Ljubljana, 12. december 2014 - Predsednik SLS mag. Marko Zidanšek je ob izvolitvi prejel čestitko predsednika politične skupine Evropske ljudske stranke (EPP Group) v Evropskem parlamentu Manfreda Webra. Med drugim Weber poudari izzive časa, v katerem je predsednik SLS mag. Zidanšek prevzel to vlogo, in prepričanje v prihodnje dobro sodelovanje SLS in EPP.
V nadaljevanju v angleškem izvirniku objavljamo čestitko Manfreda Webra in zahvalo mag. Marka Zidanška.
Čestitka predsednika EPP Group Manfreda Webra
Zahvala predsednika SLS mag. Marka Zidanška:
Mr. Manfred Weber
Chairman of the EPP Group
Dear Mr. Weber, Chairman of the EPP Group,
thank you for your heartfelt congratulations. It is a privilege to be elected President of the first Slovenian democratic political party that became a member of the European People's Party. Nonetheless, I am aware of what a great responsibility this is in a time of crisis.
As I stressed in my speech at our Congress, I will strive to promote constructive dialogue and cooperation within our party, and among political parties at the national level as well as the international. My first goal is to strengthen the core of SLS, thus ensuring we are elected back into the Slovenian Parliament, where we can promote our goals and values ‒ the very same we share with the EPP.
The main focus of my term of service as the President of SLS will be on measures for stabilising the economy in Slovenia, preventing new unneccesary taxes from being imposed upon the citizens, and creating new jobs.
It pleases me that our MEP Franc Bogovič is a part of the great work you are doing in the European Parliament, and has already started paving the way to further our relationship with the EPP.
I am looking forward to working with the EPP for a better Europe.
Yours sincerely,
mag. Marko Zidanšek
President of SLS
V nadaljevanju v angleškem izvirniku objavljamo čestitko Manfreda Webra in zahvalo mag. Marka Zidanška.
Čestitka predsednika EPP Group Manfreda Webra
Zahvala predsednika SLS mag. Marka Zidanška:
Mr. Manfred Weber
Chairman of the EPP Group
Ljubljana, 12 December 2014
Dear Mr. Weber, Chairman of the EPP Group,
thank you for your heartfelt congratulations. It is a privilege to be elected President of the first Slovenian democratic political party that became a member of the European People's Party. Nonetheless, I am aware of what a great responsibility this is in a time of crisis.
As I stressed in my speech at our Congress, I will strive to promote constructive dialogue and cooperation within our party, and among political parties at the national level as well as the international. My first goal is to strengthen the core of SLS, thus ensuring we are elected back into the Slovenian Parliament, where we can promote our goals and values ‒ the very same we share with the EPP.
The main focus of my term of service as the President of SLS will be on measures for stabilising the economy in Slovenia, preventing new unneccesary taxes from being imposed upon the citizens, and creating new jobs.
It pleases me that our MEP Franc Bogovič is a part of the great work you are doing in the European Parliament, and has already started paving the way to further our relationship with the EPP.
I am looking forward to working with the EPP for a better Europe.
Yours sincerely,
mag. Marko Zidanšek
President of SLS