COVID-19 ni to, kar vam govorijo stroka in medijski SPIN
Objavljeno Oct 05, 2020
Najverjetneje niti naše matere, niti babice, očetje in dedki niso imeli pojma o epidemiji smrtonosne azijske gripe ′′ 1957.- 1958., ki je ′′ ubila 1,1 milijonov ljudi ".
Zagotovo jih nihče ni zaklenil, pustil brez kruha, prepovedal jim dihati in objemati svoje otroke in starše.
Število prebivalcev na planetu je bilo 2,8 milijarde, kar bi pomenilo, da je zaradi tega medijskega virusa umrlo 3 milijonov ljudi, ob vseh trikih in inflaciji pa jih je umrlo 1.17 milijonov.
Tam, kjer so napredovale medijske in lutkovne vlade.


Video, ki v 5 minutah razloži prevaro s COVID-19 in pokaže dejstva:



Profesor patologije dr. John Lee o COVID-19 prevari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btWfAXQ8wYg


G. Robert Farle je poslanec deželnega parlamenta države Sachsen-Anhalt, ZRN. Študiral je ekonomijo in pravo in dela kot odvetnik. Tudi on je povedal resnico o COVID-19 prevari
Hrvaški EU poslanci Mislav Kolakušić o utjecaju farmaceutske industrije na borbu protiv koronavirusa
[PODIJELI] Farmaceutska politika Europske unije mora služiti interesima javnog zdravlja građana Unije, a nikada interesima farmaceutske industrije koja ima svoje financijske interese. Nažalost, utjecaj farmaceutske industrije na političke odluke nikada nije bio veći, i zbog toga kontrola nad tim važnim sektorom mora biti na najvišoj razini. Pandemija koronavirusa, nažalost, popraćena je nikada manjom javnom i stručnom raspravom. Prošlo je gotovo godinu dana, a javnost nije upoznata niti sa jednim jedinim medicinskim kongresom o koronavirusu. Istovremeno, svjetski medijski autoritet za pitanje borbe protiv virusa postao je čovjek koji nema apsolutno nikakve veze sa znanošću, čovjek koji se obogatio sklapanjem računala u garaži, a danas kao potpuni laik tumači kompleksne medicinske teme i na svjetskoj razini aktivno podriva napore koji bi lijekove učinili pristupačnima ljudima koji su stvarno siromašni.
Suzbijanje nezakonitih pritiska i utjecaja farmaceutske industrije na donositelje političkih odluka na globalnoj razini ključno je pitanje javnog zdravlja i strategija Europske unije mora adresirati to pitanje, a ne ga ignorirati.



Robert Farle

je poslanec deželnega parlamenta države Sachsen-Anhalt ZRN.

Študiral je ekonomijo in pravo in dela kot odvetnik.

Spoštovani g. predsednik, spoštovane dame in gospodje. V zadnjem govoru sem opozoril na sledeče ugotovitve:

  1. Pozitivni rezultat PCR testa ne dokazuje infekcije in daje samo informacijo o prisotnosti minimalnih delcev dednega materiala nekega SARS-CoV 2 v telesu. Enačenje pozitivnega rezultata testiranja z infekcijo ali boleznijo po Zakonu o zaščiti ped infekcijami ni dovoljeno in je razen tega znanstveno zgrešeno. Kdor nima bolezenskih simptomov ni bolan in se ne sme avtomatično evidentirati v statistiki kot primer nove okužbe.

Čitajte Die Welt, tam je bil včeraj objavljen članek, berite ga, g. Striegel, tam je vse točno tako zapisano. Toda, vi se upirate temu, da bi spoznali realnost.

  1. PCR masovno testiranje ljudi, ki nimajo simptomov, producira rezultate testiranja, ki nič ne povedo. Vsak dan bolj se kaže, da je PCR test od politike zlorabljen inštrument za širjenje panike. K temu sodi tudi dejstvo, da so testi tako kalibrirani, da producirajo čim več pozitivnih rezultatov. PCR test z več kot 34 ciklov podvajanja velja za popolnoma nezanesljiv in znanstveno nevzdržen. Aktualna študija iz Francije kaže, da rezultati testa s 35 cikli podvajanj ali več verjetnost, je da pozitivno testirana oseba resnično inficirana, zniža na manj kot 3%. To pomeni, da je 97% rezultatov testiranja napačno pozitivnih. Statistika RKI (Robert Koch inštituta) pa jih računa kot primere okužb. Odštejte 97% pa boste prišli do realne številke! To ustreza tudi deležu umrlih in zasedenim posteljam na intenzivnih oddelkih. Drostenov test in drugi testi, ki jih v Nemčiji uporabljajo, so kalibrirani na 45 ciklov podvajanj. Na ta način se na eni strani masivno producirajo pozitivni testi, na drugi strani pa pošiljajo v karanteno tisoče ljudi, ki ne morejo nikogar okužiti. Pri nadaljevanju sedanje prakse testiranja in nadaljnji uporabi teh fake rezultatov, se ta pandemija ne bo nikoli končala.

  2. Vsi ukrepi v zvezi s corono temeljijo na povečevanju števila okuženih ali številu novih okužb. Ker rezultati testov, ki jih jemljejo za izhodišče, ne povedo nič o infekciji, so vsi ukrepi, ki na tem temeljijo, nezakoniti. Ker je očitno, kako se ta prevara dogaja, so ti ukrepi naravnost kriminalni. Danes bi rad omenil dodaten pomemben aspekt. To je vprašanje, kakšna nevarnost prihaja v resnici od SARS-CoV-2 virusa. Informacijo nam daje WHO, Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija v biltenu od 14.oktobra 2020, z objavo študije prof. medicine in epidemiologije Johna Ioannidisa, izdelano na Standfort University, z naslovom Smrtnost po infekciji s COVID-19. Prišli so do sledečega rezultata: Analiza empirično zbranih rezultatov na 51 lokacijah je pokazala povprečno umrljivost po infekciji v višini 0,23%. V regiji z manj kot 118 smrtnih slučajev je bila smrtnost po infekciji samo 0,09%, pri ljudeh, mlajših od 70 let pa samo 0,05%.


Ioannidis ni kdorkoli. Je ta čas največ citirani znanstvenik na svetu, ki se s temi problemi ukvarja. Bolj groba ocena, ki jo je WHO opravila sama, pride skupaj na stopnjo 0,14%. smrtnosti po infekciji. Sedaj primerjajmo: Azijska gripa je v letu 1957 imela pri inficiranih od 0,7% smrtnost. Nekajkrat več. Hong-Kong- gripa je imela leta 1968 0,5% smrtnosti pri okuženih, več kot dvakrat toliko. Obe pandemiji gripe sta imeli najmanj dvakrat večjo umrljivost kot novi corona virus. V obeh pandemijah je umrlo v Zahodni in vzhodni Nemčiji skupaj skoraj 100.000 ljudi. Aktualno imamo število corona pozitivnih umrlih pri tej pandemiji okoli 13.000 ljudi. Pa še nikoli niso v Nemčiji zaustavili vsega javnega življenja, zaprli podjetja, uničili cele dele podjetij, mnoge branže kot kulturo, umetnike, javne prireditve. Tega v prejšnjih epidemijah nikoli niso delali. Niso uničili na deset tisoče eksistenc in spravili v vprašanje preživetja pol avtomobilske industrije. Vprašam se, kaj je resnični razlog za to umazanijo ki jo zlivajo v našo državo. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ameriškega ministrstva za zdravje navaja sledeče procente preživetja po starosti bolnikov: 0 – 19 let 99,997 %, torej otroke za katere gre. 99,997 % inficiranih preživi. Sploh ne vedo, da so inficirani. 20 – 49 let 99,98% inficiranih. 50 – 69 let 99,5% inficiranih in 70 let ali starejši, preživi še vedno 94,6% inficiranih. In velik del nima nikakršnih simptomov, četudi je morda test pozitiven. Ker test ničesar ne pove. To pomeni, da gre pri Covid-19 – ne bom porekel, gre za prehlad, ki ga je treba jemati zares, ki se za starejše ljudi in ljudi z drugimi boleznimi lahko konča s smrtjo. Že vedno je bilo tako. Nič novega ni, da ljudje potem enkrat umro, posebej ko so starejši od 80 in imajo dve ali tri težke bolezni. To ni novo spoznanje. Kaj delate z našim narodom?! Paniko širite med ljudmi! Ljudi je strah že če se s kom pogovarjajo. Ali se bom sedaj okužil? Se mi bo kaj zgodilo? Ne, za 99,9 % ljudi se ne dogodi čisto nič! Starejše ljudi pa je treba zaščititi. To je pomembno. In to tako, da si umivamo roke, tako, da se pridržujemo higienskih pravil in da vse delamo na prostovoljni bazi. Švedi nam kažejo kako. Še vedno. Nobenega Lockdowna niso imeli.

(po vzklikih) To je fake news. to so laži, ki jih širite. Fake news in laži so, ki jih vi vsi v javnosti širite. Zakaj, ker so vsi naši mediji enako naravnani.

Televizija in časopisi, vsi so odvisni od proračunskega denarja, ki ga ta kanclerka tem medijem daje. Celo po 200 milijonov vsako leto. V tej državi se resnice sploh ne izve več.!


Dr Nestorovič, bivši vodja kriznega štaba v Srbiji o COVID-19: kar je Trump govoril o COVIDu, je bilo večinoma točno: 



Vladimir Čičarevič, oče izginulega dojenčka, o projektu COVID-19, kriminalcu Tedrosu iz WHO, medicinskem cepilnem terorizmu, PCR testu, zbiranju človeške DNK



Hrvaški genetik Tomislav Domazet Slabo o nevarnosti nošenja mask 





Velika COVID-19 iluzija: https://twitter.com/HowardSteen4/status/1332077159519838208




Makedonski infektolog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spldLZV-Txo&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR35_29lXYrag26supAsELLCZu_SmHDj8owoGR2SNbAt4ocQsuxxI9X6Mjc


Dr Pallevsky, pediater:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH0HLZMQzdg&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0vbW8U6Fn6DoshzIbLYRmi7BKpatWAAv8ZvA3inM8gZxRwdZ4e29IxuOk&bpctr=1603876157


Dr. Semir Osmanagič: o plandemiji, avtizmu, ionizatorju https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZdBRSjCEBc


COVID-19 – ukratko – najvažnije činjenice

  1. Prema podacima iz najbolje proučenih zemalja poput Južne KorejeIslandaNjemačke Danske, ukupna smrtnost Covid19 iznosi između 0,1% i 0,4% te je tako do dvadeset puta niža nego što je WHO pretpostavio u početku.
  2. Istraživanje iz Nature Medicine dolazi do sličnog zaključka čak i za kineski grad Wuhan. U početku značajno veće vrijednosti za Wuhan dobivene su jer nisu zabilježeni mnogi slučajevi sa samo blagim ili nikakvim simptomima.
  3. 50% do 80% test-pozitivnih osoba nema simptoma. Čak i među osobama u dobi od 70 do 79 godina oko 60% ostaje bez simptoma, a mnogi više pokazuju samo blage simptome
  4. Medijan umrlih u većini zemalja (uključujući Italiju) je preko 80 godina, a samo oko 1% umrlih nije imalo ozbiljnijih prethodnih bolesti. Starost i profil rizika smrti stoga u osnovi odgovara normalnoj smrtnosti. Štoviše, do 60% svih smrti dogodilo se u staračkim domovima, kpji nisu imali koristi od općeg zatvaranja
  5. Mnoga medijska izvješća o mladim i zdravim ljudima koji umiru od Covid19 pokazala su se neistinitim nakon detaljnijeg pregleda. Mnogi od tih ljudi ili nisu umrli od Covida19 ili su u stvari imali ozbiljne preduvjete (poput nedijagnosticirane leukemije).
  6. Normalna ukupna smrtnost u SAD-u je oko 8000 ljudi dnevno, u Njemačkoj oko 2600 ljudi, a u Italiji oko 1800 ljudi dnevno. Smrtnost od gripe u SAD-u je do 80.000, u Njemačkoj i Italiji do 25.000, a u Švicarskoj do 1500 ljudi zimi.
  7. Na snažno povećanu stopu smrtnosti, kao u sjevernoj Italiji, mogu utjecati dodatni faktori rizika, poput vrlo visokog zagađenja zraka i onečišćenja mikrobima, kao i kolaps u skrbi o starijim i bolesnim ljudima zbog masovnih mjera panike i zatvaranja
  8. U zemljama poput Italije i Španjolske, te u određenoj mjeri i Velike Britanije i SAD-a, ozbiljno preopterećenje bolnica, osobito gripe, nije neuobičajeno. Pored toga, do 15% liječnika i medicinskih sestara trenutno moraju u karantenu, čak i ako ne razviju simptome.
  9. Važna pitanje je odnosi se na pitanje da li ljudi umiru SA koronavirusima ili OD nje. Obdukcije pokazuju da su u mnogim slučajevima prethodne bolesti bile važan ili odlučujući faktor, ali službene brojke to obično ne odražavaju.
  10. Dakle, za procjenu opasnosti od bolesti, ključni pokazatelj nije često spomenuti broj test-pozitivnih osoba i umrlih, već broj osoba koje stvarno i neočekivano razviju ili umiru od upale pluća.
  11. Često prikazane eksponencijalne krivulje “koronskih slučajeva” su pogrešne, jer se broj testova također eksponencijalno povećava. U većini zemalja omjer pozitivnih testova i ukupnih testova ili ostaje stalan između 5% i 25% ili se povećava prilično sporo.
  12. Zemlje bez krantene i zabrana kontakta, poput Japana, Južne Koreje i Švedske, nisu iskusile negativniji tijek događaja od ostalih zemalja. Ovo bi moglo dovesti u pitanje učinkovitost takvih dalekosežnih mjera.

13. Prema vodećim pulmolozimaza, invazivna ventilacija pacijenata Covid19 često je kontraproduktivna i uzrokuje dodatna oštećenja pluća. Invazivna ventilacija pacijenata Covid19 djelomično se vrši iz straha od širenja virusa aerosolima

14. Suprotno izvornim pretpostavkama, SZO je krajem ožujka utvrdila da ne postoje dokazi raspršivanja virusa aerosolom. Vodeći njemački virolog također u pilot studiji nije pronašao aerosole i infekcije razmazanim mrljama.

15. Mnogim klinikama u Europi i Sjedinjenim Državama nedostaje pacijenata, a neke su morale uvesti kratkotrajan rad. Mnogobrojne operacije i terapije otkazale su klinike, čak i hitni pacijenti ponekad ostanu kod kuće iz straha od virusa.

16. Nekoliko medija je uhvaćeno u pokušaju dramatiziranja stanja u klinikama, ponekad čak i manipulativnim slikama i videozapisima. Mnogi mediji uglavnom ne dovode u pitanje čak ni sumnjive službene izjave i brojke.

17. Kompleti za testiranje virusa koji se koriste skloni su pogreškama. Nekoliko studija pokazalo je da čak i normalni virusi corone mogu dati lažno pozitivan rezultat. Nadalje, virus test koji se trenutno koristi nije klinički potvrđen zbog vremenskog pritiska.

18. Brojni međunarodno poznati stručnjaci iz područja virologije, imunologije i epidemiologije smatraju da su poduzete mjere kontraproduktivne i preporučuju brzu prirodnu imunizaciju opće populacije uz zaštitu rizičnih skupina.



Mar 2021: 

ER Doctor and Advanced Trauma Life Support Professor: “I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19. We are being deceived and manipulated.”


My name is Mark Trozzi. I am a medical doctor; I graduated in 1990 from The University of Western Ontario.

I have been practicing Emergency Medicine for the past twenty-five years; and I have been on call in multiple emergency units since the onset of the so-called “pandemic”, including one ER designated specifically for COVID-19.

I am an Advanced Trauma Life Support professor with the College of Surgeons of America, and I hold teaching positions at Sunnybrook Health Sciences in the Advanced Life Support Department, as well as with both Queen’s University and The University of Ottawa.

What follows is my  observations and opinions; I am bound by my personal and religious convictions to speak openly and honestly.

I do not have authority to tell you “the truth”, but I will share my honest experiences, perceptions, and digests of hundreds of hours of research on the subject of covid-19.

At the onset of this “pandemic”, I was cautious and hence meticulous with N95 mask use, hand washing, social isolation and distancing etc.

I studied coronavirus science and was deeply involved in many emergency department drills to modify our practice in profound ways to deal with the “killer virus” we were advertised.

However, various things soon made me consider that we were being deceived and manipulated. Here are a few:

The First Wave

The “first wave” of the “pandemic” was absolutely the quietest time in my career.

I have worked very hard and been very busy over the past twenty-five years in ER.

However, both in my regular ER and my “COVID-19 designated” ER, there were almost no patients, and almost no work. I had multiple long ER shifts without a single patient.

Meanwhile, when I would go to the local grocery store, the propagandized public, God bless them, would usher me to the front of the antisocial distance line, thanking me for everything I was going through as a front-line emergency doctor.

They believed that the ER’s and hospitals were full of patients dying from covid, and that I must be exhausted and at risk of dying myself from exposure.

I began contacting doctors and friends all over Canada and the US, and found the same pattern: empty hospitals, and propaganda saying that they were full of patients dying of covid.

Early Investigation

Early in my studies, I investigated zinc and hydroxychloroquine, which based on sound physiology, may genuinely help those rare persons who get very sick with this cold virus.

I was surprised that this treatment was simply brushed aside and dismissed by most of the medical community.

Early Concerns

Researching the World Health Organization, of the UN, I learned that the Chinese dictatorship (PRC) had propped up a ******* communist “Dr” Tedros, as the head of the WHO; and I learned how the PRC had been involved in: the virus release; the cover up for weeks; the disappearing and suppression of honest Chinese doctors and scientist; the spreading of the virus to the world (sparing Beijing where the PRC elite live);  and dramatic abuse of the Chinese people in their well-timed lockdown, which was filmed and transmitted to the world to create the panic that herded all of us into surrendering our economies and civil rights.

Foxes Guarding the Henhouse

I learned how Canada’s chief public health officer Dr Tam, is on the oversight committee of the WHO with Dr Tedros, essentially making her a ******-agent; and I listened to her often-******* dissertations to Canadians regarding covid-19.

My Perception of the Situation

I perceive that at every level, hospital administration has had no apparent choice, other than to submit to the endless top down roll out from governments, of questionable new rules, protocols, and procedures.

My honest conversations with coworkers about my research and observations, became a problem.

Caught in this quandary, an important administrator who I greatly respect, told me that “my thoughts made others uncomfortable, and made it difficult to keep everyone motivated and compliant” with all the new protocols and restrictions.

Sympathetic to the sad situation, I maintained my clinical position by promising to “bite my tongue any time I thought I was going to speak about COVID-19” in the hospital.

This was ultimately ethically impossible for me, and I have recently removed myself from the ER to avoid conflict.

Have I Ever Seen a Covid-19 Patient?

I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19; I have seen some positive PCR tests in asymptomatic people, and watched people be imprisoned in their own homes and isolated from family and friends.

My research into the PCR test has convinced me personally that it is misleading, manipulatable, and being used to drain endless taxpayer’s money and future debt, to dramatically enrich the very criminals running this scandal.

My province alone has performed ~50,000 PCR tests daily.

Meanwhile our federal government is bringing in hundreds of thousands of doses of potentially dangerous experimental injections of modified viral genetic material, calling them “vaccines”, and having the military manage them.

Is this reasonable for a predominantly mild and non-fatal viral illness?

Information Suppression?

I have watched the suppression of doctors and scientists who performed serum antibody studies, whose findings showed that the virus was much more widespread, yet generally nonfatal, and asymptomatic or very mild in most cases; and that in many regions we had likely already achieved natural herd immunity by summer 2020.

Look at this study performed in Wuhan itself, which shows that the virus was done there by June 1, 2020 just two months after their brief lockdowns ended, and no one was spreading it, not even the very few people with a positive PCR “test” (and they were not sick): https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19802-w


I noticed that after China’s theatric lockdown, they quickly went back to business as usual, while all our economies were frozen; they gained tremendous control over the world’s marketplace.

It seems a great though evil strategy!

Political Manipulation of Health Care Workers

I perceive that many things we learned in medical school about infectious disease, have been brushed aside and replaced by constantly expanding lists of often ******* mandates by public health officials.

Doctors, nurses, and teachers are especially important to the success of this COVID-19 deception, as we are leaders in society and people trust our advice.

So, it is no surprise that I have found free speech and thought have been very suppressed in our ranks.

Rather than endure the punishments of dissenting, we can choose to experience the short-sighted perks like extremely quiet days in the ER, replacing our traditional hands-on work with Zoom sessions from home; and accessing a variety of new COVID-19 ******* codes.

At one point, an option existed to make more money than I normally make working in a busy ER, to just stay home and be available in case the covid swabbing nurse needed to video conference with me.

There are many positive and negative motivators being used to manipulate Canadian doctors, nurses and teachers, to inadvertently participate in this grand covid deception; but this is destroying our society.

To use a Titanic metaphor: “even the luxury suites on the Titanic end up at the bottom of the ocean when she sinks”.

Also, much of what is being done, including the experimental viral genetic injections, seem to violate the Nuremberg code regarding medical experimentation with full informed consent by the participants.

Doctor’s and nurses face tough decisions.

My career as an emergency physician always provided me an opportunity to practice my religious and ethical beliefs of honesty and kindness, while making a good living.

Now maintaining the career I love, would require participating in the deception, violating my oath and spiritual beliefs, and in my opinion committing crimes against humanity as defined by the Nuremberg Code.

I empathize with all my fellow doctors and nurses. We are all victims of the covid abuse.

Deeper Investigation

I researched and perceived how  corrupt oligarchs seem to have planned this crime against humanity.

This planning included Event 201 which was a simulation of a corona pandemic conducted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins University in October 2019; and the Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 Viral outbreak simulation planning called “Operation Lockstep”.

Both these projects described how a viral outbreak would be used to bring in an authoritarian system with the loss of our human rights and freedoms.

I also observed how their cohorts in big tech like Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube worked to censor and deceive us all; it’s genuine propaganda.

Regarding the Use of Face Masks

The forced wearing of masks by most of the world’s population is not unanimously supported by real science.

These masks cause significant harm to our psychologic, social, dermatologic, dental and otolaryngotic health.

Though I generally have great health, the masks have given me rashes and nasal symptoms whenever I have had to wear them for prolonged periods, which resolve whenever I  do not wear them for a few days.

What I find most disturbing is the elimination of facial expressions, and hence normal visual social interaction.

Regarding Covid-19 Vaccinations

The history of past attempts at vaccines for coronaviruses, revealed some very dangerous side effects in animal models, and the efforts were abandoned.

Why would we take a dangerous vaccine for a generally mild illness, to which we develop herd immunity anyways?

The current roll-out of fast tracked expensive experimental “vaccines” is burying the taxpayers in endless debt to the rich and powerful villains of this story.

Yet, we the people who have been imprisoned and abused in this scandal, are being manipulated into taking  new strange injections, in hopes that we might regain some of our freedom.

Additionally the so called “vaccines” are not vaccines (unless we change the definition of vaccines). Rather they are injections of Corona virus genes.

See the section This Is Not A Vaccine

Difficult Decisions

Recently, I have made some tough personal decisions; surrendering income and personal security, to choose an ethical and honest path forward, that may help contribute to an outcome that is true and just; and to the return of our free society and civil liberties.

I believe that we are almost all victims in this, regardless of where we are on the path for the recovery of truth.

Read the full article and show your support for Dr. Mark Trozzi at DrTrozzi.com.


* * *

Covid-19: What you’re NOT being told, what Other Experts are Saying

CDC: of the 161,392 deaths attributed to Covid-19 in the U.S. over the last 6 months (02/01/20 – 08/22/20), 94% of them had an average of 2.6 comorbidities (additional causes of death, as defined by W.H.O.); Only 6%, or approx. 9,700 people died exclusively from Covid-19); (accessed 8/31/20)


Compare that to CDC: 79,400 people in the U.S. died of the flu during the 2017–2018 season


CDC: Fatality rate among those who Contract Covid-19 for Ages
0-19=.00003; Ages 20-49=.0002; Ages 50-69=.005; Ages 70 and older=.054 (accessed 10/04/20) https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html


Anthony S. Fauci MD (NIAID, Corona Virus Task Force), Robert R. Redfield MD (Director of CDC), Et. al. in New England Journal Of Medicine: Even if one assumes number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza


White House: University Southern Califonia & L.A. County Public Health study indicates Covid-19 case fatality rate is .1-.3 percent, similar to common flu


World Health Organization: Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is very rare (6/8/20)


CDC: A positive Covid-19 Test result could just mean that you have antibodies from an infection with a virus from the same family of viruses (called coronaviruses), such as the one that causes the common cold 


CDC: COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents, even if it’s only assumed to have caused, or contributed to death 


States adopting “revised definition” for “Covid-19 Probable cases”: all contacts of those who’re “Covid-19 confirmed” get added to Covid-19 case count, as if they too are confirmed cases


Government programs based on a provision in the CARES Act are paying hospitals more for treating patients who’re diagnosed with coronavirus


Minnesota Senator, Dr. Scott Jensen MD: Through Medicare, hospitals get $13,000 for each Covid-19 Patient, $39,000 if they get put on a ventilator


Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus [which includes common cold/flu, American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine], Not Specifically for COVID-19


Georgia nurses file lawsuit, accusing hospitals of instructing them to swab incorrectly to give false results


ICU nurse of 30 years: we’re being forced to inflate pandemic numbers – everything is “Covid-19”


Dr. Scott Jensen (Minnesota Senator and MD): we’re being instructed to fill out death certificates with a diagnosis of Covid-19 whether the person actually died from Covid-19 or Not


Patients Speak Out: Receiving “Covid-19” Diagnosis without being tested


A Web site that tracks actual hospital beds in use suggests the model used by top White House health officials to project the trajectory of the coronavirus has so far  overestimated the number of Americans hospitalized by the disease by tens of thousands


Investigation Reveals Inflated Florida Coronavirus Numbers: Countless labs have reported a 100 percent positivity rate, which means every single person tested was positive. The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report.;Orlando Veteran’s Medical Center had a positivity rate of 76 percent. A spokesperson for the VA told FOX 35 News on Tuesday that this does not reflect their numbers and that the positivity rate for the center is actually 6 percent.


Video Compilation of Citizen Journalists going to “overwhelmed” hospitals and testing sites and finding them empty


Man Assaulted by Urgent Care CEO for filming video of empty “overwhelmed” Covid-19 testing location


German Citizen Journalist goes to hospital ‘teeming with coronavirus patients’ – finds no one there


Amid “Pandemic,” Hospitals Lay Off 1.4M Workers Just In April


Amid “pandemic”, New Viral video sensation takes internet by storm, evidently triggered by boredom: Dancing Nurses


CBS Caught Using Footage from Italian Hospital in NYC Report


Media Caught Using Dummy in “pandemic” footage


Duper’s Delight: “Nurse” being interviewed by JESUIT [Roman Catholic military Order/secret society] trained Chris Cuomo (Fordham University) on CNN; seemingly forgets her lines, can’t stop smiling, bursts out laughing, while talking about “number of dead” she’s “seen”


Crying US COVID-19 nurse video slamming poor working conditions slated as ‘fraudulent’


‘It’s all fake!’: A Top Chinese official heckled by residents on visit to Wuhan


COVID-19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless: Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Covid-19, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose, inventor PCR Test indicated inappropriate for detecting viral infection


Covid-19 test kits dismissed as faulty after returning positive results on samples taken from a goat and a Pawpaw fruit


What are Koch’s Postulates?
“Evidence required to establish etiologic relationship between microorganism and disease: 1. Micro-organism must be observed in every case of disease (and not present in healthy beings) 2. Must be isolated from all other organic material and grown in pure culture 3. Pure culture when inoculated in healthy beings must reproduce same disease 4. Micro-organism must be recovered from the diseased animal”


68 referenc na naslovu: https://thechristianflyer.wixsite.com/cvhoax?fbclid=IwAR2l45EtU8fx8dGN-_ynrBNkY6QOOLazPc9HRk9PANgGDL9a9CVootfJkVI


Izrael: snemanje lažnih prizorov lažnih COVID-19 bolnikov v lažni bolnišnici za ustvarjanje strahu v javnosti PLANDEMIJA https://www.facebook.com/100042218345729/videos/357134782370464


Ekskluzivno: Vlada UK-a na udaru kritika jer se otkriva da su samo tri bolnice liječile pacijente oboljele od COVID-19 No naša istraga otkriva da su bolnice jedva korištene tijekom prvog vala pandemije, kada su se svakodnevno gubile stotine života, a ni tijekom sadašnjeg drugog vala nisu bile značajno mobilizirane za skrb o oboljelima, unatoč tome što su bile spremne Podaci dobiveni korištenjem zahtjeva za slobodu informiranja (FOI) pokazuju kako su do siječnja ove godine samo 272 pacijenta liječena u Nightingales bolnicama. https://dokumentarac.hr/novosti/ekskluzivno-vlada-uk-a-na-udaru-kritika-jer-se-otkriva-da-su-samo-tri-bolnice-lijecile-pacijente-oboljele-od-covid-19/

Werner Werner Brozovic FB 17.3. 2021 ffectS16S.pso omnarcecec sdSoisobh ric09S:efd18 · ZBUDI SE, SLOVENIJA‼ Tretja svetovna vojna je napad na ZDRAV RAZUM. Vse to kar se dogaja... je zaradi LJUDI katerim so vladajoči sprali možgane z enoletnim ustrahovanjem in medijsko hipnozo....oni slepo sledijo navodilom vladajočih in na ta način onemogočajo normalnim in zbujenim ljudem, da zaživijo normalno življenje. Med njimi so tudi predsednik države in vsi politiki, predsedniki opozicijskih strank, ki se obremenjujejo z vsem samo ne z GENOCIDOM, KI JIM GA VLADAJOČI IZVAJAJO PRED NOSOM. V tem času se objavljajo ANKETE POPULARNOSTI- PA KDO PAMETEN BO TE POLITIKE, KI JIH IMAMO SPLOH ŠE KDAJ VOLIL PUSTILI SO VLADAJOČIM PSIHOPATOM, DA TEPTAJO NAROD...To jim pameten narod nikoli ne bo oprostil... . V KATERI MATRICI ONI SPLOH ŽIVIJO? Pahor, Šarac, Bratuškova, Mesec, Fajon..??? O VLADAJOČIH PSIHOPATIH SPLOH NE BOM IZGUBLJAL BESED....VEMO KJE BI MORALI BITI... . Če vam še vedno ni jasen pravi razlog nošenja mask in če ne vidite, da gre tukaj za PREVARO STOLETJA IN BIZNIS STOLETJA....pol res nimate več kaj delati v politiki...potem so tudi vam SPRALI MOŽGANE ali pa sodelujete prikrito z vladajočimi diktatorji, ki so od prijazne, ljubeče dežele naredili nacistično deželo, v kateri se izvaja genocid in vbrizgava strup v telo nedolžnih ljudi...otokom pa se preprečuje 8h na dan vdihovanje zraka...ZATO SE SPRAŠUJEM A JE SPLOH ŠE KDO OD POLITIKOV NORMALEN?????Vsi gledate v drugo stran!!!Vse je postalo že normalno -normalno je, da ljudje umirajo po cepljenju. - normalno je, da en dan vladajoči propagirajo cepivo in cepijo na tisoče ljudi drug dan pa ga umaknejo iz uporabe, ker je nevaren.Češ..jebi ga.... - normalno je, da so stari ljudje poskusni zajčki cepiv, čeprav smo prav, da bi njih zaščitili ustavili življenje in zadolžili generacije naših otrok. - normalno je to, da imamo že 5 mesecev policijsko uro. - normalno je že tudi to, da se otrokom natika maska, ki jo morajo nositi 8 ur ter vdihovati ogljikov dioksid. - normalno je tudi to, da če se cepiš spet lahko zboliš.Zakaj se potem cepiš???A ja prepričali so vas z idiotizmom, da boste s cepljenjem zaščitili druge???Čeprav vam takoj tudi povedo, da ne boste??? - normalno je to, da vladajoči GROBO KRŠIJO USTAVO z odloki na kar je nekolikokrat opozoril ustavni pravnik gospod Teršek. - normalno je to, da se tudi šolniki, da bi zadržali svoj posel in bili "ODGOVORNI" morajo cepiti in spustiti neregistriran strup v svoje telo. - torej vse kar je za pametne ljudi, ki uporabljajo razum NENORMALNO je za njih NORMALNO. Imamo maso ljudi in politikov katerim so sprani možgani in sploh več ne uporabljajo razum.In to vse zaradi bolezni od katere je umrlo manj kot 1% obolelih?????? HALOOOOOOO....ZBUDI SE SLOVENIJA‼️ Naproščam pa vse ljudi katerim je vse to kar sem zgoraj naštel "NORMALNO" da se nemudoma cepijo...če je možno z AstraZeneca cepivi....pa prosim ne enkrat KAR NEKAJKRAT DA BO DRŽALO Ne vabite pa pošten narod in ne zavajajte ljudi, ker če ste se sami tako odločili ne pomemi, da je to prav...nekateri razmišljajo s svojo glavo. Povabite pa vse vladajoče politike, predsednika države, premiera, ministra zdravstva in šolstva, gospo Beovič, vse prodane mikrobiologe, gospoda Kreka in gospoda Kacina in vso stroko, ki zagovarja cepiva, da se vam pridružijo...seveda s pravimi cepivi ne pa z fiziološko raztopino..PA PRED NARODOM NAJ SE CEPIJO! JAZ PRVI ODSTOPIM CEPIVO. Pustite pa pametne ljudi in ljudi, ki so spregledali prevaro, da končno zaživimo svobodno življenje ter, da se upremo psihopatom in genocidu, ki se izvaja nad SLOVENSKIM NARODOM, ter če že vi nimate jajc zaščititi vaše otroke in vaše starše to naredimo mi. Hvala!

Donald Trump po okužbi s koronavirusom SARS CoV-2: Veliko sem se naučil o koronavirusu. In ena stvar je jasna: Naj vas ne obvladuje. Ne bojte se ga. NE BOJTE SE KORONAVIRUSA https://www.facebook.com/andrej.zerovc/videos/10217235769117315