
Twenty Five college problems

Twenty Five college problems that every student can relate to

Twenty Five college problems that every student can relate to

Objavljeno Sep 12, 2020

College life is like a roller coaster ride, you may find some bumps and jolts in the way, you will laugh or cry, but the experience will be worth it! If you're a fresher or someone still in college, you might want to know the challenges you're most likely to face in college. We have cleared out all the skeletons in the graduate cupboards and bring you the list of twenty problems that you may experience during your years at college.

1. Immense pressure from family and society to succeed, fulfil their expectations and achieve higher.
2. Eating lots of junk and putting on weight, then intense workout to get rid of the extra fat before summer because you've got to fit in that bikini, right?
3. Being forced to take certain courses that have nothing to do with your chosen majors.
4. Being broke all the time! And sometimes relying on one packet of instant noodles through a week.
5. Hefty tuition fees and student loans. Graduation is not a happy ending!
6. Peer pressure to date someone in college, even if you don't want to! Because you've got to act cool.
7. Need a new dress every day! Repeating a dress three times a week, you'll be ridiculed.
8. Crawling your way up to 3.5 GPA in one semester, and then falling with 2.0 in the next one. Despite all the academic problems a student has to endure in college life, being able to maintain a good 3.5 GPA throughout the college years is still a pretty tough nut to crack. It's so difficult to cover up the early GPA blunders.
9. Assignment… Quizzes… Essays, every single day! You will find yourself asking a writing company to "Do My Essay UK", quite often!
10. Pulling all-nighters almost every other night. Digging into books all night, cramming and preparing for exams.
11. Juggling academic assignments, writing projects and extracurricular activities all at once.
12. Struggling with an awful hang out all day.
13. You run short of attendance, and fall sick.
14. Not getting desired courses.
15. Wrestling with procrastination and missing deadlines.
16. Not being able to concentrate when you really need to.
17. When you get the wrong teacher in a difficult course, and he starts reading from slides instead of actually teaching.
18. When you are cursed with an annoying roommate.
19. Laying on the bed, wide awake! Sitting on the desk, sleepy!
20. Treating your peers with a fancy dinner date. Bank account disagrees!
21. Surrounded by feelings of depression and anxiety. Thinking that you're not good enough.
22. Being indecisive, choosing a wrong major, and then switching after three years.
23. Heartbreaks and relationship problems.
24. Unhealthy eating habits lead to scurvy, diarrhoea and food poisoning. You're doomed if it happens to be on exam day!
25. It's your last semester, and you still didn't know what to do with your major.

Student life is total chaos! If you can survive through this chaos and come out alive at the end of the year, it's a great achievement itself!

 Did we miss something? Let us know in the comment box!