Ljubljana, 22. december 2014 - Predsedniku SLS mag. Marku Zidanšku je ob izvolitvi čestital predsednik Evropske ljudske stranke (EPP) Joseph Daul. Izrazil je zaupanje, da bo SLS ob prihodnjih parlamentarnih volitvah v Sloveniji spet dobila svoje mesto v Državnem zboru RS, kjer bo pomagala izpeljati nujne reforme za izhod Slovenije iz gospodarske in politične krize.
Čestitko in zahvalo objavljamo v angleškem izvirniku.
Čestitka predsednika EPP Josepha Daua_
Zahvala predsednika SLS mag. Marka Zidanška:
Dear Mr. Daul,
Thank you very much for your kind congratulations and words of support. Even though it is true I am taking over the leadership of the Slovenian People’s Party at a challenging time, I will do my best to strengthen our party, while promoting constructive dialogue among political parties in Slovenian political space.
As you pointed out, it is very important for the future of our country to keep a strong centre-right, solution-oriented influence in the Slovenian National Parliament. I will strive to bring SLS back into the Parliament in the next general elections, thus once again becoming a vital part of the political body creating the answers to the questions that Slovenia is dealing with at the moment.
Allow me to take this opportunity to thank you for the video-speech you made for our Congress in Podčetrtek. It meant a great deal to all of us there, as it was truly inspirational, and lifted the atmosphere.
May your Christmas be peaceful, and the New Year fulfilling.
Yours sincerely,
Marko Zidanšek, MSc
President of the Slovenian People’s Party
Čestitko in zahvalo objavljamo v angleškem izvirniku.
Čestitka predsednika EPP Josepha Daua_
Zahvala predsednika SLS mag. Marka Zidanška:
Ljubljana, 22 December 2014
Dear Mr. Daul,
Thank you very much for your kind congratulations and words of support. Even though it is true I am taking over the leadership of the Slovenian People’s Party at a challenging time, I will do my best to strengthen our party, while promoting constructive dialogue among political parties in Slovenian political space.
As you pointed out, it is very important for the future of our country to keep a strong centre-right, solution-oriented influence in the Slovenian National Parliament. I will strive to bring SLS back into the Parliament in the next general elections, thus once again becoming a vital part of the political body creating the answers to the questions that Slovenia is dealing with at the moment.
Allow me to take this opportunity to thank you for the video-speech you made for our Congress in Podčetrtek. It meant a great deal to all of us there, as it was truly inspirational, and lifted the atmosphere.
May your Christmas be peaceful, and the New Year fulfilling.
Yours sincerely,
Marko Zidanšek, MSc
President of the Slovenian People’s Party