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Vespa praznuej 70 let - buon compleano!
Podjetje je v Genovi leta 1884 ustanovil takrat 20-letni Rinaldo Piaggio, ki se je na začetku ukvarjal z luksuzno ladijsko opremo. Kmalu je začel izdelovati tudi sestavne dele za železniške vagone, motorje in dele za tovorna vozila. Med prvo svetovno vojno je podjetje preusmeril v izdelovanje letal
Legislating the autonomous future
The momentum around autonomous or self-driving vehicles is dizzying. Each month brings new technological breakthroughs and initiatives for joint ventures. Companies like Audi, Google, Uber, Volvo, Delphi and Tesla, among others, have been intensely working on improving and testing their autonomous c
Volkswagen Crafter with electric motor
At this year's IAA Commercial Vehicles show in Hannover, Volkswagen is premiering an electric version of Crafter. It's named e-Crafter, a near production-ready solution for zero emission city centre delivery traffic, with expected first deliveries next year.
Just spotted: Faraday Future!
A photographer discovered a heavily masked vehicle at the secret test facility in the south of Los Angeles. The car is said to be the first product by a start-up company called Faraday Future and a direct rival to Tesla X.
Škoda Fabia Combi 1.2 TSI Scoutline
V začetku avgusta smo napovedali, da bo Škoda v svojo ponudbo kmalu uvrstila križanca, nekakšno Fabio SUV, ki bo majhno Škodo precej približala terenskim zmogljivostim. Fabia jim je za zdaj najbliže v različici Combi Scoutline, ki se s karoserijskimi dodatki precej spogleduje s terenom.
Prav lepo povabljeni spremljanju edinega Slovenskega radia domače glasbe. http://radionarodnjak.com/images/banners/t2_logo.png
Toyota is to mass-produce electric vehicles
Toyota - despite the fact that over the years this company proved itself as a leading developer of hybrid and fuel cell cars - hasn't shown much interest in producing long-range electric cars. However, things are changing - according to Japanese newspaper Nikkei, Toyota is set to start producing EVs
What will the next year bring?
The plug-in hybrid and electric car market is doubtlessly increasing and with it also the amount of vehicles manufacturers have to offer. In 2017, we can expect the arrival of several new electrified vehicles, while there are also quite a few that haven't been officially confirmed, yet it is fairly
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