Objavljeno Oct 25, 2015
V 60. letu starosti je umrl trener Minnesote Flip Saunders, ki je tako izgubil bitko z rakom. »Korak za korakom grem naprej. Tega nasprotnika bom napadel z isto strastjo in željo, kot sem to počel dosedaj v življenju. Vem, da gre za resen problem. A vem, da me je Bog pripravil, da dobim to bitko!« je avgusta letos povedal Saunders, ko je razkril, da boleha.
Hraber in odločen je bil, da zmaga. To tekmo je žal izgubil. Bolezen je bila močnejša.
Saunders je trenersko pot začel leta 1977 v ekipi Golden Valley Lutheran, v ligi NBA je od leta 1995. Sprva je 10 let vodil prav Minnesoto, potem pa Detroit in Washington. Leta 2014 se je vrnil v Minnesoto. Na tekmi All Star je bil dvakrat glavni trener.
My condolences to the Saunders and @Timberwolves family! Lost a great person in our fraternity way to early. So sad #RIPFlip
— LeBron James (@KingJames) October 25, 2015
My thoughts and prayers go out to Coach Flip Saunders family and friends. Rest In Heaven Coach, you will be missed! pic.twitter.com/LaBUbzLqPV — SHAQ (@SHAQ) October 25, 2015
Praying and sending my condolences to the Saunders family.. RIP Flip #GoneToSoon
— Reggie Miller (@ReggieMillerTNT) October 25, 2015
BREAKING: Timberwolves coach Flip Saunders has died of cancer at the age of 60. https://t.co/ixZ0u5qvjV pic.twitter.com/pUj8elsZGD — ESPN (@espn) October 25, 2015
Oct 25, 2015