"Visoka politika": Pahorjev Hat - Trick
Objavljeno Feb 12, 2017

Res ni enostavno, v samo treh srečanjih na visoki ravni, doseči, da se lahko V Moskvi z "agresorjem" Rusijo pogovarjaš tako, da jim poveš kaj morajo najprej narediti, da bo možno spoštovati dogovor iz Minska. Seveda je pred tem potrebno Berlinu dopovedati, da tovrstne aktivnosti ne motijo nikogar. Za zaključek pa dobiti zahvalo Kijeva za odločno podporo ozemeljski celovitosti Ukrajine ter podporo politiki sankcij proti Rusiji.

BERLIN - Pahor / Merkel; Gauch - 8 February 2017

STA: Pahor discusses EU's challenges with Merkel

Ljubljana/Berlin, 8 February - President Borut Pahor met outgoing German President Joachim Gauch and Chancellor Angela Merkel on the first day of an informal visit to Germany today. After the meetings, Pahor said he and Merkel had not focussed on bilateral relations but rather on issues concerning the future of the EU.

Na RTV SLO MMC portalu so 8.2.2017 med drugim zapisali:

..."Borut Pahor je po pogovorih z nemškim kolegom Joachimom Gauckom in kanclerko Angelo Merkel zatrdil, da njegova pot v Rusijo, kamor se bo napotil iz Nemčije, "ne moti nikogar"". ..

Več na povezavi: Pahor: "Vsi vedo, da obisk Rusije ni povezan le s sebičnimi interesi Slovenije"

Na spletni strani Whatsup Europe so objavili: Germany: Merkel meets Slovenian President Bohur in Berlin

MOSKVA - Pahor / Putin - 10 February 2017

President of Russia: Russian-Slovenian summit talks

Vladimir Putin met at the Kremlin with President of Slovenia Borut Pahor, who is in Russia on an official visit.

Press statements and answers to journalists’ questions following Russian-Slovenian talks

Putin: I have informed the President of the latest developments and the aggravation of the situation in southeastern Ukraine, highlighting the Minsk agreements that have absolutely no alternative as a basis for resolving the conflict. We have also discussed the state of relations between Russia and the European Union. I hope they will be gradually restored.

Pahor: Today’s talks with President Putin lasted twice as long as the time allocated for them. We exchanged views and clarified our respective points of view. They may be a little different, but we remained committed to the idea of respecting and implementing all the decisions to resolve the situation in eastern Ukraine.

I told Mr Putin that the first step is, of course, to withdraw the military equipment. After that, it will be po