
HDZ 1990: Archbishop Komarica is right, RS is the new Bleiburg

HDZ 1990 publicly support Archbishop Komarica. They call upon institutions in charge to protect his basic human rights and freedom of speech.

HDZ 1990 condemns attacks on Archbishop Komarica by the RS government in Banja Luka, following his statement that Republika Srpska is the new 'Bleiburg' for Croat people. 

The RS government requested Archbishop Komarica to withdraw his statement but he refused to do so.

Killings in Bleiburg are a war crime and crime against humanity done by Yugoslav Army. The tragedy dates back to 15 May 1945 when Croatian Armed Forces and civilians started retreat in order to surrender to British Army situated near Bleiburg in Austrian province Carinthia. British Army, however, refused to accept the surrender of the armed forces of Independent Croatian State (NDH) so they ordered them to surrender to Yugoslav Army after which they were killed.

Komarica said that his recent comparison of Banja Luka with Bleiburg was not meant to insult his fellow citizens Serbs and Serbs who were war victims, and anyone who was affected by the war in any way. 

In the press release issued by Archbishop Komarica, he explained that his metaphorical comparison of Banja Luka with Bleiburg should serve politicians in Croatia and BiH to start correcting injustice done upon many of his fellow citizens over the past 25 years. Some of the existing politicians who were involved in the war and postwar doings should accept that responsibility.

HDZ 1990 publicly support Archbishop Komarica. They call upon institutions in charge to protect his basic human rights and freedom of speech. They further said that this BH entity is an epitome of new Bleiburg. Croats living in the RS are in a rather difficult position. HDZ 1990 reminded that RS expelled more than 200.000 Croats during the war. 
