BY GREATREJECT · 24/03/2021
V svetu narašča odpor proti COVID-19 ukrepom. Različni preiskovalci izvajajo preiskave v sodelovanju s pravniki in odvetniki. Sodišče Nuremberg 2021 je dejstvo, njegovo delovanje se pripravlja že več mesecev pod vodstvom nemškega odvetnika dr. Reiner Fuellmicha, ki je vložil skupinsko tožbo "class action". To je reprezentativna tožba ali skupinska tožba, oblika sodne pristojnosti, v kateri velika skupina ljudi skupaj uveljavlja tožbo pred sodiščem oz tožba, v kateri se preganja določena skupina obtožencev. In zdaj še dobra novica iz Norveške:
• Skupina raziskovalcev iz Norveške je vložila tožbo proti politiki koronskih ukrepov.
• Norveško vlado tožijo zaradi zločinov proti človeštvu.
• Poročilo o tem je bilo poslano policijski postaji Ålesund.
• Kopijo poročila so poslali Mednarodnemu kazenskemu sodišču (ICC) in jo nato objavili na internetu.
• V nadaljevanju lahko vidite norveško različico poročila, poslano policiji.
Policijsko poročilo 19/03 2021
Glavni pregled velja za vse, ki so navedeni v dokumentu z organizacijami, ki so neposredno odgovorne: Erna Solberg in Bent Høye.
Celotna vlada kot tudi Storting (vrhovni pravosodni sistem Norveške), Norveški inštitut za javno zdravje (FHI), Koalicija za inovacije pripravljenosti na epidemijo (CEPI), Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija (WHO), Odbor za nadzor globalne pripravljenosti (GPMB) in druge organizacije, povezane s tem, kot tudi soodgovorne strani, navedene v spodnjem obvestilu, z izjemo Nürnberga. Obvestilo se pošlje z istim besedilom tudi v Nürnberg in Haag. Kopije bodo poslane v javno branje in velikim organizacijam, vsem občinam, zdravnikom, zdravnikom za obvladovanje okužb, odvetniškim združenjem in organizacijam za človekove pravice. Razširjeno bo v vseh družbenih medijih in svetovnem tisku.
"Nisem mogel vedeti, ni bilo mogoče povedati, bilo je prepozno, ko smo uvideli..." ni opravičilo.
Spomnimo se, da se je na podlagi podobnih dokazov v več drugih državah začelo sojenje v Nürnbergu, novo sojenje pa je zdaj odobreno in deluje kot Nürnbergško sodišče. Prav tako opozarjamo, da so naslednji Nürnberški zakoni pomemben dodatek za tiste, ki so prejeli ta pregled.
Navedba "sem samo sledil navodilom" ni več veljavna. (smernice Nürnberga 1947)
Zato prejemnik tega pregleda ni zaščiten s svojimi nadrejenimi in dolžnostmi, tudi glede neodvisnega posredovanja in poročanja o svojem znanju. Zahtevamo povratne informacije čimprej po sprejemu pregleda.
- dokazljivo z lastnimi podatki oz. dokumenti Norveškega inštituta za javno zdravje
- sodelovanje v mednarodno načrtovani lažni pandemiji. (glej priložen dokument)
- kršitev mednarodnega prava in človekovih pravic
- kršitev opredelitve človekovih pravic Evropske komisije s prisilo
- kršitev nürnberških in haaških pravil o temeljnih človekovih pravicah
- kršitev norveške ustave v več točkah
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Spreminjanje definicije pandemije, da bi izzvali zaklepanje (Lockdown).
Stranska opomba: Vprašajte se, kam je odšla sezonska gripa? Ključna beseda je "sprememba šifre z drugim imenom bolezni", oz. drugačna registracija gripe.
COVID-19 v številkah: Glej zlasti poglavje 6–7 v priloženem dokumentu, kjer so prikazane in jasno dokazane številke. Pomembno je hitro zbiranje dokazov, saj je dokazano, da nenehno manipulirajo in spreminjajo lastno dokumentacijo.
Kršitev človekovih pravic:
Stranska opomba: obvezno cepljenje, obvezna zdravstvena vadba, delovanje policije in zloraba vojaške sile ter zloraba teh organov, nezakonito uporabljenih za lockdown. Načrti za prisilno uvedbo cepilnih potnih listov in cepljenje, medtem ko sta svoboda gibanja in zaposlovanja omejena s cepljenjem. Ali je potem cepljenje prostovoljno?
Izjave farmacevtske industrije v medijih so del tega pregleda in kršenja človekovih pravic. To je aktiven poskus diskriminacije, omejitve gibanja in svobode, do katere je upravičena vsaka oseba. To spet zaradi izvajanja lažne pandemije, pa tudi prisilnega cepljenja z nevarnim cepivom. Gre za medicinsko diktaturo?
Nacionalna kazniva dejanja -17. poglavje kazenskega zakonika
Naša vlada krši več členov v Kazenskem zakoniku (17. poglavje). Zaščita neodvisnosti Norveške in drugih temeljnih nacionalnih interesov ", z zavestnim ustvarjanjem lažne pandemije s posledicami za ljudi, duševno zdravje, zdravstveno varstvo, človekove pravice in ukinjanje suverenosti zaradi tuje oblasti kot končni cilj. (izdaja države).
Priložen dokument to dokazuje s težo dokazov in jasnostjo. Delujejo organizacije tujih oblasti, s podporo Združenih Narodov, Evropske unije in Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije v ozadju. Vlada, Norveški inštitut za javno zdravje (FHI) in Koalicija za inovacije pripravljenosti na epidemijo (CEPI) so celovito vključeni in dokazljivo seznanjeni s tem. Glej dokument v prilogi. Druge točke, ki niso navedene, morebitne druge kršitve mednarodnega prava, človekovih pravic, zabeležene z branjem dokumenta s strani policijskega odvetnika, je treba dodati kot obtožbe.
Stopnja resnosti po ogledu teh dokumentov in po mojem mnenju kaže, da so obtožbe na ravni Nürnberga in Vrhovnega sodišča. Policija in vojska morata takoj ukrepati in ustaviti dokazljivo sovražno izvajanje oblasti s strani teh ljudi, pa tudi Bergea. To ima velike posledice za suverenost, javno zdravje in uničenje gospodarstva države, na podlagi dokazane lažne pandemije in ukrepov zaklepanja. (glej glavni dokument)
Malo o dokazih:
Dokazi so trdni in izvirajo predvsem iz uradnih virov, kot sta Norveški inštitut za javno zdravje (FHI) in Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija (WHO), kar dokazuje načrtovano lažno pandemijo z lastnimi podatki o številu, pa tudi publikacijami na njihovi spletni strani. (Viri). Zaradi konteksta so dokazi na splošno trdni na podlagi njihovih lastnih virov in materialov. Hkrati to dokazuje njihovo vključenost in celovito načrtovanje poleg vseh zgoraj naštetih akterjev.
Poglavje 17 Kazenskega zakonika: Varstvo neodvisnosti Norveške in drugih temeljnih interesov narodnosti.
§111. Kršitev neodvisnosti in miru Norveške.
Z zaporom do 15 let se kaznuje uporaba sile, groženj ali drugih nezakonitih dejanj, ki pomenijo nevarnost za Norveško ali del Norveške:
(a) vključitev v drugo državo,
(b) da postane predmet vladavine tuje države,
(c) ali državo, s katero je Norveška zaveznica ali v bojnem zavezništvu, zaradi vojne ali sovražnosti,
(d) da ji bo nanešena znatna omejitev pravice do samoodločanja; ali
(e) odcepitev
§112. Resna kršitev neodvisnosti in miru Norveške
Resna kršitev neodvisnosti in miru Norveške se kaznuje z zaporom do 21 let. Pri odločanju, ali je kršitev resna, bo poseben poudarek na tem, ali
(a) ima posebej resne posledice za Norveško,
(b) je bila izvedena z organiziranim oboroženim ukrepom, izkoriščanjem strahu pred posredovanjem tuje države ali z grožnjo s tem,
(c) je storilec član vlade, Stortinga ali Vrhovnega sodišča ali pripada najvišjemu civilnemu ali vojaškemu vodstvu države,
d) dejanje je povzročilo izgubo ali nevarnost in izgubo življenja.
Omenjeno je v pregledu.
Opomba: posledice na duševno zdravje: samomor se je zgodil med lažno pandemijo in povzročitve zaklepanja (lockdowna).
§113. Kršitev norveške ustave.
Kdor z uporabo sile, groženj ali na kakšen drug nezakonit način ogroža norveško ustavo ali jo spremenja, je kaznovan z zaporom do 15 let.
§114. Resna kršitev norveške ustave
Resna kršitev norveške ustave se kaznuje z zaporom do 21 let. Pri odločanju, ali je kršitev resna, bo poseben poudarek na zadevah iz člena 112(a)-(d). Nazadnje, zaradi dokazane lažne pandemije, ki je pripeljala do samomorov in medicinskih smrti zaradi cepiva Astra Zeneca (krvni strdek). Nanaša se na nedavna medijska poročila.
Trdi se, da je bil prekršen naslednji odstavek. Vse navedeno je v pregledu dokumentov. Posamezniki in organizacije, kot tudi vodstvo organizacij, so prijavljeni po podrejenem pravnem paragrafu: Naklepni umor po členu 233, drugi odstavek - ima zaporno kazen 21 let.
Zaključni komentar:
Ko sem prejel ta dokument in zdaj z veliko resnejšo posodobitvijo, sem ga prebral in nimam druge izbire, kot da ga prenesem naprej in ga dam v pregled. Moja motivacija za poročanje je, da rešim življenja in zdravje najbolj prizadetih v tej zgodbi. (otroci) Predvidevam, da ker so vsi prestrašeni ali se bojijo ponižanja, takega pregleda ne bodo predložili drugi ljudje. Zato se počutim prisiljen na ta korak, kljub ogromnemu osebnemu tveganju, saj je dolžnost mene in drugih, da rešujemo življenja. Zato je predložen ta pregled. Spodbuda vsem na Norveškem. Prosimo, zagotovite neodvisno policijsko preiskavo na podlagi tega dokaza v poslanem dokumentu. Zdaj je to odgovornost vsakega, ki si upa tudi stopiti naprej in tudi sam predložiti tak pregled. To še posebej velja za vas uradnike. Dobro si predstavljajte, komu v resnici služite - ljudstvu! In kakšne bodo posledice zdaj za tiste, ki so vam blizu in dragi! Spreobrnite se pravočasno!
S spoštovanjem,
Kenneth Otterlei, 6260 Stette Skodje, Norway
OHIO tožba: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com/ohio-landmark-lawsuit/
Police Court Action Against Ontario Government Over COVID Measures Enforcement Duties
Wednesday 21st of April 2021
'Request for Investigation' of the UK Government and its advisers, for genocide, crimes against humanity and breaches of the Nuremberg Code, issued to the International Criminal Court at the Hague, on Tuesday 20th of April 2021.
On Tuesday 20th of April 2021 we, the undersigned, issued a 27 -page ‘Request for Investigation’ to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague, with a view to asking that our allegations of genocide, crimes against humanity and breaches of the Nuremberg Code, by the UK Government and its advisors, be accepted by the ICC and investigated.
We believe that we have provided compelling reasons as to why our Government and its advisers are guilty of the above charges. However, at this stage it is important to note that we are not required to provide all the evidence we have (which would run to several hundred pages) and are limited to a maximum of 30 pages, simply to make an outline case as part of our Request.
The ICC will review our ‘Request for Investigation’ and assess whether they believe there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation into a 'Situation', pursuant to the criteria established by the Rome Statute.
The ICC does not provide a timeline regarding acceptance, nor of course is there any guarantee that they will ultimately accept our 'Request for Investigation' due to a variety of reasons, including the fact that they are limited in their capacity to conduct investigations.
Updates will be provided as and when more information becomes available.
Melinda C. Mayne LPC LLM MBA GDL
New evidence, including a sworn affidavit from Prof. Luc A. Montagnier, has been submitted to the International Criminal Court alleging World Governments are complicit in genocide and crimes against humanity
New evidence, including sworn affidavits from leading experts such as Professor Luc A. Montagnier, has been submitted to the International Criminal Court by lawyers in several countries alleging Government’s across the world and their advisors are complicit in genocide, crimes against humanity and breaches of the Nuremberg Code.
Attorney Melinda C. Mayne, and Kaira S. McCallum submitted a 27-page ‘Request for Investigation’ to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague back in April 2021 alleging the UK Government and its advisors were complicit in crimes against humanity in the name of Covid-19.
On the 28th of April 2021, the pair received a formal acknowledgement from the ICC and were assigned a case number – ‘141/21’. Since then the pair have been gathering new evidence to use in their ICC claim and have established connections with lawyers and research scientists from around the world.
A new press release released on the 17th August, which can be viewed here, confirms that the pair have received sworn affidavits from leading experts including research scientist and nuclear cardiologist Dr Richard M. Fleming, the Nobel Laureate virologist Professor Luc A. Montagnier, and Dr Kevin W. McCairn, a neuroscientist and expert on neurological disease.
Professor Luc A Montagnier, who won a Nobel prize for his work on the HIV virus, claimed in April 2020 that he believed the novel coronavirus was created in a laboratory. Then in May 2021 the expert virologist stated that “Mass vaccinations are a scientific error as well as a medical error. It is an unacceptable mistake. The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants”.
A new claim has also been submitted to the ICC due to the vast amount of new evidence and information that has come to light in the past few months, and the lawyers say they now have compelling evidence that “the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ are deliberately engineered bioweapons that have been released in two phashes on unsuspecting peoples of the world”.
Attorney Melinda C. Mayne, and Kaira S. McCallum have also confirmed that they have now be joined by lawyers who have filed similar Requests for Investigation to the International Criminal Court, in France, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Because of this a letter was sent to the ICC on the 12th August 2021 requesting they all be allowed to submit a joint claim, whilst also submitting preliminary evidence for the allegations common to everyone across the world, and requesting the right to have claims specific to individual countries also investigated by the ICC.
One request specific to the United Kingdom is an examination of genocide of the elderly and vulnerable that took place in care homes and hospitals through the inappropriate use of midazolam and morphine. Another investigation specific to this issue has also now concluded and a private criminal prosecution will proceed against the UK Government, Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty and others if the team of lawyers and experts who have carried out the investigation do not receive satisfactory answers to the extensive questions that have been forwarded to the aforementioned in an open letter sent on the 17th August 2021.
Whilst in the joint claim between lawyers from several countries they have requested that there be an immediate suspension on the entire Covid-19 injection programme and an end to the testing of asymptomatic people.
The lawyers say that they now eagerly await the decision of the International Criminal Court as to whether they will allow a joint claim by several countries to be made and accept the Request for Investigation.
They have made it clear to the ICC that due to the escalating medical apartheid, the loss of basic freedoms and rights, and the ever-increasing, very high number of deaths and serious adverse events suffered by recipients of Covid-19 injections, that there is an urgent need for the Court to act swiftly and without further delay.
To that end the lawyers have requested a meeting at the Hague as soon as is practicable.
Whilst awaiting the response Attorney Melinda C. Mayne, and Kaira S. McCallum have confirmed they are in discussions with lawyers in other countries who have not yet filed their individual Requests to the ICC, but have indicated they wish to join them, and will issue an update as and when there is further news.
Umirovljeni britanski policajac Mark Sexton podnio je kaznenu prijavu za zloupotrebu i nesavjesno obavljanje javne dužnosti protiv Nadhima Zahawija, britanskog ministra za cjepni program protiv COVID-a, prilažući kao dokaz alarmantne podatke britanskog Sustava za prijavljivanje štetnih posljedica cjepiva (Yellow Card). 18. lipnja 2021. godine.
Italijanske medicinske sestre na sodišče proti obveznemu cepljenju
Rim, 3. julija - Okoli 300 italijanskih medicinskih sester je na sodišču sprožilo postopek za odpravo obveznega cepljenja proti covidu-19 za medicinsko osebje, poročajo tuje tiskovne agencije.
New evidence, including sworn affidavits from leading experts such as Professor Luc A. Montagnier, has been submitted to the International Criminal Court by lawyers in several countries alleging Government’s across the world and their advisors are complicit in genocide, crimes against humanity and breaches of the Nuremberg Code.
Attorney Melinda C. Mayne, and Kaira S. McCallum submitted a 27-page ‘Request for Investigation’ to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague back in April 2021 alleging the UK Government and its advisors were complicit in crimes against humanity in the name of Covid-19.
On the 28th of April 2021, the pair received a formal acknowledgement from the ICC and were assigned a case number – ‘141/21’. Since then the pair have been gathering new evidence to use in their ICC claim and have established connections with lawyers and research scientists from around the world.
A new press release released on the 17th August, which can be viewed here, confirms that the pair have received sworn affidavits from leading experts including research scientist and nuclear cardiologist Dr Richard M. Fleming, the Nobel Laureate virologist Professor Luc A. Montagnier, and Dr Kevin W. McCairn, a neuroscientist and expert on neurological disease.
Professor Luc A Montagnier, who won a Nobel prize for his work on the HIV virus, claimed in April 2020 that he believed the novel coronavirus was created in a laboratory. Then in May 2021 the expert virologist stated that “Mass vaccinations are a scientific error as well as a medical error. It is an unacceptable mistake. The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants”.
A new claim has also been submitted to the ICC due to the vast amount of new evidence and information that has come to light in the past few months, and the lawyers say they now have compelling evidence that “the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ are deliberately engineered bioweapons that have been released in two phashes on unsuspecting peoples of the world”.
Attorney Melinda C. Mayne, and Kaira S. McCallum have also confirmed that they have now be joined by lawyers who have filed similar Requests for Investigation to the International Criminal Court, in France, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Because of this a letter was sent to the ICC on the 12th August 2021 requesting they all be allowed to submit a joint claim, whilst also submitting preliminary evidence for the allegations common to everyone across the world, and requesting the right to have claims specific to individual countries also investigated by the ICC.
One request specific to the United Kingdom is an examination of genocide of the elderly and vulnerable that took place in care homes and hospitals through the inappropriate use of midazolam and morphine. Another investigation specific to this issue has also now concluded and a private criminal prosecution will proceed against the UK Government, Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty and others if the team of lawyers and experts who have carried out the investigation do not receive satisfactory answers to the extensive questions that have been forwarded to the aforementioned in an open letter sent on the 17th August 2021.
Whilst in the joint claim between lawyers from several countries they have requested that there be an immediate suspension on the entire Covid-19 injection programme and an end to the testing of asymptomatic people.
The lawyers say that they now eagerly await the decision of the International Criminal Court as to whether they will allow a joint claim by several countries to be made and accept the Request for Investigation.
They have made it clear to the ICC that due to the escalating medical apartheid, the loss of basic freedoms and rights, and the ever-increasing, very high number of deaths and serious adverse events suffered by recipients of Covid-19 injections, that there is an urgent need for the Court to act swiftly and without further delay.
To that end the lawyers have requested a meeting at the Hague as soon as is practicable.
Whilst awaiting the response Attorney Melinda C. Mayne, and Kaira S. McCallum have confirmed they are in discussions with lawyers in other countries who have not yet filed their individual Requests to the ICC, but have indicated they wish to join them, and will issue an update as and when there is further news.
Kanada: BC Supreme Court Lawsuit against Bonnie Henry and CV V Mandates and Restrictions Damages
Lawyer Rocco Galati files lawsuit against BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry to the BC Supreme Court
Ekipa iz Združenega kraljestva je pri Mednarodnem kazenskem sodišču vložila pritožbo zaradi zločinov proti človeštvu
May 13, 2021