WHO je 11.marca 2020 razglasila pandemijo. Odzivi glavnih igralcev na geopolitični šahovnici pa so, pred tem datumom in po tem datumu, zelo zanimivi.
Pred tem pa se je med drugim zgodilo:
U.S. Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 signed into law by George H. W. Bush. The act broadly defined several terms related to biological warfare (BW).[9] Those terms were: vector, toxin, biological agent and delivery system.[9] BWATA defined a biological agent as:[4][10]
any micro-organism, virus, infectious substance, or biological product that may be engineered as a result of biotechnology, or any naturally occurring or bioengineered component of any such microorganism, virus, infectious substance, or biological product, capable of causing death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism; deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or material of any kind or deleterious alteration of the environment
WHO / World Health Organization / Posvetovalni sestanek o Mrezi Visoko/Maksimalno Kontaminentnih (Biosafety Level 4) Laboratorijih 13-15 December 2017 - Porocilo o vsebini sestanka
Fort Detrick BSL-4. Laboratorij v Fort Detricku, ki je delal raziskave nevarnih povzrociteljev bolezni kot so Ebola, je bil na osnovi izdanega odloka CDC / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / julija 2019 zaprt.
CDC / Center for Deasise Control and Prevention / ocenjuje da je bilo v Ameriki med sezono gripe 2018-2019 bolanih do 42.9 millijona ljudi. Hospitaliziranih je bilo 647,000 ljudi, umrlo jih je 61,200.
Covid-19 - BLOOMBERG - Updated: 25. März 2020, 10:58 MEZ
Confirmed cases worldwide 416,976 Deaths worldwide 19,277
How corona broke the system The crisis is another stress test for the already heavily burdened transatlantic partnership. President Trump’s decision to isolate the United States from its European allies without consulting them has sent a clear signal. The American attempt to take over CureVac, a company based in Tübingen, to secure the vaccine exclusively for the United States, even escalated into a heated dispute with Berlin. Any joint, coordinated crisis response is hardly conceivable under these conditions. In the West, the byword so far has been ‘Every man for himself.’
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V Italiji pristalo že štirinajsto rusko letalo z zdravniki in opremo
10.3.2020 - The Chinese medics who arrived in Malpensa yesterday from Shanghai via a special China Eastern flight – carrying 400,000 masks and 17 tons of equipment. The salutation (“waves from the same sea, leaves from the same tree, flowers from the same garden”) – is inspired by Seneca. Supreme cultural elegance. THAT’S civilization.
Coronavirus: Xi Jinping calls leaders of France, Spain, Germany and Serbia with offers of support
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Weeks Before Virus Panic, Intelligence Chairman Privately Raised Alarm, Sold Stocks
US military in Italy mobilizes to help as coronavirus spreads
Army bans moves to new assignments, training trips for soldiers based in Italy
Brazilski predsednik meni, da je novi koronavirus medijski trik
-------------------------------- BLOMBERG -------------------------------------------
Mapping the Coronavirus Outbreak Across the World / Coronavirus v svetu
Where deaths have occurred Deaths Cases < povezava
Updated: Daily / Azurirano: Dnevno
Na infekcijski kliniki nestrpno čakajo na rezultate testiranja z remdesivirjem
Na Kitajskem je za zdravljenje bolezni covid-19 že v zadnji fazi kliničnega testiranja zdravilo remdesivir, za katerega so poročali, da je dokazano učinkovito. Poskusno ga že prejema en bolnik pri nas.
V Javni agenciji RS za zdravila in medicinske pripomočke so za TV Slovenija potrdili, da so Američane zaprosili za zdravilo in ga tudi dobili. Zdaj ga poskusno že prejema en bolnik, ki je hospitaliziran zaradi okužbe z novim koronavirusom. Zdravljenje še poteka, na infekcijski kliniki pa nestrpno čakajo na rezultate.
Ker remdesivir še nima dovoljenja za promet kot zdravilo proti koronavirusni bolezni 19 in je še na stopnji raziskav, ga ni mogoče prosto kupiti. Zato ga je ameriški proizvajalec doniral Sloveniji.
Mar 25, 2020