
General Grahovac: Neither Vucic nor Croatia's official policy can be trusted

Blagoje Grahovac, retired aviation general and a geopolitical analyst, in last night's FACE TV 'Centralni dnevnik' underlined that first thing he wanted to say was 'don't worry, there will be no war'.

Blagoje Grahovac, retired aviation general and a geopolitical analyst, in last night's FACE TV 'Centralni dnevnik' underlined that first thing he wanted to say was 'don't worry, there will be no war'.

- There are many lunatics out there but there is not going to be a war. Anyone intending to be involved in politics should bring a clean medical record. I'm quite certain that many politicians in the region would not be able to get a clean medical record (ref. Psychiatric record), Grahovac said when asked to comment the story that surfaced in public about Slobodan Milosevic allegedly diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

- Why have we been putting up with that for so long? It is not only our problem, it is a global problem of systemic nature.

Grahovac also explained that Balkans region was through history either the cause or a trigger of European or world problems. 'The only solution would be a partnership between the United States, Europe and Russia. Only that could save the planet. Otherwise – a cataclysm. And not a coalition but a partnership', Grahovac underlined.

He pointed out that Aleksandar Vucic, the president of Serbia, should not be trusted.

- He is a star right now, because currently all big geopolitical players want peace. However, the authentic politics of Serbia is the one that Vulin promotes and talks about. Vucic thinks what Vulin speaks, that is 100 percent certain.

Grahovac also stated that official politics of Croatia should not be trusted.

- That soft, sweet, elaborate language, sounding so perfect. But what is underneath is massive spreading of fascism within the Croatian society. Bearers of the movement are associations of former soldiers – defenders. Kudos to all those who gave their lives to defend the country against bandits, however, we have an extended war situation and PTSD, and there's no political party that can win without their support.

Grahovac admitted that Croatia is one of the four most beautiful countries in the world, yet reminded of his books in which he warned that 'NDH-isation', 'Tudjman-isation', 'HDZ-isation' and currently 'Grabar-isation' are driving the country to fascism.

He also shared his opinion on arming of Serbia and Croatia.

- All this arming that has been going on is one huge failure. The airplanes are failures. They are like children, it is a total failure as far as present moment in politics is concerned. There has never been less interstate wars. Secondly, the human kind has never been so developed in terms of technology and industry. At the same time, an individual has never been as endangered as right now, and he does not even know who/what the threat is.

- The story about military neutrality is a feeble argument of state top dogs. It is somebody's imagination meant to manipulate people. To be neutral between whom? The next stage is the complaint about Serb ethos being endangered, and then the next comes a war threat, and then extraordinary elections, Grahovac explained referring to the Resolution voted for in the RS.
