Press Release – Legal Challenge to COVID-19 Measures Filed In Ontario Superior Court
Statement of Claim (redacted to protect co-plaintiffs) (pdf)
July 8, 2020
We are living in unprecedented times. The mass and indiscriminate containment of citizens, the restriction of access to parliament, the courts, medical and educational services, the destruction of local economies and livelihoods, and the requirement to physically distance, along with the forced use of non-medical masking are extraordinary measures that have never before been imposed on the citizens of Canada. The impact of these aberrant measures on our physical, emotional, psychological, social and economic well-being is profoundly destructive and these actions are unsustainable, unwarranted, extreme and unconstitutional.
During times of emergency, Constitutional rights do not stop being important. They become even more important.
Vaccine Choice Canada has made numerous formal requests of the Government of Canada and various provincial governments to provide evidence that justifies the declaration of an emergency, the imposition of unscientific and unwarranted measures, and the violations of our Charter rights and freedoms, to no avail.
An over-hyped COVID-19 pandemic narrative is being utilized to create unnecessary panic and to justify the systemic violation of the rights and freedoms that form the basis of our society, including our Constitutional rights, sovereignty, privacy, rule of law, financial security, and even our very democracy.
Many recognized global health and research experts have offered their severe and valid criticism of government overreach and the draconian and unjustifiable measures taken in response to COVID-19. The warning bells are being rung about the dire consequences of these unwarranted, irresponsible, and extreme actions that are in violation of the rights and freedoms well established in Canadian and international law. All this continues to fall on the deaf ears of governments.
On Monday, July 6, 2020, Vaccine Choice Canada formally filed legal action in the Ontario Superior Court to hold multiple parties accountable for their actions with respect to COVID-19 measures. The defendants include: the Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario, the Municipality of Toronto, various public health officers, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, among others. Vaccine Choice Canada has a long history and enviable reputation of advocating for and defending the rights and freedoms of Canadians when it comes to public and individual health.
The plaintiffs are inviting the press to a Press Conference on Thursday, July 9, 2020 at 11:15 AM EDT at the office of their lawyer, Rocco Galati, B.A., LL.B., LL.M. , ROCCO GALATI LAW FIRM PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION. Due to limited space considerations, the Press Conference is an in-person event for accredited press only.
The press can also join the conference via Zoom. To join the conference, pre-register at the following link [meeting has ended] After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information to join the conference.
A copy of the issued statement of claim will be available on our website following the press conference. Any questions with respect to the claim are to be addressed to our legal counsel, Mr. Rocco Galati at 416-530-9684.
Ted Kuntz, President, Vaccine Choice Canada
Tožba ima 190 strani: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/wp-content/uploads/vcc-statement-of-claim-2020-redacted.pdf
Virus SARS CoV-2 ni bil izoliran: https://gustirna.wordpress.com/2020/08/09/izolacija-virusa-in-druga-osnovna-znanost-failed/?fbclid=IwAR1PibViSmSzJho3SoNSFDmis4K9k6wusCQpqNR4RIolE1Ab2_63f5ZWUhI
Sep 2020: Kanada bov vsaki provinci zgradila izolacijska taborišča, ni jasno kdo in zakaj bo tam zadržan https://www.facebook.com/randy.hillier/videos/1041767169579615
Tožba v Ontariu Kanada in strokovnjaki, ki bodo pričali na sodišču: Gostinec Adam Skelly https://rumble.com/vggxlv-adam-skelly-update-on-constitutional-lawsuit-2021.04.29.html?fbclid=IwAR0-3gdqpJQJ0CFyE0O907O7ZrtV4ctWGjFXKCKJjZjukBoPMl3Hmuyt2Xo
Join Bright Light News for an exclusive update interview with Adam, as he discusses the latest on his constitutional lawsuit to remove the Reopening Ontario Act, his restaurants and recent activities.
Adam has parlayed his $350k GoFundMe donations into an impressive legal team that includes experts from many fields, like Dr. Harvey Risch, MD, epidemiologist and professor at Yale University. Dr. Risch is the author of over 300+ publications and a senior staff on several leading medical journals.
Jul 20, 2020