
SDA to HDZ BiH: We will change the Constitution once issues of Stolac and Mostar are solved

SDA Collegium adopted several conclusions on the current political topics at yesterday's conference:

SDA Collegium adopted several conclusions on the current political topics at yesterday's conference:

- SDA Collegium trusts that all legal mechanism should be employed to achieve regularity of the elections in Srebrenica. SDA seconds the appeal submitted to the Constitutional Court by Camil Durakovic, independent candidate for mayor of Srebrenica. We think that the election process in Srebrenica saw many violations, and expect from the Constitutional Court to annul the elections.

- SDA Collegium requests the Central Electoral Committee (CIK) to bring a decision without delay about annulment of the elections in Stolac and immediately schedule new elections. The members of CIK who refuse to do that, should know that they may enter the area of the breach of duty, which constitutes a criminal offence.  

- Marking of the 25th anniversary of the counter constitutional self pronounced National Assembly of the RS, and awarding of the confirmed and convicted war criminals, represents a horrific message for all normal people and the entire benevolent world, particularly for the returnees. By doing so, they insulted the victims of the genocide and other horrid crimes that the awarded criminals are responsible for.

Such behavior of the RS National Assembly, the previously held referendum, the Law on the Day of the RS by which the decision of the Constitutional Court is being discounted, as well as a series of other acts, represent obvious proofs that the current management of that entity is not committed to and does not respect the Dayton Peace Accord, and that its politics and actions present a threat to the stability and peace in BiH and the region.

- SDA Collegium also discussed the issue of relations between SDA and HDZ BiH and concluded that those could and should be better and more honest for sake of BiH, for sake of interests of the two peoples that these two parties predominantly represent.

HDZ and SDA are strategic partners that cooperate well on the strategic issues deemed important for this country, such as the reform agenda, the EU integration and NATO accession. Yet, they have to become better partners when it comes to everything else, work and react more quickly.

- As regards the Sejdic-Finci case, there is a proposal devised on the basis of so called File model. SDA is ready to continue talks based on this model and carry out necessary interventions in terms of representation of the Others in the House of People BiH.

That is the only change to the Constitution BiH that we are prepared to carry out in this mandate, and nothing else. We will approach that only after the issue of elections in Stolac and Mostar will have been resolved, and after the Federal Parliament gains momentum in passing reform laws in accordance with the obligations that stem from the reform agenda and the letter of intent to the IMF.
