Bivši podpredsednik Pfizer dr. Michael Yeadon o cepivu za COVID-19: sem šokiran
Objavljeno Nov 21, 2020

Twitter 6.9. 2020 


Odgovor na posvetovanje o cepivu: Spoštovani gospod Hancock, diplomiral sem iz biokemije in toksikologije in sem doktor znanosti na področju farmakologije. 32 let sem delal v farmacevtskih raziskavah in razvoju, večinoma v zvezi z novimi zdravili za zdravljenje pljuč in kože. Bil sem podpredsednik Pfizerja in izvršni direktor biotehnološkega podjetja, ki sem ga ustanovil (Ziarco - prevzel ga je Novartis). Sem dobro seznanjen z raziskavami in razvojem novih zdravil.

Prebral sem posvetovalni dokument. Redko kdaj sem bil tako šokiran in razburjen. Vsa cepiva proti virusu SARS-COV-2 so po definiciji nova. Nobeno kandidatno cepivo ni bilo v razvoju več kot nekaj mesecev.

Če je kakršno koli takšno cepivo odobreno za uporabo v kakršnih koli okoliščinah, ki NISO IZRECNO eksperimentalne, menim, da so prejemniki zavedeni v kriminalni meri. To je zato, ker ni prav nobenih človeških prostovoljcev za cepivo, ki bi lahko imeli več kot nekaj mesecev varnostnih informacij o preteklih odmerkih.

Moja skrb se ne poraja zato, ker imam negativna stališča o cepivih (jih nimam). Pač pa gre za samo načelo, za katerega se zdi, da so se mu politiki pripravljeni odpovedati, da novi medicinski posegi - v tem nepopolnem stanju razvoja- ne smejo biti na voljo subjektom drugače, kakor samo na izrecno eksperimentalni osnovi. To je moja skrb.

Razlog za to zaskrbljenost je, da ni znano, kakšen bo varnostni profil, šest mesecev ali leto ali dlje po odmerjanju cepiva. O tem nimate dobesedno nobenih podatkov in tudi kdo drug ne, ustvarjate pa vtis, da jih imate. Številni kandidati za cepivo uporabljajo novo tehnologijo, ki prej ni bila uporabljena za izdelavo cepiv. Zato ni nobenih dolgoročnih podatkov o varnosti, ki bi jih lahko pokazali v podporo smiselnosti uporabe teh cepiv. Ne pravim, da se bodo nesprejemljivi škodljivi učinki pojavili po daljših intervalih po dmerjanju. Ne: gre za to, da ne veste, kaj se bo zgodilo, a boste kljub temu pospešili razvoj in se ob tej priložnosti odrekli manjkajočim varnostnim informacijam.

Sem sumničav glede motivov tistih, ki predlagajo pospešeno uporabo v širši človeški populaciji. Zdaj razumemo, kdo ima še posebej povišano tveganje za obolevnost in smrtnost zaradi pridobitve tega virusa. Samo prostovoljcem iz teh skupin je treba zagotoviti podrobne informacije o tveganju in koristih, vključno z edino točko, ki sem jo navedel tukaj. Samo če je dano soglasje na podlagi informacij, se lahko uporabi katerokoli EKSPERIMENTALNO cepivo.

Ne zaupam vam. V tej krizi niste bili neposredni in ste se obnašali grozljivo. To počnete še zdaj in zavajate o nevarnosti okužbe preko majhnih otrok. Zakaj bi vam verjel v zvezi s poskusnimi cepivi? Dr. Michael Yeadon


»Cepiva absolutno niso potrebna za končanje pandemije. Še nikoli nisem slišal, da bi se take neumnosti govorile o cepivih. Ne cepite ljudi, ki niso ogroženi zaradi bolezni. Prav tako se ne lotite načrtovanja cepljenja milijonov vitalnih in zdravih ljudi s cepivom, ki ni bilo temeljito preizkušeno na ljudeh. Prva napačna domneva SAGE (angleška inačica NIJZ) je, da je bilo „100% prebivalstva dovzetno za virus in da pred tem ni bilo že obstoječe imunosti.« Yeadon trdi, da je ta pojem "smešen, ker je SARS-CoV-2 resnično nov, koronavirusi pa ne. Ne obstaja "virus brez prednikov". Obstajajo vsaj "štirje endemični koronavirusi, ki povzročajo prehlad ... ki prosto krožijo v Veliki Britaniji in drugod." Tisti, ki so bili v preteklosti okuženi z „enim ali več od teh endemičnih koronarnih virusov, ki povzročajo prehlad, imajo dolgotrajno in močno imunost T-celic, ne samo na te viruse, ampak tudi na tesno povezane viruse. SARS-CoV-2 je en tak tesno povezan virus. " Dr. Yeadon je znova dal pod vprašaj strokovnost SAGE, saj je povedal: "Če ne pričakujemo takšne navskrižne imunosti ... to kaže pomanjkanje potrebnega razumevanja za izdelavo dovolj zanesljivega modela." Poleg tega dr. Yeadon trdi, da lahko test PCR, ki se uporablja za odkrivanje "primerov" COVID-19, pozitiven, če je nekdo okužen z enim od teh navadnih prehladnih koronavirusov, zaradi česar je ta test manj zanesljiv. Seveda je na podlagi končnih rezultatov teh testov več tisoč posameznikom ukazano, da omejijo svoje življenje in dajo v karanteno do 14 dni.

Na podlagi znanstvenih podatkov, dr. Yeadon ugotavlja, da je zaradi predhodne izpostavljenosti prehladnim koronavirusom »pomemben delež (30%) prebivalstva prišel v leto 2020, oborožen s T-celicami, ki so jih lahko branile pred SARS-CoV -2, čeprav tega virusa še nikoli niso srečali... SAGE se je naivno zmotil, če je mislil, da so vsi dovzetni za okužbo s SARS CoV-2.« Druga napačna predpostavka SAGE je, da se odstotek okužene populacije lahko določi z raziskovanjem, kolikšen del prebivalstva ima protitelesa. Zaradi te predpostavke SAGE meni, da je bilo do zdaj okuženih s SARS-CoV-2 manj kot 10% prebivalstva. Yeadon pa pojasnjuje, da je dobro znano, da ni nujno, da vsaka oseba, okužena z virusom dihal, proizvaja protitelesa. Medtem ko skoraj vsi tisti s pomembnimi simptomi, ki so bili sprejeti v bolnišnico, proizvajajo protitelesa, tisti z blažjim odzivom na virus ne proizvajajo protiteles. Kljub temu je bilo dokazano, da imajo vsi okuženi T-celice v krvi, ki se lahko odzovejo na SARS-CoV-2, in tako še vedno razvijajo imunost. Na podlagi dveh neodvisnih metod, ki prideta do istega splošnega zaključka, Yeadon dokazuje, da je dejanska stopnja okužbe od 20- 30%, zato je 7% ocena SAGE močno in nestrokovno podcenjena.

Vir:  https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/former-pfizer-vp-no-need-for-vaccines-the-pandemic-is-effectively-over





Angleško ministrstvo za zdravje (MHRA) ve, da bo nevarno cepivo za COVID-19 povzročilo veliko škodljivih stranskih učinkov, zato iščejo programsko opremo umetne inteligence, ki bi lahko spremljala vse pojave škodljivih posledic cepiva za COVID-19


Short description:

The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed.

»MHRA nujno išče programsko orodje z umetno inteligenco (AI) za obdelavo pričakovanega velikega števila neželenih učinkov zdravil proti cepivu Covid-19 (ADR) in za zagotovitev, da ne bodo izpuščene nobene podrobnosti iz besedila reakcije neželenih učinkov zdravil.«

Glede na ogromen obseg navedenega cilja, dajanja teh kemikalij (cepiv) na stotine milijonov ljudi, ko vemo, da je pri uporabi cepiv običajno nekaj hudih zapletov, so lahko negativni rezultati znatni. Na primer, ena študija cepiv proti gripi, ki so jo dajali odraslim, starejšim od 65 let, je pokazala, da je približno 1% ljudi imel resne neželene učinke. Če je cepivo COVID-19 podobno za posameznike v isti starostni skupini (54 milijonov prebivalcev), bi to samo v tej starostni skupini znašalo 540.000 posameznikov, ki bi morda zaradi cepiva za COVID-19 potrebovali zdravstveno oskrbo v bolnišničnem sistemu, ki zagotavlja manj kot 925.000 postelj.

Children’s Health Defense pa je poročal, da so imela klinična preskušanja cepiva Moderna 20 % stopnjo "resnih poškodb" v skupini z velikimi odmerki cepiva za COVID-19.


On December 1, 2020, the ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and the lung specialist and former head of the public health department Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed an application with the EMA, the European Medicine Agency responsible for EU-wide drug approval, for the immediate suspension of all SARS CoV 2 vaccine studies, in particular the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42).

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon demand that the studies – for the protection of the life and health of the volunteers – should not be continued until a study design is available that is suitable to address the significant safety concerns expressed by an increasing number of renowned scientists against the vaccine and the study design.

On the one hand, the petitioners demand that, due to the known lack of accuracy of the PCR test in a serious study, a so-called Sanger sequencing must be used. This is the only way to make reliable statements on the effectiveness of a vaccine against Covid-19. On the basis of the many different PCR tests of highly varying quality, neither the risk of disease nor a possible vaccine benefit can be determined with the necessary certainty, which is why testing the vaccine on humans is unethical per se.

Furthermore, they demand that it must be excluded, e.g. by means of animal experiments, that risks already known from previous studies, which partly originate from the nature of the corona viruses, can be realized. The concerns are directed in particular to the following points:

  • The formation of so-called “non-neutralizing antibodies” can lead to an exaggerated immune reaction, especially when the test person is confronted with the real, “wild” virus after vaccination. This so-called antibody-dependent amplification, ADE, has long been known from experiments with corona vaccines in cats, for example. In the course of these studies all cats that initially tolerated the vaccination well died after catching the wild virus.
  • The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.
  • The mRNA vaccines from BioNTech/Pfizer contain polyethylene glycol (PEG). 70% of people develop antibodies against this substance – this means that many people can develop allergic, potentially fatal reactions to the vaccination.
  • The much too short duration of the study does not allow a realistic estimation of the late effects. As in the narcolepsy cases after the swine flu vaccination, millions of healthy people would be exposed to an unacceptable risk if an emergency approval were to be granted and the possibility of observing the late effects of the vaccination were to follow. Nevertheless, BioNTech/Pfizer apparently submitted an application for emergency approval on December 1, 2020.






Boris Johnson: cepivo ne bo obvezno


Brez cepljenja ne bo potovanj:
Doroteja Novak Gosarič o cepljenju, Ministrstvo za zdravje
"Razmišljamo o aplikaciji, ki bo omogočala vsakemu, ki bo opravil cepljenje, da bo lahko dostopal preko spleta do svojih podatkov, si sam natisnil na svojem računalniku potrdilo o opravljenem cepljenju, kar bo zagotovo v veliko pomoč pri potovanju znotraj držav članic in seveda tudi izven." Doroteja Novak Gosarič, Odmevi, 26. 11. 2020
Dr. Lidija Gajski 
Yardley Yeadon
3.12. 2020 Twitter
...based on approx 60k Covid19 deaths, that’s 10 million people or 15% who’ve had it. They’re immune. It’s inadvisable to add a vaccine of unknown efficacy & unknown long-term safety to people who’ve already got natural immunity. Based on evidence from those infected by SARS in..2003, they still displayed vigorous T-cell responses to SARS, 17y later. They were also immune to SARS-COV-2.
We can minimise risks, get greater coverage of the most vulnerable & speed progress towards normalisation by NOT vaccinating those symptomatic & had a positive test?
Robert F. Kennedy, mlađi: NE PRISILNOM cijepljenju raznih ‘soros-vlada’ i ultra-bogatih profitera: Ne! Sin  državnog tužioca Sjedinjenih Američkih Država za vrijeme dok je predsjednik bio J. Kennedy: Cijepljenje protiv Covida potrebno je izbjeći pod svaku cijenu. Poruka koju je uputio Robert F. Kennedy, mlađi:Želio bih skrenuti vašu pozornost što prije na važne stvari povezane sa cijepljenjem protiv Covid-19 koje nam predstoji. Po prvi puta u povijesti cijepljenja, takozvana posljednja generacija mRNA cjepiva izravno utječe na genetski materijal bolesnjika i na taj način mijenja njegov individualni genetski materijal, što predstavlja genetsku manipulaciju, nešto što je već zabranjeno i od tada se smatra kriminalnim djelom. Tu je intervenciju moguće usporediti sa genetski manipuliranom hranom, čija je upotreba visoko kontroverzna. Čak iako mediji i političari trenutačno prikazuju problem trivijalnim i čak nerazborito zagovaraju novu vrstu cjepiva kako bi nam omogućilo povratak u normalno stanje, ovo je cijepljenje problematično s gledišta zdravlja, moralnosti i etike a isto tako s gledišta genetskog oštećenja koje, za razliku od oštećenja koja su uzrokovala prethodna cjepiva, će biti nepovratno i nepopravljivo..Dragi bolesnici, nakon što se cijepe jedinstvenim mRNA cjepivom, više se neće moći odnositi prema simptomima cjepiva na komplementarni način. Oni će morati živjeti s posljedicama, zato jer više neće moći biti izliječeni pukim otklanjanjem otrova iz ljudskog tijela, isto kao što osoba s genetskim poremećajem kao što su Down sindrom, Klinefelterov sindrom, Turnerov sindrom, genetski zastoj srca, hemofilija, cistična fibroza, Rettov sindrom i tome slično, zato jer je genetski poremećaj zauvijek!To jednostavno znači: ako se simtom cijepljenja razvije nakon mRNA cijepljenja, niti ja, niti bilo koji drugi terapeut, neće vam moći pomoći, zato jer će oštećenje uzrokovano cijepljenjem biti genetski nepovratno. Po mojem mišljenju, ova nova cjepiva predstavljaju krivično djelo protiv čovječanstva koje do sada u povijesti nikada nije bilo počinjeno u tako širokom opsegu. Kao što je dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, iskusni liječnik, rekao: “U stvari, ovo “cjepivo koje obećava” namijenjeno najširem broju ljudi trebalo bi biti ZABRANJENO, zato jer je to genetska manipulacija!”Cjepivo, koje je razvio i odobrio Anthony Fauci, a financirao ga je Bill Gates, koristi eksperimentalnu mRNA tehnologiju. Troje od 15 ljudi koji su pristali na pokusno cijepljenje kao pokusni kunići (20%) doživjelo je “ozbiljan štetan događaj”.Napomena: prenosnik RNA ili mRNA je ribonukleinska kiselina koja prenosi genetski kod DNA iz nukleusa stanice u ribosom u citoplazmi, što znači, onaj koji određuje poredak u kojem se amino kiseline proteina povezuju i djeluje kao kalup ili uzorak za sintezu tog proteina. Izvor:Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr. )Vaccine COVID = IRREVERSIBLE GENETIC DAMAGE – A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.POSTOJI LI CORONA VIRUS ILI NE?- POJAŠNJENJE:1. POSTOJI LI VIRUS?Da, kao i mnogi drugi virusi.2. POSTOJI LI LIJEK PROTIV NJEGA? Da, 

April 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer's former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field, spoke with LifeSiteNews. 

He addressed the “demonstrably false” propaganda from governments in response to COVID-19, including the “lie” of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for “vaccine passports,” and the strong possibility we are dealing with a “conspiracy” which could lead to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century.

His main points included:

  1. There is “no possibility” current variants of COVID-19 will escape immunity. It is “just a lie.”

  2. Yet, governments around the world are repeating this lie, indicating that we are witnessing not just “convergent opportunism,” but a “conspiracy.” Meanwhile media outlets and Big Tech platforms are committed to the same propaganda and the censorship of the truth.

  3. Pharmaceutical companies have already begun to develop unneeded “top-up” (“booster”) vaccines for the “variants.” The companies are planning to manufacture billions of vials, in addition to the current experimental COVID-19 “vaccine” campaign. 

  4. Regulatory agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency, have announced that since these “top-up” vaccines will be so similar to the prior injections which were approved for emergency use authorization, drug companies will not be required to “perform any clinical safety studies.”

  5. Thus, this virtually means that design and implementation of repeated and coerced mRNA vaccines “go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, [injecting] some superfluous genetic sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification.”

  6. Why are they doing this? Since no benign reason is apparent, the use of vaccine passports along with a “banking reset” could issue in a totalitarianism unlike the world has ever seen. Recalling the evil of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, “mass depopulation” remains a logical outcome.

  7. The fact that this at least could be true means everyone must “fight like crazy to make sure that system never forms.” 

Dr. Yeadon began identifying himself as merely a “boring guy” who went “to work for a big drug company … listening to the main national broadcast and reading the broad sheet newspapers.”

Continuing, he said: “But in the last year I have realized that my government and its advisers are lying in the faces of the British people about everything to do with this coronavirus. Absolutely everything. It’s a fallacy this idea of asymptomatic transmission and that you don’t have symptoms, but you are a source of a virus. That lockdowns work, that masks have a protective value obviously for you or someone else, and that variants are scary things and we even need to close international borders in case some of these nasty foreign variants get in. 

“Or, by the way, on top of the current list of gene-based vaccines that we have miraculously made, there will be some ‘top-up’ vaccines to cope with the immune escape variants. 

“Everything I have told you, every single one of those things is demonstrably false. But our entire national policy is based on these all being broadly right, but they are all wrong.”

‘Conspiracy’ and not just ‘convergent opportunism’

“But what I would like to do is talk about immune escape because I think that’s probably going to be the end game for this whole event, which I think is probably a conspiracy. Last year I thought it was what I called ‘convergent opportunism,’ that is a bunch of different stakeholder groups have managed to pounce on a world in chaos to push us in a particular direction. So it looked like it was kind of linked, but I was prepared to say it was just convergence.”

“I [now] think that’s naïve. There is no question in my mind that very significant powerbrokers around the world have either planned to take advantage of the next pandemic or created the pandemic. One of those two things is true because the reason it must be true is that dozens and dozens of governments are all saying the same lies and doing the same inefficacious things that demonstrably cost lives. 

“And they are talking the same sort of future script which is, ‘We don’t want you to move around because of these pesky varmints, these “variants”’— which I call ‘samiants’ by the way, because they are pretty much the same — but they’re all saying this and they are all saying ‘don’t worry, there will be “top-up” vaccines that will cope with the potential escapees.’ They’re all saying this when it is obviously nonsense.”

Possible end game: vaccine ‘passports’ tied to spending allowances, thorough control

“I think the end game is going to be, ‘everyone receives a vaccine’… Everyone on the planet is going to find themselves persuaded, cajoled, not quite mandated, hemmed-in to take a jab. 

“When they do that every single individual on the planet will have a name, or unique digital ID and a health status flag which will be ‘vaccinated,’ or not … and whoever possesses that, sort of single database, operable centrally, applicable everywhere to control, to provide as it were, a privilege, you can either cross this particular threshold or conduct this particular transaction or not depending on [what] the controllers of that one human population database decide. And I think that’s what this is all about because once you’ve got that, we become playthings and the world can be as the controllers of that database want it. 

“For example, you might find that after a banking reset that you can only spend through using an app that actually feeds off this [database], your ID, your name, [and] your health status flag.”

“And, yes, certainly crossing an international border is the most obvious use for these vaccine passports, as they are called, but I’ve heard talk of them already that they could be necessary for you to get into public spaces, enclosed public spaces. I expect that if they wanted to, you would not be able to leave your house in the future without the appropriate privilege on your app.

“But even if that’s not [the] true [intent of the vaccine campaign], it doesn’t matter, the fact that it could be true means everyone [reading] this should fight like crazy to make sure that [vaccine passport] system never forms.”

“[With such a system], here is an example of what they could make you do, and I think this is what they’re going to make [people] do.

“You could invent a story that is about a virus and its variations, its mutations over time. You could invent the story and make sure you embed it through the captive media, make sure that no one can counter it by censoring alternative sources, then people are now familiar with this idea that this virus mutates, which it does, and that it produces variants, which is true [as well], which could escape your immune system, and that’s a lie

“But, nevertheless, we’re going to tell you it’s true, and then when we tell you that it’s true and we say ‘but we’ve got the cure, here’s a top-up vaccine,’ you’ll get a message, based on this one global, this one ID system: ‘Bing!’ it will come up and say ‘Dr. Yeadon, time for your top-up vaccine. And, by the way,’ it will say ‘your existing immune privileges remain valid for four weeks. But if you don’t get your top-up vaccine in that time, you will unfortunately detrimentally be an “out person,” and you don’t want that, do you?’ So, that’s how it’ll work, and people will just walk up and they’ll get their top-up vaccine.”

Gov’t lies, Big Pharma moves forward, medicine regulators get out of the way, and possible ‘mass-depopulation’

“But I will take you through this, Patrick, because I am qualified to comment. I don’t know what Vanden Bossche is about. There was no possibility at all, based on all of the variants that are in the public domain, 4000 or so of them, none of them are going to escape immunity [i.e. become more dangerous].

“Nevertheless, politicians and health advisers (to loads of governments) are saying that they are. They’re lying. Well, why would you do that? 

“Here’s the other thing, in parallel, pharmaceutical companies have said, several of them, it will be quite easy for us to adjust our gene-based vaccines, and we can hasten them through development, and we can help you. 

“And here’s the real scary part, global medicines regulators like [the U.S. Food and Drug Administration] FDA, the Japanese medicines agency, the European Medicines Agency, have gotten together and announced … since top-up vaccines will be considered so similar to the ones that we have already approved for emergency use authorization, we are not going to require the drug companies to perform any clinical safety studies. 

“So, you’ve got on the one hand, governments and their advisers that are lying to you that variants are different enough from the current virus that, even if you’re immune from natural exposure or vaccination, you’re a risk and you need to come and get this top-up vaccine. So, I think neither of those are true. So why is the drug company making the top-up vaccines? And [with] the regulators having got out of the way — and if Yeadon is right, and I’m sure I am or I wouldn’t be telling you this — you go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, some superfluous genetic sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification

“And if you wanted to introduce a characteristic which could be harmful and could even be lethal, and you can even tune it to say ‘let’s put it in some gene that will cause liver injury over a nine-month period,’ or, cause your kidneys to fail but not until you encounter this kind of organism [that would be quite possible]. Biotechnology provides you with limitless ways, frankly, to injure or kill billions of people

“And since I can’t think of a benign explanation for any of the steps: variants, top-up vaccines, no regulatory studies… it’s not only that I cannot think of a benign explanation, the steps described, and the scenario described, and the necessary sort of resolution to this false problem is going to allow what I just described: unknown, and unnecessary gene sequences injected into the arms of potentially billions of people for no reason. 

“I’m very worried … that pathway will be used for mass depopulation, because I can’t think of any benign explanation.”



Dr. Yeadon: ne potrebujemo cepiva za COVID-19 https://www.facebook.com/100000563908456/videos/4228180297210725

First, though, the lies. It’s abundantly clear now that pretty much everything that the public has been told and continues to be told is between untrue and downright lies.

I offer as a shortlist that:

  • PCR mass testing reasonably reliably distinguishes infected and infectious people from others;

  • that masks reduce transmission of respiratory viruses; 

  • that transmission of infection in the absence of symptoms is an important contribution to epidemic spreading;

  • that lockdowns as executed reduce hospitalisation and deaths;

  • that no matter how small the remaining susceptible population and no matter that virtually no people who, if infected, might die remain unvaccinated, the position is perilous;

  • that no pharmaceutical treatments are available;

  • that variants are different enough to warrant border closures and require new vaccines;

  • that the gene-based vaccines are safe and effective;

  • that “vaccine passports” will increase safety while having no material impacts on freedom of choice in a liberal democracy.

It is impossible to believe that intelligent, well-connected and well-briefed senior advisers to governments don’t know that almost all, if not all, of the above are simply not true.



“Če se vam je vlada zlagala enkrat in ste o tem prepričani, zakaj menite, da vse ostalo ni laž? Izgubil sem znance, prijatelje in delo, ker opozarjam. Ne cepite se z cepivom, ki ni preizkušeno. To je poskus. Nihče ne ve, kaj se bo zgodilo. Krvni strdki so zadostno opozorilo. Ne nosite mask, ker nimajo smisla, niso zdrave. Ne tolerirajte lockdowna, ker lockdown še nikdar ni pomagal pri epidemiji. Okužbe so skoncentrirane na zdravstvene ustanove in v domovih za ostarele, zato noben lockdown nima smisla. Vlade vam lažejo.

Če se ne bomo prebudili zdaj, bo prepozno. Mi lahko to ustavimo, če začnemo zdaj. Lažejo vam, ta zgodba, ki jo pripovedujejo, je neresnična. In če lažejo, potem je zadaj nekaj drugega.

Človek, ki preboli okužbo, je imun vsaj desetletje. Novi sevi so propaganda in ustrahovanje – zato ne potrebujete nobenih novih in dodatnih cepiv, kajti telo prepozna sev in ga uspešno premaga. Lažejo vam. Lažejo vam skorumpirani znanstveniki, ki podpirajo vlade. Zbudite se, dokler še ni prepozno.”








Dr Yeadon - sep 2021: Cepiva za COVID-19 so nevarna in cepljenje otrok je umor:



Dr Yeadon: https://www.facebook.com/FreeZadar/videos/952491938668384


Dr. Yeadon:oktober 2021 :  https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=6119a5c55f9bed525db38b7f  

Rusko cepivo ni gensko cepivo in je verjetno najmanj škodljivo https://si.rbth.com/science/87087-podrobnosti-cepivo-covid-19
