Skozi priprta vrata v svet Gorazda Vahna - 2. del (2/5)
Objavljeno Mar 16, 2015

Gorazd je pri svojem delu poglobljeno raziskovalen. Vživi se v like in jih začuti in rodi. Preučuje zgodovinska dejstva, vremenske pojave, živali, ki se pojavljajo v zgodbah, drevesa, ki nastopajo. Nič ni narejeno napol. V tem sva si pravzaprav nadvse podobna.

Gorazd's work is not only about drawing. It is so much more than that. There is a lot of research, for he wants to be perfectly clear about historical facts, weather phenomena, the animals, the characters, the trees, etc. appearing in the stories that he illustrates. He gets into the shoes of his characters and stays there until he feels them in his bones and gives them birth on paper.

Tokrat nekaj neobjavljenih. / Some of his unpublished works.

				Karakterna študija Ceferina,<br>
knjižnega lika mojstra Franeta Milčinskega - Ježka.<br>
Ilustriral: Gorazd Vahen

Karakterna študija Ceferina,
knjižnega lika mojstra Franeta Milčinskega - Ježka.
Ilustriral: Gorazd Vahen

				Zofka in metla<br>
zasebna zbirka<br>
Sophie the Witch<br>
private collection<br>
Ilustriral: Gorazd Vahen<br>
Opis ilustracije: Gorazd Vahen

Zofka in metla
zasebna zbirka

Sophie the Witch
private collection
Ilustriral: Gorazd Vahen
Opis ilustracije: Gorazd Vahen

				Bager je prišel, da bi požrl gozd. Pa je gozd požrl njega.<br>
Za miši je to zdaj svet kraj.<br>
The digger came to devour the forest, but it was the forest that devoured the digger.<br>
The mice hold this place sacred now.<br>
Ilustriral: Gorazd Vahen<br>
Opis ilustracije: Gorazd Vahen

Bager je prišel, da bi požrl gozd. Pa je gozd požrl njega.
Za miši je to zdaj svet kraj.

The digger came to devour the forest, but it was the forest that devoured the digger.
The mice hold this place sacred now.
Ilustriral: Gorazd Vahen
Opis ilustracije: Gorazd Vahen