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HACKER TO RECOVER ONLINE TRADING AND INVESTMENT SCAMMED BITCOIN , CONSULT BETAFORT BITCOIN RECOVERY One of the best decisions I ever made was to contract Betafort Recovery, to help me resolve my challenges with a foreign investment company.The team successfully traced and recovered my initial capital investment. Still, unfortunately, the profits I believed to be mine were just a numbers game thus the reason why a payout wasn’t happening. All in all, I am very grateful to this team, their profound support saved me from destruction. Involving superior enforcement is what changed everything, the team revealed the scammer’s whole game plan upon consultation and I was never going to get paid no matter how much I invested. They made my problems theirs and handled my case diligently. I can’t believe the honesty and integrity I experienced in dealing with this company and its team of excellent hackers. There was no sales pitch, just straight-up advice on what they do, and kept constant c

Beta Fort LTD : Trading & Investment Scam Funds Recovery

Beta Fort LTD : Trading & Investment Scam Funds Recovery

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Marta Kos do Bruslja nima avtoceste, izjavi Tanje Fajon, da je komisarstvo ne zanima, ne verjame praktično nihče

Piše: Peter Merše*

"Sloveniji je uspel zgodovinski met." S temi besedami je premier Robert Golob ponosno naznanil rezultat vmesnega časa - da nam je v Evropski komisiji uspelo dobiti resor, za katerega naj bi Slovenija lobirala. Vmesnega časa pa pravim zato, ker Marto Kos do Bruslja vodi vse prej kot avtocesta.

Bruseljski Politico jo smatra za drugo najbolj verjetno odpadlo kandidatko na zaslišanjih v Evropskem parlamentu in ne brez razloga. Prav njen resor naj bi si želeli socialisti, ki imajo po politični matematiki trenutno en resor premalo, medtem ko imajo liberalci, med katere spada tudi Kosova, enega preveč. Socialisti bi tako na tem mestu raje videli Tanjo Fajon, ki ima tudi formalno boljše kompetence (zunanja ministrica, podpredsednica vlade, nekdanja evropska poslanka, podpredsednica skupine) in, kar je še posebno pomembno, je ljubljenka določenih vplivnih članov evropskih socialistov. In tudi njeni izjavi, da je komisarstvo ne zanima, ne verjame praktično nihče.

Ni naključje, d