
Covic shows disrespect for BiH by holding his meetings on the state holiday – Independence Day

Commentary by Amina Corbo Zeco

By: Amina Corbo Zeco

The participants of the recent meeting organized by Milorad Dodik received a letter signed by the EU ambassador in BiH Johann Sattler, the OSCE Head of Mission in BiH ambassador Kathleen Kavalec and Deputy Chief of mission at the US Embassy in Sarajevo Ellen Germain.

The letter warned the officials about the need to remain independent of any political influence and to keep away from any activity that could jeopardize their independence.  

The policy of blockade seems to be defeated, regardless of Dodik's referring to it as legal, with a great deal of help by the HDZ BiH personnel such as the minister of civil affairs Ankica Gudeljevic.

This ministry does not consider an absence form work a problem – as long as it is pre-approved by Zoran Tegeltija. Asked by Patria what they will do about the officials who were in East Sarajevo, the ministry responded that it suffices to know that Tegeltija suggested attending the political meeting so the absence from work of Secretary Biljana Camur Veselinovic and one more person can hardly be an issue. Unfortunately, the international community in BiH still has to remind our local officials as to content of the local laws.

That Milorad Dodik is losing control prove almost all of his recent press conferences in which he talks...science fiction. However, even more curious is Covic's gradual withdrawal from the public life.

However, Covic returned with somewhat milder statements (and attitude) after the statements by the deputy assistant US secretary of state Matthew Palmer about the latest political crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In an interview for the Voice of America Palmer said that BiH cannot afford to stagger from one crisis moment to another.

'Mr. Dodik has acted previously in a manner that is inconsistent and incompatible with the Dayton agreement and he's been subject to US sanctions because of it. Anybody who aligns themselves with the positions that are anti-Dayton runs the risk of triggering this kind of response from the United States', said Palmer.  

Dodik has openly joined Covic in blockades and attacks on the Constitutional court of BiH, thus drawing Bosnian Croats into a conflict with Washington and bringing them closer to Moscow!

Now Covic has started to gradually withdraw while Dodik could well become a collateral damage of their campaign against the Constitutional court BiH. Following the US blacklisting of Dodik, the EU countries are close to imposing similar sanctions. His partner Covic seems to be well aware of that possibility for himself so he's softened his tone... nevertheless, he keeps showing disrespect for BiH by holding the meetings of the HDZ and HNS on 2 March, the state holiday – the BiH Independence Day!  

