World doctors alliance: Odprto pismo vladam in državljanom sveta
Objavljeno Nov 04, 2020

World Doctors Alliance: Open Letter to UK Government, World Governments and Citizens of the World

Mi smo nezavisni, neprofitni savez lekara, medicinskih sestara, zdravstvenih radnika i osoblja širom sveta koji su se ujedinili nakon odgovora na Covid-19 da bi razmenili iskustva s ciljem ukidanja svih karantina i s njima povezanim štetnih mera i ponovnog uspostavljanja psihološkog i fizičkog blagostanja za čitavo čovečanstvo.


U početku su nam rekli da je premisa karantina „poravnanje krive“ i stoga zaštita NHS-a od preopterećenja. Jasno je da ni u jednom trenutku Nacionalna zdravstvena služba (NHS) nije bila u opasnosti da bude preopterećena, a od maja 2020. odeljenja za zbrinjavanje uglavnom su prazna; a presudno je da je broj umrlih od Covid-a i dalje ostao izuzetno nizak.

Sada imamo stotine hiljada takozvanih „slučajeva“, „infekcija“ i „pozitivnih testova“, ali gotovo niko nije bolestan. Podsetimo se da su četiri petine (80%) „infekcija“ asimptomatske. Odeljenja za primanje obolelih od Covid uglavnom su bila prazna tokom čitavog juna, jula, avgusta i septembra 2020. 

Takozvani asimptomatski slučajevi nikada u istoriji respiratornih bolesti nisu bili pokretač širenja infekcije. Umesto toga, simptomatični ljudi koji šire respiratorne infekcije – nisu asimptomatski ljudi.

Takođe je potpuno jasno da je „pandemija“ u osnovi gotova i da je prošla u junu 2020.

Veoma je verovatno da smo postigli kolektivni imunitet i zato nemamo potrebu za vakcinom.

Imamo sigurne i vrlo efikasne i preventivne tretmane za covid, stoga pozivamo na trenutni prekid svih mera karantina, socijalnog distanciranja, nošenja maski, testiranje zdravih osoba, praćenja tragova, imunitetnih pasoša, programa vakcinacije i tako dalje.

Stvoren je katalog nenaučnih politika koje krše naša neotuđiva prava, kao što su – sloboda kretanja, sloboda govora i sloboda okupljanja. Ove drakonske totalitarne mere nikada se ne smeju ponoviti.


  • Covid se pokazao manje smrtonosnim od prethodnih sezona gripa – Od decembra 2017. do marta 2018. godine u Engleskoj i Velsu je bilo 50.100 umrlih od gripa. Godine 1969. bilo je 80.000 smrtnih slučajeva od gripa. Do danas imamo oko 42.000 smrtnih slučajeva povezanih sa virusom kovida u Velikoj Britaniji.
  • Nikada pre nismo stavljali društvo u karantin zbog respiratornog virusa.
  • Osnova za karantin bio je matematički model profesora Fergusona. Njegovo modeliranje koje je predviđalo pola miliona smrtnih slučajeva u Velikoj Britaniji oštro je osuđeno kao neprikladno za svoju svrhu. Njegove procenjene brojke smrti očigledno su pogrešne gotovo 10 ili 12 puta. 
  • Modeliranje profesora Fergusona nije ni bilo recenzirano pre nego što je nekoliko nacija na njega reagovalo. Eminentni epidemiolozi poput profesora Gupte sa Univerziteta Oksford ignorisani su, procenili su da će broj smrtnih slučajeva biti daleko niži u Velikoj Britaniji.

  • Profesor Ferguson ima duge rezultate o groznom modeliranju, u potpunosti se ogrešio o SARS, MERS, bolest ludih krava (CJD) i svinjski grip. Zašto ga je svet ponovo slušao? 
  • Zemlje koje nisu sprovodile karantin, Švedska, Japan, Tajvan, Južna Koreja i Belorusija reagovale su znatno bolje od nas u pogledu procenta smrtnosti stanovništva. Takođe imaju kolektivni imunitet i netaknute ekonomije.
  • Karantin nije spasio živote, a ovo je objavljeno u časopisu Lancet ‘…. u našoj analizi, potpuni karantin i široko rasprostranjeno testiranje na COVID-19 nisu bili povezani sa smanjenjem broja kritičnih slučajeva ili ukupne smrtnosti.’ 
  • Velika većina smrtnih slučajeva dogodila se kod starijih ljudi
  • Velika većina smrtnih slučajeva nastupila je kod ljudi sa već postojećim ozbiljnim zdravstvenim problemima poput raka, kardiovaskularnih bolesti, Alchajmerove bolesti, dijabetesa itd.
  • Covid predstavlja praktično nulti rizik za osobe mlađe od 45 godina koje imaju veće šanse da ih udari grom nego da umru od Covida.
  • Covid predstavlja vrlo mali rizik za zdrave mlađe od 60 godina koji imaju veće šanse za slučajno utapanje nego za umiranje od covid-a.
  • Čitav narod je u suštini bio smešten u kućni pritvor. Nikada ranije nismo izolovali zdrave.
  • Izolovanje bolesnih i imunokompromitovanih ima smisla. Izolacija zdravih koči uspostavljanje kolektivnog imuniteta i nema smisla.
  • U Velikoj Britaniji smo 2015. godine imali 115.000 smrtnih slučajeva povezanih sa pušenjem u poređenju sa 42.000 smrtnih slučajeva od covida.
  • U Velikoj Britaniji obično imamo oko 600 000 smrtnih slučajeva svake godine, otprilike 1600 smrtnih slučajeva dnevno.

Kolateralna šteta – lek je gori od virusa

  • Stavljanje ljudi pod virtuelni kućni pritvor prouzrokovalo je nebrojenu štetu i fizičkom i mentalnom zdravlju.
  • Stavljanje pacijenata na respirator umesto davanje kiseonika pacijentima pokazalo se smrtonosnom politikom i neopravdanim neuspehom. Respiracija je rezultirala mnogim nepotrebnim smrtnim slučajevima.
  • Slanje zaraženih ljudi iz bolnica u domove za starije i nemoćne osobe izložilo je nepotrebnom riziku i rezultiralo mnogim nepotrebnim smrtnim slučajevima.
  • Vladin izveštaj procenjuje da će oko dve stotine hiljada (200.000) ljudi umreti kao direktan rezultat karantina, a ne virusa. Zatvaranje bolnica, samoubistvo i siromaštvo rezultiraće većim brojem smrtnih slučajeva nego virus.
  • Lek je gori od bolesti!

Izvodi iz matične knjige umrlih

  • Većina ljudi koji su umrli imali su ozbiljne dodatne bolesti, poput Alchajmerove bolesti, karcinoma, kardiovaskularnih bolesti i dijabetesa.
  • Brojanje smrtnih slučajeva sa „pominjanjem“ covid-a kao uzrokom smrti predstavlja grubo i pogrešno predstavljanje činjenica i znatno je preterano preuveličalo broj umrlih.
  • Pravila za potpisivanje smrtnih listova izmenjena su samo zbog Covid Coronavirus 2020 Act.
  • Lekari čak ne moraju fizički da vide pacijenta da bi potpisali smrtovnice.
  • Zakonom je otklonjena potreba za potvrdnim lekarskim uverenjem za kremacije.
  • Obdukcije su praktično zabranjene, što nesumnjivo dovodi do pogrešne dijagnoze pravog uzroka smrti; a takođe smanjuje naše razumevanje same bolesti.
  • Još gore, osoblje domova za negu koje uglavnom nema medicinsku obuku može dati izjavu o uzroku smrti.
  • Covid je na smrtne listove stavljen samo zbog „sumnje“ da ljudi imaju covid. Ovo bi moglo biti nezakonito, jer je falsifikovanje umrlica krivično delo.
  • Smatra se da su ljudi koji umru u roku od 28 dana od pozitivnog PCR testa umrli od bolesti covid, čak i ako umru u automobilskoj nesreći ili od srčanog udara; očigledno zbog povećanja broja umrlih.

Ekonomska propast

  • Izveštaji sada procenjuju da će čak šest i po miliona (6.500.000) ljudi u Velikoj Britaniji izgubiti posao kao rezultat karantina
  • Dobro je poznato da siromaštvo direktno štetno utiče na zdravlje, možemo očekivati da mnogi ljudi pate od lošeg zdravlja i rezultiraće mnogim preranim smrtnim slučajevima, kao direktni rezultat karantina.


  • Vlada je postupila zlonamerno u cenzuri lekara, medicinskih sestara i osoblja NHS. Ljudi imaju pravo da čuju šta se događa u bolnicama, a medicinska struka je dužna da brine o javnosti i da je usmerava.
  • Doktori i naučnici sa stavovima koji se razlikuju od vladinog narativa sklanjani su sa interneta

Testiranje – lažno pozitivni

  • Tačnost PCR testova ne može se verifikovati jer ne postoji „zlatni standard“ na osnovu kojeg bi se mogli proveriti. 
  • PCR testovi skloni su lažno pozitivnim rezultatima.
  • Pozitivan PCR test ne znači da je pojedinac zaražen.
  • Zapravo je približno 90% PCR pozitivnih „slučajeva“ lažno pozitivno. Stoga nemamo drugi talas i pandemiju.
  • Vladin izveštaj procenjuje lažno pozitivnu stopu između 0,8 i 4,0% koristeći podatke o drugim virusnim infekcijama – a ne od Covid.
  • Fragmenti virusa mogu ostati u telima ljudi nekoliko nedelja nakon oporavka od infekcije.
  • Kriza se nikada neće završiti ako čekamo nula pozitivnih testova. Svi su verovatno imali prehladu uzrokovanu koronavirusom i verovatno će imati nekoliko fragmenata virusa koji se podudaraju sa virusima u vezi sa SARS-CoV-2.
  • Testiranje zdravih asimptomatskih pojedinaca je nesenzikalno, nenaučno i ogromno rasipanje novca. Dnevni program testiranja koje će izvršiti vlade koštaće 100 milijardi funti, otprilike dve trećine godišnjeg budžeta NHS.
  • Ispitivanje antitela nije zlatni standard jer mnogi ljudi imaju imunitet T-ćelija, a antitela možda neće cirkulisati nakon oporavka od infekcije.


  • HCK prema AAPS-u ima stopu izlečenja od devedeset procenata (90%) kada se daje rano i uz cink.
  • HCK je sigurniji od mnogih lekova koji se prodaju bez recepta, kao što je aspirin
  • HCK je licenciran više od šezdeset godina i milijarde ljudi širom sveta ga koriste bez posledica. Postoji vrlo mali rizik od aritmije koji se lako prati.
  • Zašto je HCK tada zabranjen? Može li biti da od ovog leka nema velike zarade?
  • HCK je korišćen sa velikim učinkom u izbijanju Sars1 2005. godine.
  • Ukratko, da je HCK dostupan, ne bi bilo pandemije!


  • Preventivne mere kao što su hidroksihlorokin ili vitamini D, C i cink trebalo je da budu preporučene javnosti
  • Rani tretman kalcifediolom (25-hidroksivitamin D) hospitalizovanim pacijentima sa COVID-19 značajno je smanjio prijem u intenzivnu negu.
  • Vitamin D smanjuje ozbiljnost Covid-a.
  • Dobrovoljna izolacija krhkih – ukoliko oni tako odluče; u kombinaciji sa preventivnim merama bila bi daleko bolja strategija. Ostatak društva je mogao i trebalo da nastavi da živi normalno.


  • Hitna vakcinacija očigledno nije u najvećem interesu javnosti
  • Oslobađanje proizvođača vakcina od svake odgovornosti takođe nije u najvećem interesu javnosti

Ko ima koristi?

  • Proizvođači vakcina će od toga stvoriti bilione, a farmaceutska industrija će stvoriti bilione na osnovu covid testiranja.
  • Premijer Boris Džonson najavio je da će testiranje koštati 100 milijardi funti, približno dve trećine godišnjeg budžeta NHS-a.
  • Sigurno bi ove ogromne sume bilo mnogo bolje potrošiti na lečenje svih zanemarenih pacijenata koji su bili namerno zapostavljeni tokom karantina i koji se sada suočavaju sa ogromnim listama čekanja.


Imamo efikasne i sigurne tretmane i preventivne lekove za covid, stoga nisu potrebna nikakva ograničenja karantini i slično. Pandemija je u osnovi gotova, što se može videti po stalnoj niskoj stopi smrtnosti i prijemu u bolnice tokom protekla četiri meseca.

Zahtevamo trenutni i trajni prestanak svih mera karantina. Oni ne spašavaju živote, zato ih nikada ranije nisu koristili. Građanske slobode i osnovne slobode su oduzete javnosti i to se više nikada ne sme ponoviti.

Preventivne mere kao što su hidroksihlorokin, vitamin C, vitamin D i cink moraju biti dostupne javnosti.

Izolacija mora biti dobrovoljna. Ljudi su savršeno sposobni da sami procene rizike i moraju slobodno da se bave svojim životom onako kako sami odluče. Ljudi moraju imati pravo izbora da li će se izolovati ili ne.

Isto tako, preduzeća moraju imati pravo da ostanu otvorena ako tako odluče.

Zahtevamo da lekarima, medicinskim sestrama, naučnicima i zdravstvenim radnicima mora biti dozvoljena sloboda govora i da nikada više ne budu cenzurisani.



World Doctors Alliance
Thu, 22 Oct 2020 06:37 UTC
We are an independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity.


We were told initially that the premise for lockdown was to 'flatten the curve' and therefore protect the NHS from being overwhelmed.

It is clear that at no point was the National Health Service (NHS) in any danger of being overwhelmed, and since May 2020 covid wards have been largely empty; and crucially the death toll from covid has remained extremely low.

We now have hundreds of thousands of so-called 'cases', 'infections' and 'positive tests' but hardly any sick people. Recall that four fifths (80%) of 'infections' are asymptomatic1 Covid wards have been by and large empty throughout June, July, August and September 2020. Most importantly covid deaths are at an all-time low. It is clear that these 'cases' are in fact not 'cases' but rather they are normal healthy people.

So-called asymptomatic cases have never in the history of respiratory disease been the driver for spread of infection. Rather it is symptomatic people who spread respiratory infections - not asymptomatic people.2

It is also abundantly clear that the 'pandemic' is basically over and has been since June 2020.3

We have very highly likely reached herd immunity and therefore have no need for a vaccine.

We have safe and very effective treatments and preventative treatments for covid, we therefore call for an immediate end to all lockdown measures, social distancing, mask wearing, testing of healthy individuals, track and trace, immunity passports, the vaccination program and so on.

There has been a catalogue of unscientific, non-sensical policies enacted which infringe our inalienable rights, such as - freedom of movement, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. These draconian totalitarian measures must never be repeated.

  • Covid has proved less deadly than previous influenza seasons - There were 50,100 flu deaths from December 2017 to March 2018 in England and Wales. There were 80,000 flu deaths in 1969. To date we have circa 42,000 covid related deaths in the UK.
  • We have never locked down society for a respiratory virus before.
  • The basis for lockdown was a mathematical model by Professor Neil Ferguson. His modelling which predicted half a million deaths in the UK has been roundly condemned as being not fit for purpose. His estimated death figures were clearly wrong by a factor of 10 or 12 times.1
  • Professor Ferguson's modelling was not even peer reviewed before being acted upon by several nations. Eminent epidemiologists such as Professor Gupta from Oxford University were ignored, they estimated the death count would be far lower in the UK.
  • Professor Ferguson has a long track record of woeful modelling he was entirely wrong about SARS, MERS, mad cow's disease (CJD), and swine flu. Why did the world listen to him again?2
  • Countries which did not lock down Sweden, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Belarus have all done significantly better than us in terms of percentage of population deaths. They also have herd immunity and intact economies.
  • Lockdown did not save lives, and this has been published in the Lancet '....in our analysis, full lockdowns and wide-spread COVID-19 testing were not associated with reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality.'3
  • The vast majority of deaths occurred in elderly and very elderly people
  • The vast majority of deaths occurred in people with pre-existing serious health issues such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes etc
  • Covid poses virtually zero risk to the under 45's who have more chance of being struck by lightning than dying from covid.
  • Covid poses a very small risk for healthy under 60 year olds who have a greater chance of accidental drowning than dying from covid.
  • The entire nation was essentially placed under house arrest. We have never isolated the healthy before.
  • Isolating the sick and those who are immunocompromised makes sense. Isolating the healthy has hampered the establishment of herd immunity and makes no sense.
  • To put it into perspective we had 115,000 smoking related deaths in the UK in 2015 compared to the 42,000 deaths from covid.
  • We usually have around 600,000 deaths every year in the UK, roughly 1600 deaths per day.
Collateral Damage - The Cure Is Worse Than The Virus
  • Placing the public under virtual house arrest has caused untold damage to both physical and mental health.1
  • Ventilating patients instead of oxygenating patients proved to be a deadly policy and an unwarranted failure. Ventilation resulted in many unnecessary deaths.2
  • Sending infected people from hospitals to care homes placed the elderly and frail under unnecessary risk and resulted in many unnecessary deaths.3
  • Blanket Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders were imposed on thousands of people without their consent nor the consent of their families - this is both unlawful and immoral and lead to unnecessary deaths in care homes.4
  • Hospitals became essentially 'covid only' centres vast numbers of patients were wilfully neglected, resulting in many thousands of unnecessary deaths.5
  • The government's own report estimates that some two hundred thousand (200,000) people will die as a direct result of lockdown - not the virus. Hospitals being closed, suicide and poverty will result in more deaths than the virus.6
  • The cure is worse than the disease!
Death Certificates1
  • The majority of people who died had significant comorbidities, such as Alzheimer's, cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
  • Counting death certificates with a 'mention' of covid as being a death caused by covid is a gross misrepresentation of the facts and has vastly over exaggerated the death toll.
  • The rules for the signing of death certificates have been changed solely for covid by the Coronavirus 2020 Act.
  • Doctors do not even need to have physically seen the patient in order to sign death certificates.
  • The Act has removed the need for a confirmatory medical certificate for cremations.
  • Autopsies have virtually been banned, no doubt leading to misdiagnosis of the true cause of deaths; and also reducing our understanding of the disease itself.
  • Worse still, care home staff who largely have no medical training are able to give a statement as to the cause of death.
  • Covid was put on death certificates merely on the 'suspicion' of people having covid. This may well be unlawful, since it is a crime to falsify death certificates.
  • People who die within 28 days of a positive PCR test are deemed to have died from covid, even if they die in a car crash or from a heart attack; clearly over inflating the death toll.2
Economic Ruin
  • Reports now estimate that as many as six and a half million (6,500,000) people in the UK will lose their jobs as a result of lockdown.1
  • It is well known that poverty directly adversely affects health, we can expect to see many people suffering with poor health and resulting in many premature deaths, as a direct result of lockdown.
  • Government have acted maliciously in censoring doctors, nurses and NHS staff. The people have the perfect right to hear what is going on in hospitals, and the medical profession have a duty to look after the public and to reassure them.1
  • The medical profession have not been allowed to let the public know that covid wards have been empty for months, nor that covid deaths have reached an all-time low for months, and this has unnecessarily added to the public's distress and anxiety.
  • Doctors and scientists with views that differ from the government narrative have had their videos and articles removed from the internet
Testing - False Positives
  • PCR tests cannot be verified for accuracy as there is no 'gold standard' against which to check them. The virus has not been purified.1
  • PCR tests cannot detect viral loads and are prone to false positives.2
  • A positive PCR test does not mean that an individual is infected nor infective.3
  • In fact approximately 90% of the PCR positive 'cases' are false positives. We therefore have no second wave and no pandemic.4,5
  • The government's report estimates a false positive rate of between 0.8 to 4.0 % using data from other viral infections - not from Covid.6
  • Viral fragments may remain in people's bodies for several weeks following recovery from infection.7
  • The crisis will never end if we are waiting for zero positive tests. Everyone has probably had a cold caused by a coronavirus and will likely have a few viral fragments matching those of the cousin SARS-CoV-2 virus.8
  • Testing healthy asymptomatic individuals is non-sensical, unscientific and a colossal waste of money. The governments moon shot daily testing program will cost £100 Billion roughly two thirds of the annual NHS budget.
  • Antibody testing is not the gold standard as many people have T-cell immunity, and antibodies may not circulate following recovery from infection.
  • The controversial drug Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has been unfairly smeared, by the WHO, CDC, NIH and the media.
  • However HCQ has very firm support from, amongst others: Professor Harvey Risch epidemiologist from Yale, The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), American Frontline Doctors, the Henry Ford Health System and Professor Didier Raoult microbiologist and infectious disease specialist - to name but a few.1
  • The Lancet was even forced to retract a study on HCQ after it was revealed by the Guardian newspaper that they had been completely fabricated and written by a sci-fi writer and a porn star. Even following this astounding revelation HCQ was still banned in most countries.2
  • HCQ according to AAPS has a ninety per cent (90%) cure rate when given early and alongside zinc.3
  • HCQ is safer than many over the counter drugs such as aspirin, Benadryl and Tylenol.
  • The AAPS also point out that there has never been a vaccine as safe as HCQ.4
  • HCQ has been licensed for over sixty years and has been safely used by billions of people worldwide. There is a very small risk of arrythmia which is easily monitored.
  • Why was HCQ banned then? Could it be that there are no huge profits to be made from this out-of-patent drug?
  • HCQ was used to great effect in the Sars1 outbreak of 2005.5
  • In short had HCQ been available then there would not have been a pandemic!
  • Preventative measures such as hydroxychloroquine or vitamins D, C and zinc should have been recommended for the public.1
  • Early calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin D) treatment to hospitalized COVID-19 patients significantly reduced intensive care unit admissions.2
  • Vit D reduces the severity of Covid.2,3
  • Voluntary isolation of the frail - should they so choose; in combination with preventative measures would have been a far better strategy. The rest of society could and should have continued as normal.
  • A rushed vaccine is clearly not in the public's best interest
  • Indemnifying vaccine manufacturers against all liability is also clearly not in the public's best interest
Conflicts Of Interest
  • Chief Scientific Officer Sir Patrick Vallance has £600,000 worth of shares in GSK Glaxo Smith Klein. He has in recent years sold £5 million of shares in GSK which he 'earned' whilst chief of GSK.1
  • Sir Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer UK, accepted over £30 million in funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation to study malaria vaccines.2
  • It has become clear that members of SAGE, Public Health England (PHE), World Health Organisation (WHO), Centre for Disease Control (CDC), National institute for Health (NIH) etc have many conflicts of interests. They all accept very large 'donations' from the pharmaceutical and vaccine industry. These conflicts of interests may well have effectively corrupted their integrity.3
  • It is also clear that governments are heavily lobbied by the pharmaceutical industry and the vaccine industry, again this may have compromised their integrity.4
Cui Bono? Who Benefits?
  • Vaccine manufacturers will make trillions from this, as will track and trace manufacturers, and the pharmaceutical industry stand to make trillions from covid testing.
  • Prime minister Boris Johnson announced the new 'moon shot' testing will cost £100 Billion, approximately two thirds of the annual NHS budget.
  • Surely these vast sums would be far better spent on treating all of the neglected patients who have been willfully neglected during lockdown and who now face huge waiting lists.

We have effective and safe treatments and preventative medications for covid, therefore there is no need for any lockdown restrictions and associated measures. The pandemic is essentially over as can be seen by the consistent low death rate and hospital admissions over the past four months.

We demand the immediate and permanent ceasing of all lockdown measures.

Lockdowns do not save lives, that is why they have never been used before. Civil liberties and fundamental freedoms have been unnecessarily removed from the public and this must never happen again.

Preventative measures such as Hydroxychloroquine, vitamin C, Vitamin D and zinc must be made readily available to the public.

Isolation must be voluntary. People are perfectly capable of making their own assessment of the risks and must be free to go about their lives as they so choose. People must have the right to choose whether to isolate or not.

Likewise, businesses must have the right to remain open if they so choose.

We demand that doctors, nurses, scientists and healthcare professionals must be permitted free speech and never be censored again.

Professor Mark Woolhouse epidemiologist and specialist in infectious diseases, Edinburgh University Member of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours, that advises the Government stated that:
'Lockdown was a monumental disaster on a global scale. The cure was worse than the disease.'

'I never want to see national lockdown again. It was always a temporary measure that simply delayed the stage of the epidemic we see now. It was never going to change anything fundamentally, however low we drove down the number of cases,'

'We absolutely should never return to a position where children cannot play or go to school.'

I believe the harm lockdown is doing to our education, health care access, and broader aspects of our economy and society will turn out to be at least as great as the harm done by Covid-19.'1
The World Doctors Alliance agree fully with Prof Woolhouse's assertions, he is right! We must never lockdown again!

NB the term 'Covid' has been used to represent Sars-CoV-2 and Covid-19.


  1. BMJ
  2. CNN and WBUR
  3. NHS
  1. Telegraph
  2. Times
  3. The Lancet
  1. BMJ
  2. Time
  3. Dr Malcolm Kendrick
  4. QNI
  5. BBC
  6. BBC
  1. Spectator
  2. Telegraph
  1. Independent
  1. Guardian
  1. BMJ
  2. Spectator
  3. CEBM
  4. Lockdown Sceptics and DOI
  5. ANH International
  6. Gov.UK
  7. Lancet
  8. Apps Online
  1. Newsweek
  2. Guardian
  3. Lancet
  4. Apps Online
  5. Apps Online
  6. NIH.GOV
  7. NIH.GOV
  1. BMJ
  2. DOI.ORG
  3. DOI.ORG
  1. Telegraph
  2. Telegraph
  3. Apps Online
  4. Statnews
  1. Express
  3. DR. R. ZAC COX, BDS