
Prosecutor's Office BiH: Italian journalist faked story about weapon trade, video actors confessed

In the last 48 hours, the Prosecutor's Office BiH, the Operational Group for the Fight against Terrorism, SIPA and the Border Police, implemented a set of investigative activities and raids following

In the last 48 hours, the Prosecutor's Office BiH, the Operational Group for the Fight against Terrorism, SIPA and the Border Police, carried out a thorough investigation following a TV feature by an Italian journalist about the alleged weapon trade in BiH for ISIL, the Prosecutor's office said in a statement.

The Prosecutor's Office and the agencies identified the persons who appeared in the video and based on results of the investigation concluded that they are not any weapon tradesmen but the persons paid by the Italian journalist to act in the fake feature. They are social cases with no income and registered drug users, who confessed to the crime and described how it was all agreed.  

The investigation also identified the weapons mentioned in the TV feature that was found in BiH, and the agencies are working to locate other pieces of weapon remaining from the last war, which were found in this fake act.

Given a considerable damage to the reputation of BiH regarding its fight against terrorism, the relevant institutions of Republic of Italia have been informed about this unfortunate event, for their follow-up.

The Operational Group for the Fight against Terrorism will continue with intensive activities on detecting and processing of any activities that may be related to terrorism.


