Ksevt; 21. junij 14:00–20:00
Objavljeno May 20, 2015

S koncertnim obredom SOULSTICE obhajamo duhovni obràt, tisti trenutek v letu, ko je planetarna in osebnostna življenska sila v svojem zenitu.
S pomočjo astronomsko uglašenih zvočil bomo vzpostavili opazovalnico notranjega vesolja, tako imenovani psihoakustični observatorij, v katerem je resonančno polje dojemanja uglašeno v zvočno mandalo.

V okviru 6 urnega koncerta bo ameriški tolkalski multi inštrumentalist in mojster orkestralnega gonga Andrea Centazzo skupaj s priznanimi zvočnimi vodnikii iz Slovenije in Hrvaške, izvedel svetovno premiero svojega projekta Lost Mandala.

Zvočno mandalo sestavljajo 4 elementarna dejanja s planetarnimi gongi, tibetanskimi in kristalnimi skledami, ter 4 prehodi za tolkala z obročnim in šamanskim bobnom, hangom, kristalno harfo, aquafon in drugimi zvočili.
Energijsko pretočnost bo vzdrževala jogistika Kundalini in Ashtanga joge.

Kompleksna atmosferika dvorane Vesoljskega kulturnega programa KSEVT, se zdi naravna izbira za ta izjemni dogodek, v katerem bo dvorana KSEVT ključni psihoakustični inštrument oz. resonator dogodka.

S serijo koncertnih obredov ob astronomskih mejnikih vzpostavljamo žanr psihoakustične, oz. nove sakralne glasbe, ki razširja polje izražanja terapevtskih tradicij s pomočjo sinestetičnega mešanja izraznih sredstev: zvoka, giba, svetlobe, barve, vonja.

Ceremonial concert SOULSTICE celebrates the moment in the year when the planetary and personal life force in its zenith.
Astronomically tuned instruments will create observatory of the inner space, so called Psychoacoustic Observatory where Perception Field becomes resonance of Sound Mandala.

During the 6 hours concert, American avantgarde percussionist and master of orchestral gong Andrea Centazzo will perform the world premiere of his project Lost Mandala, conducting an ensembleof renowned sound therapists from Slovenia and Croatia.

Soulstice Sound Mandala consists of 4 Elementary Acts featuring planetary gongs, Tibetan & Crystal bowls,and 4 Trajectories featuring Frame drum, Hang, Crystal harp, Aquaphone & other correspondent percussions. Energy flow will be maintained with Kundalini and Ashtanga yogistics.

Complex atmospherics of the round hall of KSEVT Cultural Space Program seems the natural choice for this exceptional event, featuring it as a key instrument and psychoacoustic resonator of musical energy.

Soulstice is the first event in series of seasonal Solstice and Equinox festivals of Psychoacoustic Art, with the aim to extend the field of expression of therapeutic traditions by reclaiming fragmented art forms
into synesthetic fusion in order to enter through the Keyholes of the Doors of Perception.
