
The reasons why everyone should be like Dragan Mektic

'The rule of law is Bosnia and Herzegovina is disappearing', 'BiH is a dismantled country', 'Is there anyone normal in this BiH', 'The Prosecutor's office has become the place for false charges for so

By: Amina Corbo - Zeco

'The rule of law is Bosnia and Herzegovina is disappearing', 'BiH is a dismantled country', 'Is there anyone normal in this BiH', 'The Prosecutor's office has become the place for false charges for some people'... are only some of the quotes which Dragan Mektic, the security ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been recently channeling.

Some criticize him for exaggerating, crossing the line and interfering with issues outside of his area of responsibility. What they don't seem to understand is that he is only doing his job as security minister. When there's no rule of law, there's no security!

Disappointing fact is that Mektic is lonely in his mission. We have not heard about any of his colleagues offering him support, and at the same time, we get everyday proof that his statements are correct. The latest case is the alleged clandestine interception of the prosecutor Gordana Tadic and the member of High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, Ruzica Jukic. The Prosecutor's office established that the document is authentic, while Mektic openly told them – you are not the ones to give expert opinion. It will turn out that Mektic is right. The document was falsified, and the most important judicial institution in the country is disgraced yet again! Most of observers agree that Tadic should resign from her position. Such scenario, however, is hardly likely to happen.

Years will go by, as before, and this case will be remembered by few analysts and historians. We are running out of time for any serious judicial reform and general cleaning of personnel. That, coupled with other compromising events, are the reasons why this institution is losing its credibility.

Ought we to remind that none of the 'big names' among those arrested and charged for corruption, misuse of power and fraud were convicted. What kind of rule of law can we talk about when charges are dropped for no real reason, while evidence disappears with explanation that offenders have never been found?

One of the most memorable cases is the one from 2006 featuring Dragan Covic who was convicted for misuse of his position as BiH finance minister, enabling some companies to evade paying customs tax of tens of thousands KM. The case has never been closed due to disappearing of the original documents. The culprits remain unknown.

Nedzad Brankovic was tried several times and freed each time. His many times repeated line 'I've done everything according to the law' remains internal joke. If anyone can prove it different, let him do so. So far, prosecutor's offices have lost in the race with crime and corruption.

Why is then Mektic being criticized for 'dismantling the country' when all of the above examples prove that he is telling the truth? Who is dismantling the rule of law which is the foundation for every democratic country, particularly for the one working hard to access the EU?

The prosecutor's office BiH has become the place for framing and false charges of some people. Zivko Budimir and Semsudin Mehmedovic know what we are referring to. Sports fishing can be found on lower levels. We all remember the case Hamdija Lipovaca.

If something is rotten in the Prosecutor's office BiH, the whole BiH is rotten.

What amazes is that those who talk about their love of Bosnia keep silent to this. They should know that without strong judiciary and the rule of law – there's no BiH.

