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Žvižgač, ki je izpostavil neželene učinke cepiva COVID-19, soočen s tožbo
Indijski serumski inštitut (SII) toži 40-letnega Indijca zaradi objave grozljivih podrobnosti o grozljivih stranskih učinkih, ki jih je doživel po cepljenju proti koronavirusu (COVID-19). Moški je sodeloval v kliničnem preskušanju eksperimentalnega cepiva COVID-19, ko je doživel "nevrološki in psih
A Brilliant Analysis of Vaccination, by Richard Moskowitz, MD and Homeopath
In the age of COVID, vaccination looms large. As in mandatory. And of course, toxic. I’ve already covered two new vaccine technologies, one of which has already been pushed forward, to “protect” people from a virus that has never been properly proven to exist. DNA vaccines, aka gene therapy,
5G Protests Worldwide
Worldwide Action Over 600 cities in Italy have passed resolutions to halt 5G, as have cities throughout Europe, such as Trafford, United KingdomLille, France ,Ormidia, CyprusBalchik, Bulgaria. The Pancyprian Medical Association and Cyprus National Committee on the Environment and Child Healt
Candace Owens sticks up for skeptics of COVID-19 vaccine, discusses her “terrifying” injury from HPV vaccine
Conservative pundit and author Candace Owens threw her support behind Americans who are skeptical of the safety of two new COVID-19 vaccines, many of whom have vowed not to take the experimental concoctions which were rushed through with only limited testing. Owens used her ‘take no prisoners’ st
Why They Flushed Christmas Down the Memory Hole - Jesus is the antithesis of the up-side-down world they are creating
December 25, 2020 Each year, Christmas becomes a fading reflection of Christmas' past.  What do the Satanists have against Jesus?   He is the antithesis of the up-side-down world they are creating. Jesus taught that God is Love, and he loves everyone equally. He taught that God is a moral force -
trd kot dva kratka politika - vlada, ki se nikoli nič ne nauči
So the gov’s latest wheeze in an effort to breathe more life into its dying terror campaign has been to respond to “advice” from “experts” that it should be “worried” and “concerned” the COVID9 bug has developed a mysterious  “variant” that has caused it to accelerate the rate at which it is spr
Šokantne zračne fotografije iz Nashvillea razkrivajo popolno opustošenje vzdolž središča ulice, potem ko je mesto 'stresla' NAMERNA bombna eksplozija
Spominja na vladno bombardiranje Murraha v mestu OK City leta 1995 Shocking aerial photos from Nashville reveal absolute devastation along downtown street after 'intentional' blast rocked the city Images taken from the skies above Nashville on Friday morning reveal widespread damage along Second
Nujno opozorilo: evropski poslanec dr. Heinrich Fiechtner opozarja: "To je morilsko cepljenje"
Urgent Alert: MEP Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner Warns: ‘It’s a Killer Vaccination’ by Amy MekRAIR Foundation USADecember 27, 2020   Independent Member of Parliament (MEP), Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner slammed the German government and media for their endless propaganda, misinformation and fake news conce
Sivi zastor se spušča - promotorji zgodb ne obravnavajo nedoslednosti in goljufij, ker tega ne morejo; preprosto zanikajo njihov obstoj
Promotorji zgodb ne obravnavajo nedoslednosti in goljufij, ker tega ne morejo. Zatirajo svobodno poizvedovanje in razprave. Ne vidijo potrebe, da ne bi še naprej lažno predstavljali drugega kot podrejanje in nadzor The Gray Curtain Descends, Part 1 BY TYLER DURDEN SATURDAY, DEC 26, 2020 - 22:30
če se nameravate cepiti, raje ne ! PREBERITE ZAKAJ NE ! Stefano Montanari
Kratek spomin tistih, ki uporabljajo triumfalistične tone ob prvih cepljenjih na TV v živo. 1976: Velika epidemija prašičje gripe je prizadela Združene države. Kmalu zatem je predsednik Ford v živo cepil in začel novo množično cepljenje. V naslednjih mesecih je bilo cepivo umaknjeno zaradi stotine p
Date:   14 Mars, 2008 Auteur:   Ingrao Christian It is difficult to begin a chronological index, a matrix – as it were – for a massive event. In fact, Nazi Germany generated several policies of planned mass killing, a practice which culminated in the attempt to complet
PREPREČITE CEPLJENJE - Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 - WEF - Great Reset
Imamo priložnost, da zavrnemo in preprečimo globalne načrte z upiranjem in zavrnitvijo cepljenja proti Covid-19. Za dosego in dokončanje te nove ekstremne diktatorske tehnokratske vlade nas potrebujejo vse cepljene. Ne morejo dobiti popolnega nadzora nad množicami, dokler ne vbrizgajo teh gensko s
Benjamin Fulford - 28. december 2020: Masivna ofenziva proti skupini Octagon želi končati nacistični 4. rajh
Benjamin Fulford — December 28th 2020: Massive Offensive Against Octagon Group Aims to Finish off Nazi 4th Reich 12/28/2020 BY  LEAVE A COMMENT FacebookTwitterEmailPinterestRedditShare (Stillness in the Storm Editor) In honor of Ben’s wishes to withhold posting the full up
Nevarno zavezništvo Rothschilda in Vatikanskega Bergoglia
Above Prince Charles talks to Lynn Forester de Rothschild (left), organizer of the Conference on Inclusive Capitalism, and Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund. Click to enlarge F William Engdahl – NEO Dec 22, 2020 Holy Moly! The most globalist and interventionist Pope sinc
Member of the state parliament in Baden-Württemberg, Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner slammed the German government and media for their endless propaganda, misinformation and fake news concerning the Chinese coronavirus. In an impassioned speech on the floor of the German Parliament, Dr. Fiechtner also war
Obsodimo življenje na električni stol - navadna fizika in biofizika telefona in Wi-Fi sevanje
Giving Life the Electric Chair — The Plain Physics & Biophysics of Phone & WiFi Radiation  | Dec 30, 2020 |  Peter Tocci – Activist Post Dec 29, 2020 In plain language, technical aspects of a terminal threat to life are discussed, whereby “responsible,” “safer”, and “safe” technology become oxymor
kako socialni inženirji uporabljajo oboroženo psihologijo za potiskanje nepreverjenih cepiv
by Ben Bartee via The Daily Bell, DEC 30, 2020  In the coming months, a warp-speed, unprecedentedly rushed COVID-19 vaccine will likely be approved and subsequently introduced to market. Whereas most vaccines take ten or more years to develop at a minimum – a necessary precaution to screen for
COVID: "Vsaka strašljiva stvar, ki vam jo povedo, je odvisna od nezanesljivega PCR testa"
COVID: ‘Every Scary Thing You’re Being Told Depends on the Unreliable PCR Test’ by News Wire2st Century WireDecember 30, 2020   Since the COVID-19 crisis began, all of the WHO and Government so-called ‘mitigation’ policies – lockdowns, social distancing, masks, shutting schools etc, have all bee
Več deset najstnikov obkroži in napade avtomobil z medicinskimi tablicami v New Yorku
WATCH: Dozens of teenagers surround & attack car bearing medical plates in New York 30 Dec, 2020 16:09 Get short URL Screenshots © Twitter / @DrWinarick 192 Follow RT on Intense footage from New York has gone viral, showing a large group of teens attacking a stopped car, then
Govor dr. Igorja Shepherda o grozotah cepiva Covid
Dr. Igor Shepherd’s Talk About the Horrors of the Covid Vaccine: Full Transcript By  GaryDBarnett.com December 31, 2020 All credit for this transcription is due to Lew Rockwell at LewRockwell.com, (LRC) and Vicki Marzullo. Also, Dr. Igor Shepherd viewed, edited, and approved thi
CORMAN-DROSTEN REVIEW REPORT CURATED BY AN INTERNATIONAL CONSORTIUM OF SCIENTISTS IN LIFE SCIENCES (ICSLS) report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020 This extensive review report has been officially submitted to Eurosurveillance editorial board on 27th November 2020
Slovenija in svet: smrti in poškodbe po cepljenju s cepivi za COVID-19
Cenzura poškodb po cepivu za COVID-19 https://www.facebook.com/pandemicdebate/videos/4312034785550485 * https://swprs.org/covid-vaccine-adverse-events/ Swiss Policy Research: Pregled hudih neželenih učinkov cepiv za covid. * Vaccine & Blood Analysis Under Microscope Presented By Independent Researc
Showdown at the DC Corral as the Demonrats make their Last Stand - Benjamin Fulford
by Benjamin Fulford, January 4th, 2020 The coming week is expected to be historic as opposing forces will have a showdown in Washington DC on January 6th.  The outcome will determine the survival of the Constitutional Republic with Donald Trump finding his place in history as one of its great hero
ŠTUDIJA: DTP cepivo Billa Gatesa je ubilo 10-krat več afriških deklet kot sama bolezen
According to a peer reviewed study published in a respected journal by the world’s most authoritative vaccine scientists, Bill Gates DTP vaccine killed 10 times more African girls than the disease itself. The vaccine apparently compromised their immune systems. Although, such study was never perf
Spoštovani policisti, zdravstveni delavci in osebje prve pomoči: V zvezi s pomisleki okrog cepiv proti COVID-19
Dear Police, Healthcare Workers, and First Responders: Regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns Dear Police, First Responders and Healthcare Workers Re: COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns I am writing on behalf of Vaccine Choice Canada to express our deep concern for you and your colleagues. We understand that f
Zavajanje 'virogije' in cepiv - Zakaj koronavirus ni nalezljiv
The Deception of Virology & Vaccines | Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious by Jeff GreenVirusesAreNotContagious.comOctober 2, 2020   The following excerpt from Jeff Green’s ebook “The Age of Deception”,  is shared here with his permission.   This post intends to go to the heart of virology and v
Zavezniška grozodejstva proti nemškim ujetnikom
Kriki živo pokopanih v nočeh: preživeli nemški vojni ujetniki opisujejo Eisenhowerjeva uničevalna taborišča po koncu 2. svetovne vojne. Nacizem hujši od nacizma. By John Wear – Renegade Tribune June 13, 2021 One night in April 1945, I was startled out of my stupor in the rain and the mud by pi
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