Objavljeno Jan 02, 2023

IG youramazingmindest 

First off, thank you for all the love on my last tips post! (If you read it, it talked about not being overly focused on time/ the universe as a boat taking you to your destination). I wanted to expand on the last post with another tip I’d kept meaning to share. And that is, make it your goal to manifest many things. Not just one big thing. This is the number one thing that skyrocketed my ability to manifest. Each day, make a list of say, 5 things you wish to manifest and WRITE THEM DOWN in a journal or just on the notes app. Don’t make these super crazy manifestations. Title the note or page with: “Everything I write in this list manifests.” Some examples of things to manifest: -A text from a friend that sometimes messages you -Seeing a rabbit -A free coffee -Seeing some sort of image online (A hand with an engagement ring, a butterfly, roses etc). -A specific word someone will say or a location that’s not normally talked about -Hearing a certain song Everyday, add more things to your list. You can even do closer to 10 things a day and add more “challenging” manifestations in the mix. The goal is to have so many, that you start to forget about some of them over-time BUT you have a record of them to look back on. You can continue manifesting your more significant goals in the meantime. (Add them to the list as well!) Don’t worry about doing anything special with your list. You can occasionally go back and read it if you want. I like to spend a minute just quickly visualizing each thing on the list as I write it. But it should be quite effortless. Over time you should begin to see things manifest. There’s no time limit so they can manifest whenever, which makes it more fun. You’ll often have an “ahah” moment when things start showing up and you can go back to your list and check them off. Overtime, you can continue to add more “difficult” manifestations to your list. This method builds huge trust in yourself and the law of assumption. With evidence, you’re convincing your conscious AND subconscious mind that you really are creating your reality each day! Trust is the number one thing needed to become a manifesting pro. So start small and continue to work your way up. You’ll be surprised how good the littlest manifestations can make you feel and how they can truly build your confidence. Finally, if you don’t like the list method or if you want to add to the method above, begin to assume EVERY desire throughout your day, right when you have it. For example, if you wish a meeting would be cancelled or end early, simply say in your head, “the meeting today will be cancelled” then move forward with your day. If you wish someone would bring you food, assume someone is bringing you food. If the weather is crappy, assume it will get better. If your kid is being difficult, assume he/she is listening to you and behaving well. Assuming every desire throughout your day will not only improve your belief in your ability to manifest but you’ll also be improving your life in general with the most simple change in your thoughts! And remember, do not focus on the outcome. Simply practice the art of assumption. The goal is to realize over-time how these small assumptions begin to change your life. You’ll notice over weeks or even months and things will surprise you when they happen. It’s quite fun to see all these little things manifest! So make a game out of it and have manifestation be something enjoyable as it should be! Hope this helps someone!