BiH, with a focus on the constitutional and electoral reform needed for the country to make a decisive step forward on its EU path, eliminate discrimination, and strengthen citizens’ democratic rights.

During the visit, they will meet with the Inter-Agency Working Group, Joint Collegium of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly, civil society, as well as with the leaders of the political parties in BiH.

Media representatives are invited to a press opportunity following their meeting with the Joint Collegium on Wednesday, 26 January 2022 that will start at 09:00 hrs at the BiH Parliamentary Assembly.

For more information, please contact the Press office of the BiH Parliament.

A press release will be issued at the end of the visit.
