Objavljeno Oct 13, 2015

Days after the catastrophe, the Russian military provided monitoring data of a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet gaining height towards the MH17 Boeing on the day of the downing.Russian military had also posed a set of questions to Kiev regarding the jet which have not been answered.

3. Why did the investigation focus on the BUK missile version?

The investigation was conducted in an illogical order, Storchevoy said, explaining that the DBS started with an assumed hypothesis, and worked backwards to demonstrate that the evidence met the criteria necessary to prove their preconceived conclusions.

This violates the principle of “sequence of conclusions,” one of the most fundamental rules when conducting probes into air crashes, he said explaining that firstly, the damage to the airplane should have been examined and then, based on this analysis, conclusions as to its cause and source should have been drawn.

© Maxim Zmeyev
© Maxim Zmeyev / Reuters

4. Why did DBS fail to collect all debris in over a year after the crash?

An RT Documantary film crew traveled to the site of the MH17 downing, discovering that debris from the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 was still covering the crash site in eastern Ukraine a year after the catastrophe. The RTD crew collected parts of the plane’s exterior which they spotted, bringing them to the town administration of nearby Petropavlivka.