Skozi priprta vrata v svet Gorazda Vahna - 3. del (3/5)
Objavljeno Mar 17, 2015

Gorazda velikokrat povezujejo z enim slogom, z eno zvrstjo, s pravljičnim svetom ljubkih bitij, ki pa razkrivajo neprimerno več, ko jih pogledaš od blizu in uzreš njihove globine. 
Tokratni izbor je stripovski in boleče aktualen. 
Morda je pa napočil čas za nove stripe, z novo vsebino. Tako na papirju kot v stvarnosti.

Gorazd's name is often associated by readers of children's books with the world inhabited by cute creatures which, however, turn out to reveal much depth when you take a closer look. And yet, his versatility is amazing to me. 
Today's selections focuses on short comics published quite a while ago. Sadly, they are all painfully topical these days. 
Perhaps it is now time for new comics with a new content - not only on paper, but, even more so, in reality.

Tokratna dela je Gorazd v Knjigi obrazov pospremil z naslednjimi besedami:

Pred davnimi leti je v Mladini pod budnim očesom Iva Štandekerja nastajala serija stripov Slovenski klasiki. Tukaj objavljam par mojih, ker so tako prekleto aktualni.

Years ago the Mladina magazine published a series of (extremely loose) comic adaptations of classical works from Slovene cultural heritage by various illustrators, under the creative supervision of Ivo Štandeker. We started out with novels and poems and then expanded to, well, anything.

				I am just now researching into the Counter-Reformation.<br>
In those days, half of all decent people here were killed and the other half had fled.<br>
All that was left was rabble.<br>
And we are their grandchildren.<br>
From Ivan Cankar's play
I am just now researching into the Counter-Reformation.

In those days, half of all decent people here were killed and the other half had fled.

All that was left was rabble.

And we are their grandchildren.

From Ivan Cankar's play "Hlapci"

Avtor stripa: Gorazd Vahen
Prevod v angleški jezik: Gorazd Vahen

				Tito je rekel

Kje si, Joža, teli naši današnji samo mahajo z repi!

In 1948 Tito broke up with Stalin's hard line doctrine and set a new course for his country.
His mother was Slovene, so his "No" qualifies as a Slovene classic.

Ilustriral: Gorazd Vahen
Opis ilustracije: Gorazd Vahen 

				The populace is diligent in prayer and communion and strives to live according to the dictates of the church and our Lord’s commandments. <br>
So it would be hard to find one who might renounce the Faith.<br>

The populace is diligent in prayer and communion and strives to live according to the dictates of the church and our Lord’s commandments. 
So it would be hard to find one who might renounce the Faith.
From "Glory of the Duchy of Carniola"
by Janez Vajkard Valvasor (Johann Weikhard von Valvasor), 1689

Avtor stripa: Gorazd Vahen
Prevod v angleški jezik: Gorazd Vahen