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Opis: Emesto je namenjeno digitalizaciji območja občine Makole. Tukaj najdete vsebine, ki jih objavljajo lokalna podjetja, kmetije, društva in prebivalci. Če želite vsebino dodati to storite iz svojega profila, tako da pri objavljanju vsebine dodate trend #Makole.
Opis: Svetlana Makarovič, slovenska pesnica, mladinska pisateljica, igralka, ilustratorka in šansonjerka, V Sloveniji je znana avtorica za odrasle in mladinske naslovnike. Njena mladinska besedila so postala del sodobne klasike in mladinskega kanona, ki imajo posebno mesto v zgodovini slovenske mladinske književnosti.[
Opis: Ovdje možete objaviti događaje iz okružja naše općine. Dovoljeno je oglaševanje svim firmama s našega područja. Za sve informacije i kontakte priložene su vam sledjeće internetske stranice.
Opis: Ansambel bratov Poljanšek je slovenski narodnozabavni ansambel, ki prihaja iz Tuhinjske doline. V njem nastopajo trije bratje: Rudi s harmoniko, Danilo z bas kitaro in Miro s trobento. Zraven so še trije drugi člani: Forti s klarinetom, Roman s kitaro in pevec Maksi. Od začetka leta 2008 ansambel nastopa brez Mira in Fortija. S 1. majem 2009 je ansambel zamenjal kitarista. Romanovo mesto je prevzel Gašper Plahuta
Opis: "Otpevano za sva vremena" He was big name of gypsy and jazz music and had soulfully voice and fantastic expression in which I enjoy tremendously, especially in his latest projects and live concerts. Šaban Bajramović was the most prolific and the most celebrated Gypsy singer, composer and poet in the Balkans. (Sandra Draskovic) Over the years, his music has been constantly stolen, copied, and imitated by both famous and unknown musicians. Promises and contracts have proven worthless. Actually, he's never been interested in protecting his work. Where others would have earned millions, he's lived as he's always lived: from day to day, making music, going wherever he wants, and not recognising any limits at all. ” (Dragi Šestić - Mostar Sevdah Reunion)
Opis: Christopher Maurice "Chris" Brown (born May 5, 1989) is an American recording artist, dancer, and actor. Born in Tappahannock, Virginia, Brown taught himself to sing and dance at a young age and was involved in his church choir and several local talent shows. In 2004, he signed with Jive Records, and released his self-titled debut album the following year. The album peaked at number two on the US Billboard 200 chart, and featured the hit single "Run It!", which topped the Billboard Hot 100, making Brown the first male artist as a lead to have his debut single top the chart since Diddy in 1997. Chris Brown was certified double platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).
Opis: Objavna deska Slovenskih Čebelarjev
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