On Monday, April 13, 2015 at Best Western Premier Hotel Slon, Slovenska cesta 34, Ljubljana we will proudly kick off the 8th Free Market Road Show®, which is organized by over 50 leading think tanks and universities and in association with international partners such as the Austrian Economics Center, Liberty Fund, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, and European Students for Liberty. The 2015 Free Market Road Show® will bring together leading businessmen, scholars, opinion makers, public policy experts, elected officials, diplomats, students, and other interested parties from across Europe and the world to discuss the kind of Europe its citizens want to develop.
Using 2013 GDP growth figures (2014 were not available); real GDP growth in the European Union was 0.01%, while in the Euro area it was -0.5%. Some of Europe’s largest economies, such as the United Kingdom and France, experienced twin deficits – budget balance and current account balance. It is argued that the welfare state not only burdens future generations but also appears to be on the brink of collapse. Meanwhile, policymakers seem to be detached from the real causes of this worrisome situation, carrying on with further centralisation and increasing regulation in Europe’s economy. What recipe does Europe need to turn around the trend of a free fall and to experience economic growth, the latter leading to higher standards of living and the elimination of the remaining pockets of poverty? Is the solution a liberalisation of the economy, structural reforms, balanced budgets, lower tariffs, taxes and subsidies?
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