Objavljeno Nov 27, 2023

While everything is becoming more expensive, the price of honey is decreasing due to 50% counterfeits on the market, beekeepers are losing interest in beekeeping, and this is leading to a disaster – the disappearance of bees that cannot survive without humans, and without which there is no life on Earth.
Beekeepers from all over Europe are currently founding the European Beekeeping Association, whose goal is to improve the status of beekeepers and beekeeping before it’s too late.
In Brussels, the alliance will advocate for the interests of beekeepers, consumers and bees through at least three basic goals:
1. The fight against counterfeit honey that flooded the European market;
2. Struggle for the introduction of special subsidies per beehive in the name of compensation for the improvement of the environment and pollination of cultivated and uncultivated plants;
3. Fighting against the use of pesticides that are poisonous to bees;
The members of the European Beekeeping Association support all the activities of the World Beekeeping Federation “Apimondia” to improve beekeeping, but they point out local European problems that European beekeepers must solve at the local European level.
Unions and associations that have already joined the establishment of the European Beekeeping Association are the Beekeeping Association of Slovenia; Hungarian Beekeeping Association; Polish Beekeepers Association; Association of Professional Beekeepers of Greece; Ulster Beekeepers Association (UK); Imkerverband Rheinlande E.V. (Germany); Romanian Beekeepers Association; United Bulgarian Beekeepers Union; Serbian Federation of Beekeeping Organizations; Union of Beekeepers’ Associations of North Macedonia; Union of Beekeepers Association of the Republic of Srpska; Union of Beekeeping Organizations of Montenegro; National Bee Branch Association of Bulgaria; Association of Greek Bioapiarists; Balkan Federation of Apicultural Associations;
The Constituent Assembly is scheduled for February 10, 2024, on neutral ground, in Belgrade, Serbia. We invite all European federations and associations to join us.
Only united and together can we work for the welfare of bees, beekeepers and consumers of our beautiful Europe.
Initiative committee for the establishment of the European Beekeeping Association

#ApimondiaSupport #BeekeepersAlliance #BelgradeMeeting #ConstituentAssembly #CounterfeitHoney #EuropeanBeekeepingAssociation #EuropeanUnions #InitiativeCommittee #LocalProblems #PesticideFight