Roundtable »Serbia on the way to EU«: The accession must continue to ensure development and more opportunities for Serbian society
SLS Slovenska ljudska stranka

Petek, 22. Maj 2015 ob 10:33

Ljubljana, 22 May 2015 – MEP Franc Bogovič hosted a roundtable »Serbia on the way to EU« yesterday evening. The distinguished speakers debated on Serbia’s accession process to the European Union, their motivation and the implementation of reforms, about the question of the enlargement of the EU, the positive and negative aspects of the accession process and of becoming a member state. A lively debate was followed by another one, this time moderated by topical questions from the audience. The speakers agreed on this_ Serbia has some obstacles to tackle in the future, but the most important thing is to keep improving, open negotiations and keep investing  resources into improving the state of affairs in Serbia, to help the society, in particular to give the young people a chance to invest in their future in Serbia.

Video of the roundtable discussion_ 


Member of the European Parliament (SLS/EPP) Franc Bogovič stated in his opening remarks after greeting his guests that it is a pleasure and an honour to host such an event, because Serbia belongs to the EU and their accession is a process for peace in Europe. The EU was founded after the WWII and it now hosts a population of over 500 million persons. »There is an area of Western Balkans with a little less than 20 million people and I am sure that it is time that this process continues. I am sure that Serbia decided on the right way,« said Bogovič and expressed hope that the roundtable will be a small part of the mosaic of their journey. Implementation of reforms on the practical and local level is very important in his opinion – it will change society. There is a lot of legislation to be passed and work to be done, especially with the people, who are vital to the process. He believes that the situation in Serbia is similar to the situation in Slovenia upon accession. As a former Mayor of Krško Bogovič emphasised the importance of implementing measures because of the will of the people as opposed to a dictate from Brussels_ »When people see that you can build environmental infrastructure, roads, village and city infrastructure, those are practical results that people understand.« It is beneficial for a country to become an EU member state, but the motivation must not be the preaccession funds, otherwise, another »Greece« can happen. While it can be profitable – the figures for Slovenia show that with IPA between 2003 and 2006, the full amount in the 2007–2013 financial perspective, the structural and cohesion funds – »all in all, we got six times more funds since joining in 2007 than before«. Bogovič believes that Serbia should get more funds from the EU to invest in environmental infrastructure etc. to make the integration process faster and for the people to actually feel what the EU is. »Never forget about the countryside or about the people,« he concluded.


Member of the European Parliament (CDU/EPP) and rapporteur for Serbia for the European Parliament David McAllister said he believes all six accessing countries have a clear European perspective that is why the EU enlargement process will continue. It is also a driving force for important reforms_ »Ever since the beginning of the European Union, enlargement has been a success and has brought stability and peace. The reforms are not only beneficial for those countries that want to join the EU but also for those who are already in the EU.« Some of the reserved current views on enlargement stem from the fact that the prospect countries may not be ready for some time, but it is to be expected they will become members in the 2014–2019 perspective, so the member states should help them. He stated that accession rules are quite simple_ »A country can join the EU if it is within Europe, it shares our values and it fulfils all the criteria. And the criteria must be fulfilled in practice. It helps neither if we turn away from problems. We have to address the countries and tell them what they are doing right and what they still have to do. The EU is ready to assist, but the major steps have to be made by the candidate country. I think the Serbian train is definitely on track towards the EU.« He added that the Ukraine crisis has changed the EU’s stance on enlargement in a way that it is changing from »One size fits all«. McAllister also pointed out that Serbia has some obstacles to tackle in the future, and lots of thing to take care of, such as independence of judicial system, freedom of the media, privatisation and improvement in public administration. In regard to the Belgrade–Priština relations, he said_ »The EU cannot expect Serbia to recognise Kosovo, but their relations are expected to normalise continually.



Minister without portfolio in charge of European integration in the Government of the Republic of Serbia and national IPA coordinator Jadranka Joksimović expects Serbia to barely be able to adjust and implement all of the required reforms until 2018, and to become a member in 2020. Having friends such as Slovenia and Mr. McAllister, the rapporteur, certainly helps the process. She agreed that enlargement is one of the best and most successful EU politics. Serbia is very serious about accession and it wants to become a functional member of the EU. The reform of Serbian society and EU membership, which is bound to happen as a consequence of negotiations and reforms, is in her words »an added value. That is why we are Euro-realists. We want to be a successful state, a modern state.« Joksimović explained that it is actually difficult for a candidate state to use the pre-accession funds. If a country is able to do so, it is in her estimation actually very functional, because that requires a level of administration, finance management, single project pipe lines etc. She commented on Kosovo, saying that they opened a difficult political dialogue with Priština: »We are committed to this dialogue and are trying to find the best solutions. But I think our relations are not as strained as some other in the Western Balkans.«


Director of the Office of European integration of the Republic of Serbia Ksenija Milenković finds that the real motivation for accession constitutes of very basic elements_ »Living standard, employment, social security, the issues, which I think are common to the people and the politicians in potential members and actual member states. This is what people really want to see – the improvement of their lives through the integration. More than 60 % of Serbian citizens support the economic reforms performed by the government. People do not take them for granted, they understand that they will make their lives better.« In her assessment one of the greatest fears in Serbia is »that we will lose our national and cultural identity by acceding the EU, that our language will be lost somehow, that our sovereignty will be lost and we will have to give it all up. I have to say, as legitimate as it is, this is the myth that we have to work on to really break it. But I would definitely not go against the genuine motivation.« Milenković emphasised that even though some of the motivation for accession may seem selfish, profit oriented, so do some of the reasons against enlargement.

Former Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the Republic of Serbia Franc But spoke about the before mentioned fear of losing cultural identity, and Slovenian perception of it in the process of accession. Considering Slovenia’s success and its status as »an accession model« in the region, he reassured Serbia that »we have not lost our identity, we have not sold our land. We kept our traditions, our way of life. On the other hand, we gained the possibility to legally protect some of our traditional products, for instance. This is a business opportunity for a part of our society today. I believe that we can offer some of these experience to Serbia, to the region.« He described the scepticism he encountered while working as an accession negotiator for Slovenia, and how today some of those sceptics are among the biggest proponents of the enlargement. In his opinion, Serbia must pay attention to its stability and open chapters of negotiation as soon as possible.


President of the Serbian Association of Managers (SAM) Milan Petrović focussed on Serbian accession from the business point of view. He believes that joining the EU will be beneficial for Serbian business. His belief is supported by numbers, so economically there is no doubt that Serbia should integrate as soon as it can. But there is another motivation – facing the current social and economic problems, there is a great challenge in dealing with the young people. They would like to invest in their future, but in doing so they are also forced to make a decision between staying in Serbia and going abroad. They need jobs to improve the quality of their lives. Petrović believes that »a more transparent business environment is also necessary for the young people to not only manage, but thrive in Serbia«.


The Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the Republic of Slovenia Aleksandar Radovanović said in his greeting before the beginning of the discussion that he is glad the relations between Serbia and Slovenia are so close. This and the talks with Slovenian institutions is another thing giving them hope that Serbia and the region will with Slovenia’s help find their way to the EU.



Zadnje objave

Sat, 27. Oct 2018 at 18:12

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Thu, 25. Oct 2018 at 22:19

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Predstavili kandidate skupne liste SLS in stranke Glas za otroke in družine za ljubljanski mestni svet
Na današnji novinarski konferenci v Ljubljani so se predstavili kandidati skupne liste  SLS in stranke Glas za otroke in družine za mestni svet MO Ljubljana. Nosilec skupne liste Janez Žagar, dr. Jože Osterc, Janez Podobnik, dr. Andrej Umek in Aleks Leo Vest so predstavili ključne poudarke, s katerimi SLS vstopa v kandidaturo za ljubljanske mestne svetnike. Izpostavili so prizadevanje za to, da za vožnjo po ljubljanski obvoznici ne bi več potrebovali vinjete in da se v Ljubljani za potrebe Ljubljančanov  in drugih prebivalcev vzpostavi tržnico in veletržnico z izključno slovensko lokalno pridelano hrano po sprejemljivih cenah. Prizadevali si bodo tudi za to, da bi ljubljanski mestni svet postal prostor spoštljive in odprte komunikacije. Aleš Primc in Polona Naglič pa sta v imenu stranke Glas za otroke in družine izpostavila prizadevanje, da bi Ljubljana postala družinam čim bolj prijazno mesto, da bi v prihodnje posebno pozornost namenili številnim upokojencem in drugim osamljenim ljudem in se zavzela za več rekreacijskih površin v Ljubljani tudi za domače ljubljenčke. Predsednik SLS Marjan Podobnik  pa je ob podpori kandidatom in kakovostni celotni listi izpostavil, da si bo skupaj s sodelavci prizadeval, da se SLS odpre mestu in da enako kot s podeželskim SLS zadiha tudi z mestnim pljučnim krilom. Čeprav je bilo v Ljubljani pod dosedanjim vodstvom župana Zorana Jankovića in njegove ekipe narejenega tudi veliko pozitivnega, SLS – tako kot SDS in NSi – podpira župansko kandidaturo Anžeta Logarja v prepričanju, da lahko dosedanje dobre projekte nadgradi, neoptimalne pa spremeni.

Thu, 25. Oct 2018 at 22:15

1664 ogledov

SLS v Zagorju ob Savi z doslej najmočnejšo listo
SLS Zagorje ob Savi je danes na novinarski konferenci v Gostišču Ribnik predstavila županskega kandidata SLS, kandidatno listo za občinske svetnike ter Razvojni program SLS za občino Zagorje ob Savi. Primož Jelševar, direktor Inštituta dr. Antona Korošca je povedal, da gre za doslej najmočnejšo listo, na kateri je sedem direktorjev oz. lastnikov uspešnih zagorskih podjetij, trije sedanji in več nekdanjih predsednikov KS, guverner Rotary Slovenija, predsednica Zveze kmetic Slovenije, predsedniki športnih društev in ugledni gospodarji kmetijskih gospodarstev ter drugi uspešni Zagorjani. Ker nas poznate, pa je njihov slogan. Županski kandidat Alojz Slavko Jelševar je oče štirih otrok, glasbenik in dolgoletni direktor visokotehnološkega podjetja JE&GR. Kot je dejal, je čas, da Občina Zagorje dobi drzen razvojni program in ambiciozno ekipo, ki ga bo uresničila. Zagorje mora imeti po njegovih besedah posluh za ustvarjanje delovnih mest prihodnosti – to pa so okoljsko ozaveščena podjetja, ki ustvarjajo visoko dodano vrednost. Iztok Živko, direktor družbe Tevel iz Kisovca je predstavil projekt energetsko samozadostne Občine Zagorje ob Savi, ki bi bila lahko največja takšna občina in tako zgled v Evropi. Ker je v občini ponovno povišana raven PM10 delcev, je nujno potrebna sprememba miselnosti. Tako kot je bil eden od znanilcev drugačnega načina razmišljanja projekt Manj svečk za manj grobov, ki so ga začeli člani zagorske SLS in so ga povzeli tudi drugi kraji po Sloveniji, bi bili lahko v Zagorju zgled drugim občinam, kjer bi s serijo manjših vetrnih in plinskih elektrarn ter hidroelektrarn na zasebnih površinah ustvarili dovolj električne energije za potrebe vseh zagorskih gospodinjstev. Janez Lipec, guverner Rotary district 1912, ki pokriva Slovenijo in Makedonijo, si želi, da se Zagorje odpre navzven in izkoristi tržno nišo razvoja turizma. Aktivno je treba podpreti lokalne šole, da bodo zagotavljale potrebe trga dela prihodnosti. Izkoristiti  je treba naravne potenciale in ljudi, ki imajo znanje, voljo in delovne navade, takšnih pa je v Zagorju dovolj. Delo mora znova postati vrednota. Neda Starman Ržišnik, predsednica Konjeniškega kluba Vajkard Valvasor je predstavila projekt razvoja termalnega in eko turizma v Zagorski dolini s postavitvijo informacijskih tabel in zemljevidov ter odprtjem turistično informativne pisarne in info točke v Zagorje. Predstavila je idejni projekt obnove Medijskih toplic kot ekskluzivnih term v stilu časa Vajkarda Valvasorja, ki bi bile povezane z obnovljenim Medijskim Gradom, kjer bi se izvajale grajske poroke. Boštjan Ocepek, predsednik krajevne skupnosti Šentlambert, je povedal, da mu je program SLS zelo blizu, saj temelji na enakomernem razvoju vseh krajev v občini. Tudi za Občino Zagorje bi bilo dobro, da bi namenila več sredstev za obnovo cest in družbenega življenja na okoliških vaseh. Te so sicer lepo urejene tudi zaradi veliko prostovoljnega dela, ki ga naredijo krajani.

Thu, 25. Oct 2018 at 22:14

2619 ogledov

SLS samozavestno na lokalnih volitvah: »Ker nas poznate«
Na predstavitvi v Kobilju je županske kandidate podprl predsednik SLS Marjan Podobnik in predstavil glavne vsebinske poudarke delovanja SLS. Povedal je, da je SLS stranka, ki spoštuje sočloveka, družino, delo, lastnino in domovino in je odprta za vse, razen za podpornike skrajnih stališč. Izpostavil je uspešnost dela županov in občinskih svetnikov SLS, kar je tudi razlog za optimizem pred prihajajočimi volitvami. SLS je imela doslej 32 županov izvoljenih na svoji listi, skupaj z neodvisnimi in skupnimi kandidati s podporo SLS pa je v Klubu županov SLS sodelovalo 42 županj in županov. Podobnik je izrazil pričakovanje, da bo Klub županov SLS tudi v prihodnje ostal številčno najmočnejši. Sledila je predstavitev Roberta Ščapa, župana Občine Kobilje, Cvetke Ficko, županje Občine Grad, Ludvika Novaka, župana Občine Puconci, Franca Horvata, župana Občine Tišina in Antona Törnarja,  župana Občine Črenšovci. Župani so bili enotni, da je treba povečati sredstva za takoimenovano povprečnino, s čimer bi zagotovili intenzivnejši razvoj tudi manjših podeželskih in obmejnih občin. Zavzeli so se tudi za čimprejšnjo ustanovitev pokrajin ter prenos dela državnih pristojnosti in sredstev z državne ravni na prihodnje pokrajine. Marjan Podobnik je predstavljena prizadevanja županje in županov v celoti podprl. Kasneje se je predsednik SLS v občini Kidričevo srečal s kandidatom SLS za župana Damjanom Medvedom in kandidati SLS za občinski svet ter podprl njihovo kandidaturo.

Thu, 25. Oct 2018 at 22:12

2120 ogledov

Dr. Darinka Fakin že petič za županjo Občine Majšperk
Dr. Darinka Fakin živi z možem Brankom in sinom Tomažem v Majšperku. Funkcijo županje opravlja nepoklicno, saj je kot redna profesorica zaposlena na Univerzi v Mariboru, Fakulteti za strojništvo, na Oddelku za Oblikovanje in tekstilne materiale. Osnovno šolo je obiskovala v Majšperku in nadaljevala šolanje na Gimnaziji Dušana Kvedra Ptuj. Dodiplomski študij je končala na takratni Tehniški fakulteti Maribor in se leta 1985 zaposlila v Tovarni volnenih izdelkov v Majšperku. Med delom je kot mlada raziskovalka končala tudi magistrski študij. Po več kot 15-letnem delu v industriji se je leta 2000 zaposlila na Fakulteti za strojništvo, kjer je leta 2004 tudi doktorirala. Med delom je vseskozi aktivna tudi na raziskovalnem področju, je avtorica ali soavtorica številnih izvirnih znanstvenih člankov, patentov, raziskovalnih nalog, elaboratov, študij, strokovnih člankov, avtorica in soavtorica učbenikov in navodil za vaje. V lokalno politiko se je vključila že leta 1994, ko je nastala naša Občina Majšperk. V prvem mandatu je bila predsednica Občinskega sveta, v drugem podžupanja in sedaj opravlja že četrti mandat funkcijo županje. Ta funkcija ji predstavlja velik izziv, saj vemo, da je uvedba lokalne samouprave prinesla tudi lokalnemu okolju velike priložnosti. To se opazi skoraj na vsakem koraku. V teh letih so izvedli številne pomembne investicije na področju infrastrukture, izobraževanja, športa, kulture, turizma, gospodarstva, varovanja in urejanja okolja ter na področju delovanja društev. Vse to jim je uspelo, ker so bili sposobni delati skupaj.
But ep eu franc bogovič joksimović McAllister MEP Milenković news Petrović Radovanović roundtable Serbia Serbia on the way to EU


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Roundtable »Serbia on the way to EU«: The accession must continue to ensure development and more opportunities for Serbian society