Prva  « 17 18 19 20 21 »  Zadnja
24ur.com - To so zgodbe beguncev: inženirji, zdravniki, farmacevti, odvetniki
Trije napadi v Nemčiji v treh dneh. Od več kot milijona "beguncev" - kot je poročal 24ur.com lani je zaposlenih samo 54 ljudi, nikjer ne duha ne sluha o inženirjih, zdravnikih in farmacevtih. Vsak dan pa grozoviti napadi na Evropo in njene prebivalce, ki nič hudega sluteč umirajo na ulicah. Otroci
Daimler introduces new electric transport solutions
Trucks remain indespensable when it comes to satisfying the needs of daily transport of goods and materials, but in a similar way as personal transport, they also have to deal with increasing demands for creating less pollution. Which means that also for trucks, local emission-free mobility is the a
SpaceX had another successful landing!
On August 14 (1:26am EDT), SpaceX's Falcon 9 launched JCSAT-16, a commercial communications satellite, which was delivered to a Geostationary Transfer Orbit approximately 36,000 km from Earth. The Falcon 9 first stage then also successfully landed on the company's "Of Course I Still Love You" drones
Edna is - almost - faster than Tesla
Converted to electric drive Mercedes-Benz Vito commercial van, comes the powertrain test vehicle "Edna", which was developed by Atieva, a California-based start-up backed by Chinese funds. Edna is one of the fastest cars in the world today – at least when it comes to accelerating. During the last te
Prva  « 17 18 19 20 21 »  Zadnja
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