Higher hospitalization among vaccinated
Skupaj so tako doslej potrdili 10.727 primerov različice alfa, 200 primerov različice delta, 48 primerov različice eta, 29 primerov različice beta, osem primerov različice gama.
Delta različica novega koronavirusa je najverjetneje že prevladujoča tudi pri nas, v kratkem pa bo sodeč po podatkih iz drugih držav v celoti povozila alfo, tako kot je alfa (britanska različica) povozila prvotno različico novega koronavirusa.
Delta je bistveno bolj kužna, zato se hitreje širi, poleg tega pa cepivo predstavlja slabšo zaščito pred okužbo, sploh če oseba ni polno cepljena.
Latest UK Data: Vaccinated People 3-Times More Likely To Die From Delta Variant Than Unvaccinated
by Kelen McBreen 25.6. 2021
A report published Friday by the UK government agency Public Health England reveals individuals who received a COVID-19 vaccine are more than three times more likely to die from the Delta variant than unvaccinated people.
A briefing titled, “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England,” examined all currently known varients of COVID-19.
Regarding the most dangerous variant, the Delta, the UK government admits vaccinated people are 3.25 times more likely to die than those who did not take the experimental shot.
Out of 117 total deaths occurring within 28 days of infection, 44 of them were unvaccinated individuals.
Charts show one of the deceased had received their first vaccine dose within 21 days of dying and 19 of them received one vaccine dose more than 21 days before passing away.
50 people who died from the Delta variant took both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
In total, 70 out of the 27,192 vaccinated individuals in the study died, which is a 0.26% mortality rate.
Meanwhile, 44 out of the 53,822 unvaccinated people in the paper died, resulting in a 0.08% mortality.
A Wall Street Journal article published Friday showing preliminary findings by Israeli health officials revealed more than half of adults infected in an outbreak of the Delta variant in Israel received the vaccine.
“About half of adults infected in an outbreak of the Delta variant of Covid-19 in Israel were fully inoculated with the Pfizer Inc. vaccine,” WSJ writes.
Using the UK government charts above for reference, one can infer Israeli adults infected with the Delta variant who received one dose of the COVID-19 shot would put the number over half.
So, once again, the Delta variant is more dangerous for vaccinated people.
Of course, mainstream media is ignoring this data and instead, they’re claiming the Delta variant is a threat to unvaccinated people and that COVID-19 vaccines protect against it.
Gordan Lauc o delta virusu :
V VB več ljudi umira od gripe kot od delta koronavirusa
Izrael, Sharon: večina prebivalstva je cepljena, a imajo 1400 novih primerov na dan, delta varinata: je pa manj hospitalizacij in ni povečanja smrtnosti za zdaj. Preučujejo možnost tretjega odmerka cepiva.
Nenad Bakič FB 2.8. 2021: Budući da pratim 199,5 zemalja, danas sam odlučio malo pogledati ove na 'I'. Usporedio sam 3 velika uspjeha (čvrsti lockdown i veliki obuhvat cijepljenja) s 'neuspješnom' Indijom, i Hrvatskom. Ovi uspješni trenutno imaju oko 10 puta veću epidemiju nego mi (Vidite zašto oštromjeraši ne vole 'grafikone')
0:02:54.1 Dr. McCullough: No, it looks like it doesn’t. We have a really breaking reports from Israel, where about 80% of the adult population over age 20 has received the Pfizer vaccine, and in fact, about 80% of those covid 19 cases, in fact are among the vaccinated individuals. Among those hospitalized in Israel it’s 60% have been fully vaccinated. The same thing is true in the United Kingdom, where they have about 75% vaccinated. In this case with an array of vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca, Oh, 40% of those hospitalized in the UK, in fact have been fully vaccinated. What’s going on is the delta variant, and this is one in a sequence of variance that really has arisen as a result of mass vaccination, now the Delta brand has undergone antigenic escape immune escape, if you will, and it’s avoiding the antibodies of the vaccine and causing covid 19 illness in individuals. Fortunately, it’s mild and it’s more easily treated. But the great fear is that the vaccinated will assume they are protected, when in fact, they’re not.
0:04:00.1 Del Bigtree: So you are one of these scientists, and there is a debate about this over this idea that Dr. Gert vanden Bossche really brought to the world, which is this pressure of a vaccine in the middle of a pandemic, giving a vaccine where the antibodies have… Are not robust enough, they haven’t mounted… You don’t have enough of the population that that vaccine has the potential to pressure the virus to escape, to immune escape, to develop qualities that get around the immune system, certainly get around whatever the antibodies are designed by the vaccination. Do you believe that is what we are seeing when they talk about the Delta variant? Because we hear mainstream news here in America saying It’s the unvaccinated that are causing variants like the Delta…
0:04:53.6 Dr. McCullough: Well, that was a paper published last fall by an author, van door that analyzed this and basically let us know there’s probably at least 125 different variants out there. We know that there’s over 1000 potential mutations, but the variants are largely restricted to changes, amino acid changes in the spike protein, and that’s where all the antigenic action is with respect to the vaccines, and then a critical analysis by Nisan and colleagues from the Mayo Clinic in Boston have shown when a population gets to be more than 25% vaccinated, that’s enough of an evolutionary pressure to allow one of these mutant forms to become the dominant strain. So vaccination is reducing the viral diversity and making a more compressed environment with fewer number of mutant strains and allows one to become more dominant.
0:05:40.8 Dr. McCullough: In the case of India, it was the use of the Sinovac vaccine that really prompted the emergence of the Delta variant, and now we’re seeing Sinovac again being the stimulus for the emergence of the Lambda variant out of Peru. So mass vaccination as opposed to targeted vaccination is in a sense, creating the problem of this immune escape of the virus…
0:06:01.6 Del Bigtree: Now, when a lay person, even myself, when I hear vaccine pressure, I get this idea that the vaccine hits a virus and that little virus sitting there like working out saying “I’m gonna beat you” and figures out a way around. But is it that or is it really more of the fact that so many people that take a vaccine have immunity to one strain or one variant, that the other variants always there, it just becomes more prominent because it’s not being stopped by anything, so… Is that a better description of what’s taking place?
0:06:36.0 Dr. McCullough: Yeah, I think it is. I’m an internist and cardiologist, and I’m also trained in epidemiology, and I think as a Professor of Medicine, I’ve basically done an entire year of dedicated covid research and work at this point in time, studying this very carefully, and that’s my understanding – as you articulated – that there is this array of strains out there, and then as each one… – patients can actually be infected with more than one stream at a time, but in a population… Our CDC keeps track of this, the original wild type strain, that the vaccines are coded to by the way, that’s extinct now, now we’re down to six strains, the emerging strain that’s dominant in the United States is the delta variant, which appears to be able to escape all the known vaccines right now, and then second now is the UK variant, which previously was responsive to our vaccines.
0:07:23.9 Del Bigtree: Now, is your opinion, because what I’ve been reading, many studies keep looking at the previously infected, those unvaccinated people that caught the wild virus. We keep seeing amazing numbers for them, studies showing that they’re maintaining their immunity. I think a study out of Israel said that there was only 1% or less than 1% that were being re-infected when nearly 50% of the vaccinated were the ones being in hospitals. Do you believe that the Delta variant is going to be an issue for people that were previously naturally infected by the coronavirus?
0:08:00.3 Dr. McCullough: Now, the Natural Immunity appears to be robust, complete and durable. And when there’s a really solid case of someone documented with infection, they have the characteristic signs of symptoms and they have a positive PCR and antigen test, that person has lifetime what we believe is lifetime durable immunity. There’s never been a second documented case in an individual where the first episode was substantiated. However, the confusion occurs when someone has not had a solid first case, but maybe has had antibody test turn positive and there there is a remote possibility of an infection, so they may have the ambient positive Antibodies to start with. An analysis by Merciu and colleagues, 650000 individuals across the 11 studies, looked at this idea of having a prior infection and not well-defined, and the answer was a 02% chance of infection. Unlike the vaccine where we know even in the spring in the United States, our CDC had a fully documented 10000 cases of vaccine failures by the end of May, so.
0:09:06.3 Dr. McCullough: We know the vaccines were even failing before the Delta variant moved in and the effect… The CDC gave up on this, and they started doing what’s called “asymmetric reporting”, meaning that they were not gonna count vaccine failures in the covid 19 rates, and that’s how their talking points were generated. Americans should know that the CDC by the end of May had announced symmetric reporting of covid 19. This is important to understand! That they were only gonna report covid 19 community cases in those that were unvaccinated, that they were no longer gonna track covid 19 in those who had received vaccination. And if they became aware, if the first test was obtained in the hospital and they were vaccinated, they were trying to link it up with vaccine databases, but otherwise the CDC is intentionally and willfully blind to breakthrough cases for covid 19 vaccination. So that’s what’s created the false and fraudulent talking point that 99% of American cases were unvaccinated. It’s not true, it’s probably roughly 50-50, and that’s what we’re seeing in practice. We have about half the cases are indeed vaccine failures.
0:10:15.9 Del Bigtree: That’s what I’m hearing from my friends in ER and obviously what we’re seeing in other nations around the world, especially Israel, where that’s probably the best test group to be looking at as a nation. So when I see doctors and scientists reporting on the news that the immunity given by the vaccine is better than the natural immunity, can I call that a lie? Is that officially a lie, when we hear that?
0:10:44.3 Dr. McCullough: It’s a false statement and it may be intended to somehow promote the vaccine. But the natural immunity is robust, complete and durable, as you know, it has a full biologic support where we can’t get the infection again and the vaccine is frankly failing. So the vaccine must be a far inferior to natural immunity.
0:11:03.7 Del Bigtree: So now let me ask you this, there’s a lot of people that are skeptical about that right into our show. And they’re saying, Do we really have antibody tests that are capable of delineating the Delta variant? Is this delta variant mythological in that they’re just claiming every infection now is Delta variant when we hear that it’s the dominant strain? What conscience is behind that? Can we trust that science that this is all Delta Variant? As you said, the original wild strain is now… Eradicated, is gone, it’s disappeared. How are they coming to the conclusion it’s the Delta variant and not the Lambda? Are these PCR-tests, which is most of what’s being used, are they accurate enough to determine what variant people are infected with?
0:11:49.4 Dr. McCullough: The variants are determined by genomic sequencing tests. So sequencing test is very different than PCR or antigen tests. They have to rely on sequences in the spike protein and the nucleoid capsule. The United Kingdom is doing a great job. They publish a variant of interest report, the last one was the 17th version on June 25th, where they had fully sequenced about a quarter million infections. And there we knew 90 million… I’m sorry, 250000 infections, and they had 900000 infections that were in fact the Delta variant there. They knew that 42% were fully vaccinated. So they’ve done a wonderful job in sequencing. The CDC does a select sample of sequencing as well, and that’s how we know. The report the last one we had, the CDC was the end of June, we’re down to about 6 variants. The alpha variant was still slightly dominant, I think at about 30%, and Delta was right behind it. We now have reports that Delta has emerged as the dominant strain in the United States.
0:12:49.3 Del Bigtree: But as you’ve said, it appears that it may be more infectious, but not more deadly or dangerous. Is that the correct statement?
0:13:01.5 Dr. McCullough: The Infectivity is determined from in vitro tests using a human cell culture to see if the virus can more effectively invade a human cell, it doesn’t apply to populations now where there are so many individuals who have natural immunity. So I don’t think from an epidemiologic perspective, this is more infectious at all, it’s not going very fast. In Israel, at the peak of their cases, they had 10000 cases a day, they have a thousand cases per day now, it’s mainly Delta. And I’ve told America I’ve been on national TV several times, we’re gonna get a small rise in Delta, but it’s not gonna be anything like what we saw in December. So it doesn’t have… The herd immunity is gonna buffer that Infectivity. It does have a lower mortality rate, that we’re seeing out of the UK. The UK before had a mortality rate of the alpha strain at 1.8% and the Delta at a case fatality rate of 0.2% of the cases that came to attention. But mortality is so highly amenable to early treatment, it’s really hard to report on that. In Delta cases who get early treatment with multi-drug approach, the mortality should be negligible.
0:14:08.5 Del Bigtree: Do you share the concern that was put out by Dr. Geert vanden-Bossche and others, that if we keep pressuring this virus, we’re gonna create an unnatural evolution where the virus tends to want to evolve to become less deadly, it’ll kill its host, I’ll wipe itself out, but under a largely vaccinated community, a virus can live. It can start to have immune escape and we could end up creating a virus that is more deadly. That is maybe vaccine-resistant and more deadly. Do you share any of Dr. Vanden-Bossche’s concerns, or do you think what we’re watching is natural, and this is all gonna sort of just work itself out?
0:14:52.5 Dr. McCullough: Now, the analysis that I mentioned from Nisan and colleagues does suggest the vaccines… Vaccination is influencing the natural ecological biology of the virus. So we’re getting fewer strains, strains that are becoming more dominant as they try to escape the immunity of the vaccine, but so far they’re progressively less virulent, and we haven’t seen this disaster scenario that was passed by some immunologist to suggest we may breed just a monster virus that’s gonna wipe us out. But we are getting signals since the current sets of vaccines don’t work anymore, and we’re starting in a sense to play with mother nature and the overall compression of the diversity of viruses, we’re getting some signals here that we probably should shut down the vaccine program and go ahead and close out the pandemic with early treatment.
0:15:50.0 Del Bigtree: Obviously, you’ve done a lot of discussions about treatment. When I was talking to an ER Doctor, my friend just earlier today, we were talking about that, that we’re seeing this surge, or he’s saying it feels like there’s a surge and it’s in both vaccinated and unvaccinated. Is there a surge? There’s a lot of discussion right now. I’ve heard numbers as high as 70%, higher hospitalization rates in some states across America than we were at last week. As though we could end up in a situation, California just said, everybody put your masks back on, vaccinated or unvaccinated, everybody’s putting their masks back on. There’s a concern, I think amongst those people that finally are feeling free, are out breathing the air. A summer was robbed from us last year, we’re enjoying this one. There’s a concern, we’re gonna go back into these measures of lockdowns and masks because the news really seems big on this surge is happening. Is there a surge? How concerned should we be about it?
0:16:58.2 Dr. McCullough: Well, we have a very low baseline, so any increase from a low baseline will look like a percentage, like a big number in percentage. We are having arise, this was anticipated. It’s happening in the UK, it’s happening in many places around the world. Is happening in Japan right now, but it’s not at the level of a surge where we need to become bad already. In my view, there’s no public health impetus to start wearing masks or going into lockdown. We do need to make… The monoclonal antibody is available, we need to have a lot of messaging on that. We need to have a lot of message on early treatment, protect the high risk seniors, especially because the vaccines are failing. And all these people have gotten the vaccine instead of being protected, now, they’re actually susceptible to the Delta variant.
0:17:44.6 Del Bigtree: When I was talking to my friend, I said, “How bad is the surge?” He says it’s just like a regular flu, it’s not anything more. I said, Yeah, but we’re in the middle of the summer in July. Is it like flu in July? And he said, No, that’s a good point. That is weird, that we are seeing a surge of respiratory virus in the middle of the summer… How would you explain that? That is something I don’t remember in my lifetime, any form of a flue or Coronavirus having any sort of action, especially a surge in the middle of the summer. Have we unnaturally created that? Or what would be the explanation?
0:18:20.2 Dr. McCullough: I Think the most ready explanation – and Geert vanden Bossche did predict this, and that’s carriage. Now, it’s possible that mass vaccination has now allowed those who have been vaccinated to carry the virus and then transmit it to others and hit a susceptible person who can express symptoms. If that’s the case, we may actually have a lot more Delta around and the vaccinated are simply carrying it to one another. You heard about a bunch of law makers who got on an airplane and they were ostensibly well, and when they got off the plane, a couple of people developed covid 19 afterwards. There was a naval shipping vessel that had 3700 sailors on, all vaccinated, ostensibly all fine… And then 100 cases developed over the next few weeks. It brings up the issue of carriage. And this is a little bit disturbing, ’cause if that’s the case, now we’re just gonna carry this virus into summer season and everything else, as opposed to going through some natural oscillation. So I’m a bit concerned about these events that have been reported in the last few weeks.
0:19:24.2 Del Bigtree: We were sold on “the vaccination is our only way forward”. You’ve been an outspoken person on the idea that it was never just vaccinations, that there have been treatments: Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Budesonide these are all products that have been through some pretty extensive studies now, showing that they have varying degrees of effectiveness, certainly more effective than what we’re seeing from the vaccination. What is our way forward? And are you, in your speaking out the way you have, are you seeing the hospital systems in America listening and starting to use more of these treatments, or is there still this very strange resistance by hospital groups to actually treat the people with things that seem to be working around the world?
0:20:11.3 Dr. McCullough: I think there’s more and more American doctors certainly are joining the circles of early treatment, particularly primary care doctors, independent doctors. There are now national and regional telemedicine services treating doctors. The word is out, America knows that this is a treatable illness, and they’re seeking treatments through a variety of sources, more and more doctors are coming online. The hospital doctors are much slower and they’re still stuck trying to give Remdesivir and other things that really don’t work in the hospital, and they’re too late. So we need more to jump on board with early treatment, it’s supported by the “Association of American Physicians and Surgeons”, another leading group called the “Frontline Critical Care [Alliance]”. These are really leading groups now for early treatment, and the drugs have been flowing in the United States now for a month. Basically millions of Americans and avoided hospitalization and death with the use of early treatment. No single drug works alone, but they certainly work well in combinations.
0:21:07.5 Del Bigtree: When we look at these numbers that are touted in the news, over 600000 killed by SARS COV 2, which makes it arguably one of the most deadly pathogens ever to sweep America. Do you trust those number? How do you as a physician, someone that has, I believe, always been pro vaccine, you’re a part of working in the system, you believe in medicine. Do you believe those numbers? Are we really seeing the death of over 600000 people from this virus?
0:21:42.3 Dr. McCullough: The CDC acknowledges itself on its web pages that 90% of individuals have significant contributing illnesses to the death. About 10% looks like it’s Covid 19 alone. In pediatrics, I think, we’re almost down… Dr. Macri from Hopkins has an analysis that was presented this week suggesting maybe we’re down to one child in the United States died of Covid-19 itself, all the other children had contributing diseases like leukemia, cystic fibrosis, etc. I’ve never seen a viral illness like this, I’ve treated far more than 100 patients, I’ve advised on many hundreds if not thousands of individuals. There’s viral replication, cytokine storm and thrombosis. It appears to be a really difficult illness to treat late, and it seems so easy to treat early.
0:22:31.8 So my best advice is age over 50, multiple medical problems: Treat early and we can avoid death, whatever it’s cause attribution.
0:22:38.0 Del Bigtree: The President of the United States. Jen Psaki, [they] have made statements this week, pretty strong statements, that people that speak against the effectiveness, like we’re doing of this vaccine right now, speak against the safety, to say anything that is not safe and effective that they’re essentially… We’re killing people. I think Biden may have backed it off at one point, he said Facebook allowing this information to be shared are murderers. That is very, very strong language from the president of a free country, this administration, not to get political about it, but this is the nation we live in… And we are seeing at the same time, this rhetoric is coming out discussions of door-to-door censors based on your vaccination status, it’s clear when we look at the door knickers, they’re gonna be taking information… Have you been back in NATO? Have you not… Dr. Tony Fauci has said he supports mandates in businesses and universities pushing this vaccine, which you and I now clearly are discussing is not doing the job. So why would we push it…
0:23:46.2 Del Bigtree: You wanna wind it down, they seem to wanna go further. How do you see this coming to a head between really two different medical or science perspectives and the most powerful position in the world and the President of the United States…
0:24:02.7 Dr. McCullough: Well, here we are, Dell, We are right at 50% of Americans don’t want the vaccine, 50% of Americans have not been fully vaccinated, the vaccine centers have started decline mid-April, they’ve been empty in May and June, and now into July, there are inducements, and bribes, and lotteries, and mandates. It’s pretty clear, Americans don’t want the vaccine. The word is out, they understand it’s not working. They see their relatives getting sick after vaccination, they’re seeing record numbers of vaccine related fatalities and injuries, and so this is gonna be just an unbelievably tense struggle between, well, of the people and those who really wanna force the vaccine on the population, on the remainder of the population, when the vaccine is not effective and it’s not safe.
0:24:56.2 Del Bigtree: What… Just to wrap it up, because I get asked this all the time, What am I supposed to do as a citizen? So many people call in: “my employer is forcing it”. We just don’t know what we do in this situation, and we wanna believe in our country, but we can tell that our leadership is – You’ve just pointed out. It’s clear to anyone looking at it – is wrong on a very, very important topic. Some of us feel disempowered at this time. What is your recommendation to people, someone’s gonna come up to the door and knock, ask them their status, they’re gonna be moving into a space that doesn’t look like the United States of America, as we know it. Lists are being made. What do you want… What do you think is the message we need to put out to American citizens, especially on how we move forward and get through this very… As you said it, I think it’s gonna be a very complicated time?
0:25:50.3 Dr. McCullough: I think Americans are gonna really need to make their voice known through the phone and through messaging of their leaders. So many Americans I talk to, I get these desperate emails and messages too, Del, and they say: “Dr. McCullough, can you help me with a mandate or what have you?”… And I said, Well, Have you messaged your company? Or have you messaged how you feel to your university? And the answer is “No, I haven’t, I’m afraid” ____ that personal fear, the fear of reprisal and actually make their voices known to the people we are talking about… They haven’t gotten enough resistance, they haven’t gotten enough negative feedback, they actually think they’re doing the right thing by mass vaccinating the population. And they need to hear the voices of Americans, about half of us, basically say, Listen, we need to stop…
0:26:31.1 Del Bigtree: I agree with you. It’s time for people to speak their truth. To stand in their truth, be bold in their truth and make it difficult… Right, I’m not talking about doing anyone any harm, but stand! It’s time to resist things that are not American, and rights that are truly ours, given to us by God. If we don’t stand for it, stand up for it, nobody will. Dr. McCulloughll, I know you’re racing off, you’re a very busy man, and we really appreciate your knowledge and you’re taking the time. And most especially, I wanna thank you for really putting it on the line, so many doctors and scientists been afraid to speak out. Many of them speak to me privately, the more of you that step forward and speak the way you have in media, I think you’re really making a difference, and your changing the world. It’s an honor to know you. I hope you go down in history and it shines brightly upon you as we make our way through this…
0:27:25.6 Dr. McCullough: Thank you. Del, same to you!
Scientist: ‘What We’re Seeing Is Virus Evolution 101’ — Delta Variant More Transmissible, Not More Deadly
As COVID — especially the Delta variant — surges among the fully vaccinated, Brian Hooker, Ph.D., said the more the variant deviates from the original sequence used for the vaccine, the less effective the vaccine will be on that variant.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on July 27, issued an update on breakthrough infections, stating they “happen in only a small proportion of people who are fully vaccinated, even with the Delta variant.”
The CDC’s statement, however, stands in contrast to what the director of Israel’s Public Health Services told viewers of the CBS program “Face the Nation” on Sunday — that 50% of new infections reported in Israel are from fully vaccinated people.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical advisor to President Biden, and Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, director of Israel’s Public Health Services, were interviewed during the program.
Israel and the U.S. began administering COVID vaccines in December 2020.
During the interview, Fauci adhered to the CDC’s position — that breakthrough infections are happening only in a small proportion of fully vaccinated people — while Alroy-Preis said Israel is seeing breakthrough infections occurring in 50% of those who test positive for COVID.
Despite mounting evidence COVID vaccine protection is waning over time, Fauci told “Face the Nation”:
“…the predominant message is that if you are vaccinated and you get a breakthrough infection … you’re much, much more protected against getting infected than an unvaccinated [person] who is completely vulnerable.”
A breakthrough case refers to a person who is diagnosed with COVID after being fully vaccinated. A person is considered fully vaccinated 14 days after receiving the second dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccine, or two weeks after receiving the single-dose Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine.
4,115 Fully Vaccinated Have Been Hospitalized or Died With Breakthrough COVID Infections, CDC Says
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 3,907 hospitalizations and 750 deaths in people fully vaccinated against COVID with an FDA-authorized vaccine as of June 21.
The CDC’s latest breakthrough numbers, as of July 25, show 6,587 fully vaccinated people with COVID breakthrough cases. Of those, 6,239 people were hospitalized and 1,263 people died.
In May, the CDC revised its guidance for reporting breakthrough cases, stating it would count only those cases that result in hospitalization or death. Previously, the agency had included in its breakthrough count anyone who tested positive for COVID.
According to the CDC, the surveillance system for breakthrough cases is passive and relies on voluntary reporting from state health departments, which may not be complete.
In addition, some breakthrough cases will not be identified due to lack of testing. This is particularly true in instances of asymptomatic or mild illness, the CDC said.
NBC News investigated breakthrough cases not reported by CDC
NBC News contacted health agencies in 50 states and the District of Columbia to collect information on breakthrough cases, citing a lack of comprehensive data available from the CDC.
Data collected from 38 states showed more than 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans tested positive for COVID, and 1,400 died.
This conflicts with the CDC’s data published July 26. Research by NBC News indicates the number who have been hospitalized or died passed 7,300 in just 30 states providing data.
The total number of breakthrough cases is likely higher than 125,683, as nine states, including Pennsylvania and Missouri, did not provide information, while 11 states did not provide death and hospitalization totals. Four states gave death and hospitalization numbers, but not total cases.
In addition, vaccinated adults who had breakthrough cases but showed no symptoms could be missing from the data altogether, officials told NBC.
For states like Utah, where full data was published, breakthrough cases accelerated in the past two months. As of June 2, just 27 (8%) of 312 new cases in the state were breakthrough cases. As of July 26, there were 519 new cases and almost 94 cases (20%) were breakthroughs, according to state data.
In Virginia, total breakthrough cases resulting in death from COVID increased from 17 in mid-July to 42 on July 30.
In Oklahoma, breakthrough cases are up by 67%, with incidents of breakthrough greater with J&J’s vaccine than with Moderna.
Delta variant more transmissible, but not more pathogenic than original strain
World Health Organization (WHO) officials said they are still trying to understand why the Delta variant is more transmissible than the original COVID virus strain.
“There are certain mutations in the Delta variant that, for example, allow the virus to adhere to a cell more easily,” said Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’S technical lead on COVID, at a press briefing July 30. “There are some laboratory studies that suggest that there’s increased replication in some of the modeled human airway systems.”
The CDC warned lawmakers July 29 of new research indicating the Delta strain is more contagious than chickenpox. It also appears to have a longer transmission window than the original COVID strain, and may make older people sicker, even if they’ve been fully vaccinated, CNBC reported.
Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., Children’s Health Defense chief scientific officer and professor of biology at Simpson University, said while the Delta variant is likely more transmissible, it’s also likely less pathogenic. “What we’re seeing is virus evolution 101,” Hooker said.
Hooker explained:
“Viruses like to survive, so killing the host (i.e. the human who is infected) defeats the purpose because killing the host kills the virus, too.
“For this reason, new variants of viruses that circulate widely through the population tend to become more transmissive but less pathogenic. In other words, they will spread more easily from person to person, but they will cause less damage to the host.”
Hooker said the more the variant deviates from the original sequence used for the vaccine, the less effective the vaccine will be on that variant, which could explain why fully vaccinated people are getting infected with the Delta variant. But this isn’t the case for natural immunity, he explained.
Hooker said:
“The vaccine focuses on the spike protein, whereas natural immunity focuses on the entire virus. Natural immunity — with a more diverse array of antibodies and T-cell receptors — will provide better protection overall as it has more targets in which to attack the virus, whereas vaccine-derived immunity only focuses on one portion of the virus, in this case, the spike protein. Once that portion of the virus has mutated sufficiently, the vaccine no longer is effective.”
As The Defender reported Monday, vaccinated people may play a key role in aiding the evolution of COVID variants.
Vaccinated People May Play Key Role in Aiding Evolution of More Dangerous COVID Variants, Study Says
According to research published last week in Scientific Reports, the highest risk for establishing a vaccine-resistant virus strain occurs when a large fraction of the population has already been vaccinated but the transmission is not controlled.
According to research published last week in Scientific Reports, the highest risk for establishing a vaccine-resistant virus strain occurs when a large fraction of the population has already been vaccinated but the transmission is not controlled.
The data was consistent with a study released July 30, by the CDC which showed vaccinated people may transmit the Delta variant — now responsible for 80% of COVID cases in the U.S. — just as easily as the unvaccinated.
The team of scientists who published the data in Scientific Reports said their findings follow what’s known as selective pressure — the force that drives any organism to evolve.
“Generally, the more people infected, the more the chances for vaccine resistance to emerge,” said Fyodor Kondrashov of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
“So the more Delta is infectious, the more reason for concern,” Kondrashov said. “By having a situation where you vaccinate everybody, a vaccine-resistant mutant actually gains a selective advantage.”
U.S. senator and Kentucky state senator test positive for COVID despite being fully vaccinated
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Monday he tested positive for COVID despite being fully vaccinated, The Hill reported.
Graham said:
“I started having flu-like symptoms Saturday night and went to the doctor this morning. I feel like I have a sinus infection and at present time I have mild symptoms. I will be quarantining for 10 days.”
Graham’s announcement came amid growing public concern of breakthrough cases.
Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) warned reporters against sensationalizing the news about Graham, as it would “probably discourage some people at least from getting the vaccine.”
Blunt has been talking to CDC officials about how to make sure reports of fully vaccinated people getting COVID aren’t overshadowed by the fact that it is less likely to result in a severe case.
Kentucky Sen. Alice Forgy Kerr also tested positive for COVID despite being fully vaccinated, she announced on Facebook Monday night.
Forgy Kerr said in the post three other family members who were also fully vaccinated tested positive in the last three weeks as well, The Enquirer reported.
“Please be careful out there,” she wrote. “This Delta variant is a ‘new ballgame’ apparently.”
At least 233 staffers at two major hospitals test positive for COVID, majority vaccinated
At least 233 staffers at two major San Francisco hospitals tested positive for COVID — the majority of whom were fully vaccinated and became infected with the Delta variant.
Between 75% and 80% of the more than 50 staff members infected with COVID at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital were fully vaccinated, Dr. Lukejohn Day, the hospital’s chief medical officer, told The New York Times Saturday.
The University of California, San Francisco Medical Center said in a statement Friday, 153 of its 183 infected staff members had been fully vaccinated. Some of the cases were asymptomatic, but most involved mild to moderate symptoms with two requiring hospitalization, officials said.
Day said the number of staff infections reported in July is almost as many as during the peak of the winter surge. Despite the majority of staffers infected having been vaccinated, Day said without vaccinations the hospitalization rate would be much worse.
Yankee starting pitcher latest player to get COVID
The Yankees’ top starting pitcher tested positive for the virus and will miss his next game, Manager Aaron Boone announced Monday.
“Gerrit will not be pitching tomorrow,” Boone said. “He’s actually tested positive for COVID.”
Twice this season the Yankees have had outbreaks among fully vaccinated members that involved several players or staff, but Monday’s news was limited to Cole.
Boone did not say whether Cole is vaccinated or not. The majority of COVID cases among Yankees players and staff this season have occurred in those who were fully vaccinated, The Times reported.
Delta Infections Threaten Herd Immunity Vaccine Strategy
“If the vaccinated can become infected and, we believe from other studies, potentially spread COVID, then herd immunity becomes more mirage than oasis,” said Andrew Noymer, an epidemiologist at the University of California at Irvine
Epidemiologists are adjusting their expectations for the future course of the pandemic after data from a recent outbreak in Massachusetts in the U.S. suggest that while vaccination remains highly protective against the worst consequences of infection, it may not be sufficient on its own to stop the spread of the delta variant.
Testing conducted among Massachusetts residents during an outbreak in Provincetown, a popular weekend getaway spot, from July 3 to 17 found that 75% of those infected were fully vaccinated, in a state where 69% of adults were fully vaccinated.
Among the vaccinated with breakthrough infections, the difficulty of detecting virus in the nasal passages, known as the cycle threshold value, was almost identical to that seen in the unvaccinated. This finding suggests that both groups carried equal viral loads and were equally likely to pass on their infections, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned.
The results support claims that vaccinated people are playing a role in the summer surge in delta variant infections and led the CDC to reinstate its recommendation that vaccinated people wear masks indoors.
The CDC published the Provincetown data on July 30, but a slide presentation mentioning the findings on viral load was obtained in advance by the Washington Post. Epidemiologists who were shown these findings told the newspaper that they changed the calculus going forward. “I finished reading it significantly more concerned than when I began,” said Robert Wachter, chairman of the Department of Medicine at the University of California at San Francisco.
Jeffrey Shaman, an epidemiologist at Columbia University, said, “In some sense, vaccination is now about personal protection — protecting oneself against severe disease. Herd immunity is not relevant as we are seeing plenty of evidence of repeat and breakthrough infections.”
Andrew Noymer, an epidemiologist at the University of California at Irvine, said, “Although most cases did not result in hospital admission, showing the vaccine works in an important way, this study is portentous for the achievement of herd immunity. If the vaccinated can become infected and, we believe from other studies, potentially spread COVID, then herd immunity becomes more mirage than oasis.”
CDC director Rochelle Walensky said in a statement, “This finding is concerning and was a factor leading to CDC’s updated mask recommendation.” The delta variant is at least twice as contagious as the original SARS-Cov2 virus, she said.
The CDC slide presentation described the delta variant as more infectious than the common cold and as infectious as chickenpox. It also pointed to studies from Canada, Scotland and Singapore suggesting that delta infection is about twice as likely as ancestral strains to result in pneumonia or hospital admission.
Of 346 vaccinated people who tested positive in the Provincetown outbreak, 79% were symptomatic, and sample genome testing suggested that 90% had the delta variant. Four were admitted to hospital and none died.
The vaccine continues to offer strong protection against severe disease. There are currently about 35,000 symptomatic infections a week among 162 million vaccinated Americans, the CDC slide presentation said. The vaccine brings a threefold reduction in risk of infection, an eightfold reduction in risk of symptomatic disease and a 25-fold reduction in risk of hospital admission or death, the agency estimates. The CDC had learned by last week of 6,239 hospital admissions and 1,263 deaths among the fully vaccinated — a death rate of 0.0008%.
The CDC must improve the public’s understanding of breakthrough infections, the agency’s leaked slide presentation said, using personal stories and comparisons to rates of poor outcomes in the unvaccinated. It should stress vaccination’s high impact on death and hospital admission rates but make clear that vaccine effectiveness against infection is lower, the document said, urging the CDC to “acknowledge that the war has changed.”
UK experts predict new variants will evade vaccines
In the UK the expert advisory board, Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), predicted that new variants will eventually overcome existing vaccines.
“As eradication of SARS-CoV-2 will be unlikely, we have high confidence in stating that there will always be variants,” the panel reported. A variant bringing more severe disease with mortality like SARS-CoV (10%) or MERS-CoV (~35%) was a “realistic possibility,” as was a variant that finds an animal reservoir then returns to strike humans in an evolved, vaccine resistant form. A sharp antigenic shift that changes the spike protein on the virus enough to evade current vaccines is also a realistic possibility, SAGE said.
A slower antigenic drift that “eventually leads to current vaccine failure” is “almost certain,” SAGE warned. Meanwhile the main hope for an end to the pandemic, that the virus will remain highly transmissible but become less harmful, “like the human coronaviruses that cause common colds,” was rated a realistic possibility in the long term but “unlikely in the short term.”
Originally published by The BMJ August 2, 2021, written by Owen Dyer, reproduced here under the terms of the CC BY NC license.
5. avgust 2021: delež delta različice v RS je okoli 95%, ostalo je alfa različica:
COVID-19: Delta infections may produce similar virus levels regardless of vaccination status, early analysis suggests
Dr Simon Clarke, a microbiology professor, says the early findings are a "big deal" but more work is needed to confirm them and find a definitive answer.
Coronavirus levels in people with the Delta variant may be similar regardless of whether or not they've been vaccinated - and it could have implications for infectiousness, early analysis suggests.
Public Health England's (PHE) said initial findings suggested "levels of virus in those who become infected with Delta having already been vaccinated may be similar to levels found in unvaccinated people".
How dangerous is the Delta variant?
According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Delta variant is both more transmissible and more dangerous than the original virus and previous variants. July 4, 2021, he told NBC News:
“It is more effective and efficient in its ability to transmit from person to person. And studies that we’ve seen where they have been the variant that’s dominated in other countries, it’s clear that it appears to be more lethal in the sense of more serious — allow you to get more serious disease leading to hospitalization, and in some cases leading to deaths.”
In a June 29 interview, Fauci called the Delta variant “a game-changer” for unvaccinated people, warning it will devastate the unvaccinated population while vaccinated individuals are protected against it.
Remember, Fauci is not a clinician and has never treated someone infected with SARS-CoV-2. Other health experts and practicing physicians who treat COVID-19 patients disagree with Fauci’s claims, arguing that not only is the Delta variant not more dangerous, it’s certainly not more dangerous for the unvaccinated
As reported by Ingraham in June 2021 (video above), there’s an evolutionary genetics theory called Muller’s Ratchet, which states that as an outbreak starts to peter out, the virus tends to mutate into a more transmissible form, but at the same time it grows weaker, causing far less serious infection. According to epidemiologist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, this is exactly what we’re seeing. He told Ingraham:
“The good news is on the 18th of June, the United Kingdom presented their 16th report11 on the mutations — and they’re doing a great job, much better than our CDC — and what they demonstrated is that the Delta is more contagious but it’s far less deadly, far less worrisome. In fact, it’s a much weaker virus than both the U.K. [Alpha] and the South African [Beta] variants.
Spike mutations render vaccinated vulnerable to delta
Importantly, the Delta variant contains three different mutations, all in the spike protein. This, McCullough explains, allows this variant to evade the immune responses in those who have received the COVID jabs — but not those who have natural immunity which, again, is much broader. In a June 30 appearance on Fox News, McCullough stated:
“It is very clear from the UK Technical Briefing13 that was published June 18th that the vaccine provides no protection against the Delta variant. It’s a very mild variant.
“Whether you get the vaccine or not, patients will get some very mild symptoms like a cold and they can be easily managed … Patients who have severe symptoms or at high risk, we can use simple drug combinations at home and get them through the illness. So, there’s no reason now to push vaccinations.”
Children’s Health Defense chief scientific officer Brian Hooker, Ph.D., has echoed McCullough’s sentiments. The Defender quotes Hooker:
“What we’re seeing is virus evolution 101. Viruses like to survive, so killing the host (i.e. the human who is infected) defeats the purpose because killing the host kills the virus, too. For this reason, new variants of viruses that circulate widely through the population tend to become more transmissive but less pathogenic. In other words, they will spread more easily from person to person, but they will cause less damage to the host.
The vaccine focuses on the spike protein, whereas natural immunity focuses on the entire virus.
“Natural immunity — with a more diverse array of antibodies and T-cell receptors — will provide better protection overall as it has more targets in which to attack the virus, whereas vaccine-derived immunity only focuses on one portion of the virus, in this case, the spike protein. Once that portion of the virus has mutated sufficiently, the vaccine no longer is effective.”
Real-world data show most of infected are fully ‘vaccinated’
Real-world data from areas with high COVID jab rates show the complete converse of what media, the CDC and White House officials are telling us. In addition to the British Technical Briefing No. 16, cited above, we have additional data from Israel, Scotland, Massachusetts and Gibraltar:
- Aug.1, 2021, director of Israel’s Public Health Services, Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, announced half of all COVID-19 infections were among the fully vaccinated. Signs of more serious disease among fully vaccinated are also emerging, she said, particularly in those over the age of 60.
A few days later, Aug. 5, Dr. Kobi Haviv, director of the Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, appeared on Channel 13 News, reporting that 95% of severely ill COVID-19 patients are fully vaccinated, and that they make up 85% to 90% of COVID-related hospitalizations overall. As of Aug. 2, 66.9% of Israelis had received at least one dose of Pfizer’s injection, which is used exclusively in Israel; 62.2% had received two doses.
- In Scotland, official data on hospitalizations and deaths show 87% of those who have died from COVID-19 in the third wave that began in early July were vaccinated.
- A CDC investigation of an outbreak in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, between July 6 through July 25, found 74% of those who received a diagnosis of COVID19, and 80% of hospitalizations, were among the fully vaccinated. Most, but not all, had the Delta variant of the virus.
The CDC also found that fully vaccinated individuals who contract the infection have as high a viral load in their nasal passages as unvaccinated individuals who get infected. This means the vaccinated are just as infectious as the unvaccinated.
- In Gibraltar, which has a 99% COVID jab compliance rate, COVID cases have risen by 2,500% since June 1.
While those who benefit from keeping the pandemic going would like you to cower in fear at the thought of the Delta variant, there’s really no evidence that it’s any worse than the original. It’s more transmissible, yes, but far less dangerous, as its primary symptoms are that of a regular cold.
According to Harvard and Stanford professors, the actual number of Americans dying from or with COVID-19 are actually at an all-time low, so alarmism is uncalled for.
And, as for viral social media posts by doctors and nurses claiming hospitals are overflowing with unvaccinated COVID patients, don’t believe them. Most are bots. We’ve repeatedly seen evidence that fearmongering is being spread not by real people but by fake accounts run by artificial intelligence.
Jul 03, 2021