Nemški odbor za izven parlamentarno preiskavo pandemije COVID-19 (ACU)
Objavljeno Jul 11, 2020

Corona že mesece ves svet zadržuje v napetosti. Corona nas zadeva vse. Številni vladni ukrepi za boj proti boleznim COVID-19 so nesorazmerni in škodljivi za prebivalstvo. Ker še ni bila sklicana neodvisna preiskovalna komisija, je bil 31. maja 2020 na 5000 ljudi v Stuttgartu razglašen zunajparlamentarni preiskovalni odbor Corone ali na kratko ACU. O ACU se je govorilo tudi v številki tednika "Demokratični odpor" z dne 20. junija 2020. 

Odbor Corone pomeni dobro utemeljeno, brezplačno in široko izobraževanje za vse državljane na multimedijski osnovi. Poleg tega so informacije na voljo na mednarodni ravni v več jezikih, da bi dosegli čim širši doseg. 

ACU je zasnovan kot projekt medgeneracijskega pristopa, ki ga državljani organizirajo za državljane. To pomeni, da lahko tako ljudje kot ti in jaz, kot tudi strokovnjaki na njihovem posebnem področju, ACU podpremo s svojim znanjem, izkušnjami in prispevki v obliki predavanj in intervjujev.



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Dr. Heiko Schöning:

Dear fellow citizens,
Welcome to the ACU, the
Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee. If Parliament does not do it, we, the citizens, are called upon to do it ourselves.
As the
Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, we will investigate why these restrictive measures were imposed upon us in our country as part of CoVid-19, why people are suffering now and whether there is proportionality of the measures to this disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


We have serious doubts that these measures are proportionate. This needs to be examined, and since the parliaments – neither the opposition parties nor the ruling parties – have not convened a committee and it is not even planned, it is high time that we took this into our own hands. We will invite and hear experts here in the Corona speaker group. These are experts from all areas of life: medicine, social affairs, law, economics and many more.Well-known experts have already agreed to be part of it. In addition to the speaker group, my colleague Prof. HADITSCH and my colleague Dr. SCHIFFMANN, I would also like to introduce myself.


My name is Heiko SCHÖNING, I’m an ordinary doctor from Hamburg. My personal motivation is that I am a father, like many others in this country who have children. And we see that our children are suffering now, not just because the playgrounds have been closed, but because they are separated. And it's worse for the adults.
We ask ourselves: Why are people no longer allowed to visit their parents in retirement homes? Is there such a great risk of infection? Do we really have a killer virus here? Do we have rabies or do we have the plague? We have serious doubts that this is the case! We do not have the plague! What really helps us in this context is decency and honesty, as the famous Nobel Prize winner Albert CAMUS already expressed in his wonderful book "The Plague". We want to make sure that the ACU, the
Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, is based on honesty and transparency. 


This is why experts – such as Prof. BHAKDI from medicine, Prof. OTTE from business, or legal expert Prof. JUNGBLUT, and many, many others who have already agreed – will get together in this committee. And of course, we also invite all experts from the government, the public institutes, the Robert Koch Institute, and certainly international experts as well. We will guarantee transparency. All expert statements will be broadcast live, without editing, you can watch it all on the Internet. We are going to set up a website, and of course we will need more resources for that. Therefore, please support this citizens’ request, this ACU citizens' initiative. What will be the ideal outcome? We will see that we do not have to be more afraid than the last few years with normal flu waves, because this is exactly how this one seems to be. Then why were these drastic measures taken?


According to an internal report from the Federal Ministry of the Interior, 90% of all necessary operations in Germany were not carried out, which affected 2.5 million people. This report also writes that there are or will be 5,000 to 125,000 deaths resulting from these government measures. These are human beings, fellow citizens who have already died or are still dying. This report was dated May 7, 2020. This is also the reason why we are now taking this Corona investigation into our own hands because we can no longer wait.


And it is more than grossly negligent that government agencies do not disclose these things and, as it seems, orchestrate them, because the scientific data already shows that there is no basis for these measures. We all ask ourselves – of course also in business, but this is mainly about human lives – who benefits? That’s a question we will also try to find answers to. Cui bono? Who benefits?


Thank you very much for all your support so far. We look forward to more resources and your cooperation. Again, we invite everyone, including the other side, to speak here, it will be posted transparently on the Internet. And of course, we are also available for a press conference. We therefore ask the Federal Press Conference association to open the rooms for us and for the international press. Thank you very much.
I now pass the word on to my colleague Dr. Bodo SCHIFFMANN.

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Dr. Bodo Schiffmann:

Thank you very much, Mr. SCHÖNING,
Why is the
Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee necessary?
Because we are dealing with a lack of proportionality. Governments have to make decisions, and in emergency situations – such as during a pandemic – they must also take measures that may momentarily restrict fundamental rights. But they are also obliged to constantly verify these measures and to lift them as quickly as possible to prevent collateral damage as mentioned by my colleague Dr. SCHÖNING.


Instead, we receive out-of-context numbers, numbers that are only capable of fueling fear by simply adding up cases of illness and not showing that there is a mismatch between the number of people tested and those actually infected. Existing, well-functioning structures, such as the Infection Protection Act, are simply suspended and replaced with something new, far more drastic. And the only thing we hear from the government is the constant call for a vaccination for a disease that we now know very well – through many international studies – that it is very comparable to flu diseases, that the death rates are no higher than during strong flu waves and that the measures cannot be justified. It is a terrifying ignorance where recognized international studies and experts from all fields
– virologists, bacteriologists, epidemiologists, or economists – are simply not heard or ignored.


Even worse, they are called liars, charlatans, or conspiracy theorists, which is likely to be the non-word of the year 2020. Instead, the government promotes a vaccination that can be highly dangerous, a vaccination without medical necessity for lack of evidence. There is not even a sufficient number of people in Germany getting sick to be tested for a vaccine. Plus, it is a new form of vaccination, a so-called RNA vaccination, which, unlike previous vaccinations, is able to change the genetic code and can cause undeniable damage to people. In this context, we also remember the medical principle "do no harm"
- "nihil nocere".


That is the job of the doctors, and here we also hope that more doctors will take part and think, because we doctors should not harm the patients more than benefit them.
My motivation is my grandparents and my parents, who taught me that when I feel that fundamental rights are being restricted, democracy is being restricted, the press is no longer a free press, but you get the feeling that there is propaganda going on, when foreign opinions are censored, deleted, then you have to take to the streets, then you have to be active, or you have to try, for example, to inform the public, as we do with a Corona inquiry committee. Because, of course, there is always the risk that power corrupts and that, at some point, politicians stop seeing things with the right measure
and aim
  I started seeing a risk of losing democracy, and every day I see more and more efforts to turn our free and democratic constitutional system into a surveillance state, with mind control, surveillance apps and the like, under the guise of infection protection laws.


The best case scenario is that there is a complete, legal clarification of the background of these measures, which are out of proportion both from a scientific-medical and human point of view, that those responsible are also held accountable, and that situations such as the swine flu, where vaccinations left people with vaccine damage for a disease that should not have been vaccinated, are not repeated! And all measures that have been taken must be scaled back, because they have been developed against the backdrop of horror scenarios that have never happened and that are still held up to spread fear among the population of a deadly disease that does not exist in this form. And at
best, of course, it will be established – and this has to be done – that the lockdown and the mask requirement must be ended immediately. At a time when there were no more cases of illness, wearing a mask in doctor's offices was made compulsory on May 29 of this year.


Today is June 20, 2020. 14 days ago, we had large mass demonstrations against racism in 20 major German cities, with more than 20,000 participants. If this virus in this form were actually still rampant in Germany with this infection rate, we would have to see a massive increase in the number of infections today. This is not the case. This proves that the measures can no longer be justified.

Thank you very much.
[Transcript – Text, from 13 to 40]

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Dr. Schoening:
Thank you Mr. SCHIFFMANN,
I would like to emphasize once again that what we are doing here is absolutely not related to any party, it is not about right or left, it is not about thick or thin or man or woman. This is about life and death for many, about quality of life for adults, and also for our children. This is our main motivation, also for future generations, to face up to the circumstances we have been exposed to in recent months. We citizens must regain our sovereignty and we also claim the right to do so, because we have this right. We stand on the foundation of the Basic Constitutional Law. The Basic Constitutional Law, which I’m holding in my hand, has a wonderful article, article 20, paragraph 4: “Everyone has the
right to resist if no other measures remedy the situation”.


Maybe we can also look at this
Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee as a last resort in the hope that those in government, who have also sworn an oath not to harm people but to help them, the people who also defend our country, that we remind all of them – civil servants, officers, doctors, yes, all fellow citizens are called upon to take part in this. And the dire circumstances, which we are all experiencing, we can see it in the streets, we experience it in our families and also personally with our friends and relatives, need to be dealt with by us.


And I’m also glad that we don’t just have the German perspective, but that we can also bring an international perspective into the process. And that’s why I’m also pleased to have in this circle of
  speakers, the ACU, the Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, a real expert on this topic, Professor HADITSCH from Austria. Here you go.

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Prof. Haditsch:
Yes, thank you very much and Hello to everyone.
Dear Mr. SCHÖNING, it is a great honor for me and, to be honest, also a heartfelt concern for me to be part of the ACU, the
Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee.
At the factual level, we have to ask ourselves: why is this inquiry committee necessary in the first place?


This investigation is necessary because inappropriate decisions have been made irresponsibly from the outset, either grossly negligently or deliberately, without the necessary duty of care, that is to say without even the slightest consideration for collateral damage – decisions that have also undermined fundamental democratic rights and trampled all over ethical duties. There has obviously also been an attempt to compensate for blatant misconduct, such as the neglect of those in need of protection – and I would like to remind you of the people in retirement homes – by means of draconian, untargeted measures, perhaps in order to avoid having to justify this misconduct as well, at least to divert attention from these problems.


Whether this was done unintentionally, i.e. based on ignorance, or intentionally, i.e. based on questionable motives, is basically irrelevant in the end. In any case, the decision makers disqualify themselves. In view of the scope of the decisions made, both options described above must necessarily be subjected to a detailed review, and, based on the experience with the extremely one-sided presentation by politics and state broadcasters, or the state media, this can ultimately only be done by an independent, i.e. extra-parliamentary, corona inquiry committee.


My personal motivation for participating in this is basically that I am a specialist in microbiology, virology, and infection epidemiology, and that, from a professional point of view, I am deeply appalled by the completely unobjective, unprofessional approach in this matter. Some people will now wonder what I mean by “unobjective, unprofessional approach”. What I mean by this includes the basically ongoing sketching of worst case scenarios, fear-mongering, and creation of inappropriate comparisons, also in the media. For example, just think of this excruciating catchword "Italian conditions", which was at best true for some Northern Italian regions, while the Southern Italian regions – which are normally poorer and worse off – coped with the whole thing without any major problems.
Inappropriate, eye-catching depictions of threatening trends, which in practice never materialized, and, with proper assessment from the start, given the quality of the health care system in Germany, could never have occurred in this way.


But I’m also a trained general practitioner, and, above all as a doctor, I could no longer tolerate this approach contemptuous to health and human beings, as it is in stark contrast to the professional understanding and ethics of all of us. This permanent fear or panic mongering, the resulting psychological and social damage to be expected, the gigantic medical and economic collateral
 damage, and last but not least, the massive interventions in all our cultural lives and cohabitation, are, in my opinion as a holistically oriented physician, reason and motivation enough to stand up and fight this insanity.
In view of the disaster, the scope of which can currently not be assessed at all, it seems necessary, with due respect, of course, but unambiguously, to press for an objective assessment of these decisions and to hold the decision-makers accountable in the event of proven misconduct.


The question for this inquiry committee is, of course, also: what can we expect, what is the best-case scenario? In my view, that all citizens, at least all medical colleagues – after all, they should all feel committed to the Hippocratic way of thinking, the slogan "nihil nocere", i.e. not to do any harm – and that everyone informs themselves also beyond all those media in line with government policies, asks critical questions and does plausibility checks. And then it will become clear that Bergamo is not Italy, Ischgl is not Austria, New York is not the USA, and a carnival party in Heinsberg, an apartment building in Göttingen and slaughterhouses, wherever they may be, are not Germany.


It should also become visible for all, - that the German health care system has never even been close to running the risk of decompensating, i.e. being overburdened;

- that measurement figures, such as the doubling rate and this dreadful number “R 0”, had the primary purpose of creating fear and putting pressure on the population, and were communicated in an unobjective and manipulative way for lack of reference to the number of tests carried out;

- that false and untrustworthy fatality figures have been misused for intimidation purposes;

- that the number of cases was already significantly declining well before the lockdown;ž

- that a general mask-wearing obligation ordered 4 weeks later, I repeat 4 weeks later, was factually unfounded, unlawful and psycho-socially irresponsible;

- that the incorrigible sticking to measures and already refuted statements, i.e. against better knowledge and proven evidence, is a criminal offence in this context; and

- that ultimately a drastic change in the party-political decision-making structures is overdue because this is the only way to reliably prevent this anti-democratic approach from being continued or repeated.


I deeply wish the ACU, the
Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, all the best for an objective examination of all these conflict issues. Good luck.

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Dr. Schöning:
Thank you very much, Prof. HADITSCH. I would like to conclude by emphasizing once again why we are already setting up this ACU, the 
Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, at this point. We don’t want to wait for the parliaments or others, who at some point may come later in the future, because the pressure is on now. People are suffering now, and many people have already been injured, some have even lost their lives. Just as it was predicted in the internal report of the Federal Ministry of the Interior.


People have died because of the government measures! And that is obviously not proportionate. Another reason why it is so urgent, that we have to take it into our own hands now, especially when no one else is doing it who might be more called upon, is a circumstance that I would like to mention
  again. All over the world, there are people whose heart stops beating. Everyone has a 100% risk that at some point their heart will stop beating.


The good news is, it is possible to revive, to resuscitate, and there is a guideline on how to do it. And this guideline was changed internationally at the beginning of April, and in that course, it was also changed in Germany. And this guideline, you have to imagine that, now says, "because of the high risk of infection with CoVid-19 and the high damage that could be caused by it" mouth-to-mouth resuscitation should now no longer be performed, just imagine that. You should now put a cloth over your mouth. This means that many, many more people in the world will die now, because it is scientifically proven that if you press and provide mouth-to-mouth, many more people survive.


And that way, excess mortality is produced for statistics. We have to reverse this resuscitation guideline. Because, as we can actually see, and as we will be able to prove comprehensively in this inquiry committee, we do not have the plague or the killer virus. This is good news! But we really must ask ourselves: Why is it the way it is? Why are these measures in place? Who benefits?


We don't want to wait until we, our friends and our relatives suffer personal and physical damage. We have to work together now! And I can only invite you, because we are not backed by a corporation or media corporation, any rich people, or foundations. The better we are equipped with resources, the more professionally and faster we can do this work, also internationally. We will also publish our work in several languages to
the best of our ability. Everyone is invited to help us out here, in the best public spirit. And therefore, I thank you very, very much for all the support you have given us this far.
Thank you very much.







Srbohrvaški prevod govora R.F. Kennedy-a na protestu v Berlinu dne 29.8. 2020: 




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je vzkliknil Heiko Schnönling na včerajšnjem protestu, eden izmed vodilnih pri Ärzte für Aufklärung, ki združuje že več kot 700 zdravnikov- strokovnjakov in znanstvenikov iz vsega sveta in 2000 podpornikov. Združujejo in povezujejo se zdravniki od vsepovsod tudi iz Amerike. Izdali so letake, ki osveščajo ljudi, da bodo lahko razlikovali, kaj pomeni pandemija. Pri pandemiji je število umrlih izjemno veliko, tega pa pri tem virusu ni! Gre za veliko prevaro, katere namen je uničiti srednje velika podjetja in tako utreti pot velikim. To ni zarota, je velika goljufija, ki bi peščici bogatih omogočila še bolj obogateti.
Protesti se odvijajo povsod po svetu ves čas. Ljudje se vedno bolj zavedajo, da nekaj ni prav. Pri nas se še vedno ukvarjamo sami s seboj. V središču naše pozornosti bi moral nastopiti corona komplot, korona nateg. Ne gre za maske, to je le prvi korak, ko preverjajo, koliko smo hlapčevski in koliko se bomo prilagodili. Gre za toliko več. Poglejte, kakšne zakone in ukrepe nam želijo vsiliti. Delajo neprestano in zelo na hitro. Naše demokratične pravice jih zelo motijo, zato nam jih kratijo iz dneva v dan.
Dejstva so naslednja:
1. PCR testi niso relevantni- za to so dokazi in v tujini že vlagajo
2. ni izpolnjenih kriterijev za epidemijo, pandemijo (število mrtvih)
3. ukrepi se zaostrujejo in se še bodo bolj (poglejte sramotno in
fašistično dogajanje v Avstraliji- zaprti so že od 01.avgusta in
bodo še do sredine novembra!!!)
4. Ali veste, da je življenje na Kitajskem popolnoma normalno?
Ste se vprašali, zakaj se o tem ne govori?
Prvi korak je:
MASKE DOL- s tem ne zaščitite nikogar. Škodite pa sebi. Mediji in vsi ostali v službi vlade vam želijo le naprtiti krivo, ko trdijo, da smo egoistični, da bomo škodili drugim, če jih ne bomo nosili.
Drugi korak je:
ODLOČEN IN ENERGIČEN PROTEST proti corona ukrepom tako dolgo, dokler se ne končajo!
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Dr. Heiko Schonings, ZDRAVNIK uradne medicine z vestjo je bil na protestih v Londonu 26. 9. proti corona prevari, nesmiselnim ukrepom in fašizmu, PRIDRŽAN S STRANI POLICIJE.!! SVOBODA GOVORA , ki naj bi bila zagotovljena z ustavo vsake države, je očitno splavala po vodi. Javni nastop je omogočen le sledilcem globalističnega režima in podpornikom PLANDEMIJE. ..
Heiko je izpuščen, resnice ne more zatreti nihče, slej ko prej pride na dan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NxwPjDSjcM&t=66s

ACU- zaslišanje 10. 10. 2020 prof. dr. Dolores Cahill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5dvOkIRMfU&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR1ljUHx_shdbiVJyxOa9gF8cPaImjnhA7u9DgLI91RW1LYuWF-80ZCqGTA

Končno tudi nemški ARD o korona prevari. ARD je glavna nacionalna TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8Lm8PJHS4k&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR1lv4aEETPiH23zVLra6qj1nrgoQcHmh4JdugUD00duXXH9kyFH2R5jBHM&ab_channel=VebMajster

Dr Heiko Schoning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV58gMW9FT8&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR1sqDYDBshH85TZ8GUqZLQOhjHqAYxv15k9_HNWnwiQjPpDE84S7L6E2S4

Dr. Claus Kohnlein: Fatalni korona eksperiment Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije (WHO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JcVglSdQ-c&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1XNH4YYSgWgjyxrfSEYoaw9CXO72UZ1bfqHciHZAQdMe6RQ6wv9m1_AxU

Govor odvetnika Robert F Kennedy-a pred več milijonsko množico protestnikov proti fašističnim COVID-19 ukrepom, dne 29.8. 2020 v Berlinu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u3H3PvebBU

Tiskovna konferenca izvenparlamentarnega odbora za preiskavo COVID-19 pandemije z dne 28.8. 2020, častni gost je Robert F Kennedy ml. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM7NLlWZD5I

Dr. Heiko Schoning je bil v Londonu pridržan v policijski postaji 20 ur in nato izpuščen. Govoril je Hyde parku, sinonimu za svobodo govora, ko ga je policija aretirala zaradi resnice, ki jo ljudem povedal v zvezi z COVID-19. dr. Heiko Schoning je ustanovil izven-parlamentarno skupino, ki je imela več kot 20 zaslišanj v zvezi z COVID-19 ukrepi. V mnogih državah so zdravniki spregovorili, tudi ta dogodek v Hyde Parku bo povzročil, da bo ustanovljen odbor zdravnikov resnice v Veliki Britaniji. 10 .10. 2020 bo na milijone ljudi protestiralo v Berlinu, zdaj je čas za pogum in da pokažemo, da smo ena človeška družina, ki je ne bodo delili na rase, bolnike...Izza vsega tega ni medicinska pandemija. Policija mi je zasegla telefon in računalnik in knjigo dr. Sucharit Bhakdija, ki razkriva laži v zvezi s pandemijo COVID-19. Nimamo medicinske pandemije, ni potreben strah zaradi smrtonosnega virusa, ki ni bolj nevaren od gripe. To se kaže v Nemčiji in drugod po svetu. Gre za Plandemijo in v ozadju je finančna kriza leta 2008, bankirji so kupili čas z dokapitalizacijo in zdaj so prišli z velikim načrtom, The Great Reset finančnega sistema, kot so se dogovorili na Svetovnem Ekonomskem Forumu, z uporabo koronavirusa kot krinko za to spremembo sistema. https://scontent-muc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t66.36281-6/10000000_661465811453278_9108580494417758063_n.mp4?_nc_cat=108&_nc_sid=985c63&efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6Im9lcF9zZCJ9&_nc_ohc=Tzf1tHaAO3EAX-dHnsT&_nc_ht=scontent-muc2-1.xx&oh=1166079fd8e81db557ea8badb94cb348&oe=5F980667

A SE BO TUDI PRI NAS ZAČELO OBRAČATI V TEJ SMERI? UPAMO LAHKO, NE? Wolfgang Kubicki, dolgoletni član stranke FDP in pravnik po poklicu, je na objavo Jensa Spahna, trenutnega ministra za zdravstvo, češ da, da bi bili lahko ukrepi že v začetku marca in kasneje drugačni in da lockdowna ne bi bilo potrebno izvajati, zapisal in objavil, da se mu sicer zahvaljuje, da se je kot prvi član kabineta vlade tako odprto soočil z vprašanjem glede sorazmernosti dosedanjih ukrepov, vendar mora vlada sedaj razložiti, kaj lahko sklepamo iz te ugotovitve. Dejstvo je, da so mnoga podjetja, samostojni podjetniki in ostali utrpeli znatne izgube prometa, nekateri so tudi propadli. Vlada je te ukrepe podpirala in izvajala pritiske na druge dežele. Če bodo sodišča ugotovila, da so bili ukrepi pretirani, se bodo postavila vprašanja zapornih kazni. Od zvezne kanclerke zahtevam, da se ta vprašanja nemudoma pojasnijo, je zaključil zapis, ki ga je objavil 02.09.2020. Vir: FB Tjaša Vuzem 9.9. 2020

Govor Davida Icke-a pred več milijonsko množico na mednarodnem protestu proti COVID-19 plandemiji: Berlin 29.8. 2020 https://www.facebook.com/stojakovic.marija/videos/10223680580785233

Danes je v Berlinu velik mednarodni protest proti plandemiji COVID-19. Poseben častni gost nemških zdravnikov iz izvenparlmentarnega odbora za preiskavo pandemije je Robert F. Kennedy, ki je včeraj povedal: Moj stric JFK je bil v Berlinu 1962 leta. Bil bi presenečen, ko bi vedel, kako velik boj za demokracijo poteka v tem času. https://www.facebook.com/100014240883880/videos/931664253984929