Opis: Robert Leroy Johnson (May 8, 1911 – August 16, 1938) was an American blues singer and musician. His landmark recordings from 1936–37 display a combination of singing, guitar skills, and songwriting talent that has influenced later generations of musicians. Johnson's shadowy, poorly documented life and death at age 27 have given rise to much legend, including the Faustian myth that he sold his soul at a crossroads to achieve success. As an itinerant performer who played mostly on street corners, in juke joints, and at Saturday night dances, Johnson had little commercial success or public recognition in his lifetime.
Opis: Jonas Brothers so ameriški pop rock band. Ustanovljena leta 2005, ki so pridobili popularnost od Disney Channel TV otroško omrežja in je sestavljen iz treh bratov iz obale regije v New Jerseyju; Paul Kevin Jonas II, Joseph Adam Jonas in Nicholas Jerry Jonas .
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