Poziv proti tajnemu trgovinskem sporazumu TTIP
Objavljeno Feb 19, 2015

An urgent call by civil society organizations to members of EU parliament: VOTE AGAINST LETHAL LEGAL CHAINS OF ‪#‎TTIP‬.

---- via Koalicija proti tajnim sporazumom:

Evropski parlament je pripravil osnutek resolucije o trgovinskem sporazumu TTIP, ki bo šel na glasovanje (v priponki). Civilno družbene organizacije so v povezavi s tem pripravile poziv, ki ga bodo naslovile na evropske poslance. Trenutno poteka zbiranje podpore skupnemu pozivu, do danes podprlo cca 150 organizacij iz 20 držav.

Vsebino poziva in e-obrazec za podporo najdete na Tej povezavi.

Poziv lahko podprete najkasneje do 25. 2. opozarjam da sistem ne potrdi vaše podpore zato ne vnašajte dvakrat!

"Just to remind you again about the purpose of this statement: it will be one element around we can build public pressure on the MEPs - by a joint launch in a couple of weeks, sending it to MEPs and referring to it in the twitter campaign in the months to come. This will accompany our more technical lobby strategy and work dedicated to specific issues and will hopefully help in making clear to MEPs that they are being watched and that concerns about/ resistance against TTIP is widespread across Europe. Because, apparently, there is still a lot of talk in the EP that the TTIP resistance is a bit of a German/ Austrian phenomenon."