Nizozemska: Fundacija Stop5GNL toži državo zaradi 5G
Objavljeno Mar 06, 2020

3. marec 2020:

Nizozemska fundacija je na sodišču vložila tožbo zaradi uvajanja 5G, pri čemer navaja pomisleke glede zdravja

Telecom Paper, 3. marca 2020 Fundacija Stop5GNL je zoper nizozemsko vlado vložila  povzetek tožbe za sodni postopek, da bi preprečila uvajanje 5G.

Fundacija meni, da je namestitev nezakonita, saj državljanov ne ščiti pred posledicami izpostavljenosti sevanju 5G.

5G pomeni povečanje števila baznih posaj mobilne telefonije in majhnih oddajnikov ( celic z ozkim snopom), zlasti na gosto pozidanih območjih. Po mnenju fundacije tehnologije 5G niso bile ustrezno raziskane glede zdravstvenih tveganj.

Skupina Stop5GNL je dejala, da so študije, izvedene za 2G, 3G in 4G, pokazale škodljive učinke na ljudi, živali in rastline ter da bo povečanje intenzivnosti sevanja omrežja 5G močno vplivalo na ljudi in okolje. Stop5GNL verjame, da zastarele smernice za sevanje ne nudijo zaščite pred temi škodljivimi učinki.

Da so smernice zastarele meni tudi strokovna skupina Evropskega parlamenta:

"Trenutno veljavna določba EU o izpostavljenosti brezžičnim signalom; Priporočilo Sveta o omejitvi izpostavljenosti prebivalstva elektromagnetnim poljem (0 Hz do 300 GHz) je zdaj staro 20 let in tako ne upošteva posebnih tehničnih lastnosti 5G."

Martine Vriens, odvetnica za človekove pravice in pravna svetovalka fundacije  Stop5GNetherlands, poudarja, da uvajanje 5G resno krši naše temeljne človekove pravice. Pravi: „Država je dolžna zagotoviti zdravje svojih državljanov in tega ne počne z uvajanjem 5G. Preveč je raziskav, ki kažejo resne škodljive učinke na zdravje zaradi izpostavljenosti temu sevanju. Vlada je nezakonito izpostavila nizozemsko prebivalstvo tako velikim tveganjem."

Stop5GNozemska je zahtevala moratorij za uvajanje 5G. Pred vložitvijo tožbe so ministru za gospodarske zadeve poslali vabilno pismo z zahtevo, naj ustavi 5G. Odziv ali pomanjkanje le-tega je bilo predvidljivo. "Ker ministrstvo ni izpolnilo naše zahteve, smo sprožili postopek," pojasnjuje Martine Vriens. Stop5GNL je za vodenje tega postopka angažirala visoko usposobljene upravne odvetnike. Zaslišanje bo 21. aprila 2020 v Haagu.

Stop5GNL, da se nizozemska vlada skriva za varnostnimi smernicami Mednarodne komisije za varstvo pred neionizirnimi sevanji -ICNIRP, ki ne ščitijo ljudi ali prosto živečih živali pred škodljivimi učinki tehnologij in sevanja na osnovi radiofrekvenčnih mikrovalov. Smernice ICNIRP, tako kot ameriške smernice Zvezne komisije za komunikacije (FCC), ščitijo le pred toplotnimi učinki in zanemarjajo tisoče strokovno pregledanih znanstvenih študij, ki dokazujejo poškodbe pri netermičnih ravneh tega sevanja. Prav tako ne upoštevajo dobro znanih učinkov pulzacije in modulacije signalov za prenašanje podatkov.

Nizozemska vlada, ki jo spodbujajo telekomunikacijski lobisti in ICNIRP, ščiti le pred vplivi toplotne ravni sevanja, kot so opekline, udarci in vročinski udar (termični učinki).

EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service 11.2. 2020. Več o tem: https://publishwall.si/radha88880000/post/522726/evropski-parlament-ucinki-brezzicne-komunikacije-5g-na-zdravje-ljudi

Tudi v Franciji je tožba zoper 5G na Vrhovnem sodišču: https://publishwall.si/radha88880000/post/518000/francoski-organizaciji-sta-prenesli-boj-proti-5g-na-vrhovno-sodisce

Državo pa toži tudi danska politična stranka:  https://publishwall.si/radha88880000/post/520074/danska-politicna-stranka-tozi-drzavo-zaradi-uvajanja-mobilnega-omrezja-5g

Tudi v ZDA številna mesta razmišljajo o tožbi: https://www.reporternewspapers.net/2020/03/04/residents-concerned-with-verizon-5g-towers-cities-consider-filing-suit/?fbclid=IwAR3BTLJYHFlPAEl5jZHC190MjYM_RgpQL7c0RiMzAgkV_OYgTK_vHrCPF0E

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May 25, 2020

Dutch Court Ruled 5G Deployment by the Government is Lawful

From Margreet van den Berg from Stop5GNL

The Dutch State can continue the auction of 5G frequencies.

The judge: “There is difference in opinions whether 5G is safe for health. And you have to realize that a judge in an interim injunction (“kort geding”) cannot weigh the value of the different views in a scientific debate very well. I think that speaks for itself. ” (at 6 minutes into the video)


“On the basis of all the above, IT CANNOT BE CONCLUDED THAT THE STATE IS ACTING UNLAWFULLY by auctioning the frequencies in the intended manner. The claims aimed at preventing those auctions will therefore be rejected. “



The future and conclusion
There is no question that total exposure to electromagnetic fields (the sum of the use of multiple applications) in any location where people are present must remain below the limits which are intended to safeguard public health. Stop5GNL has rightly argued that at present it is not clear exactly how 5G systems and the field strengths they cause will develop.

For that reason, the Netherlands Radiocommunications Agency will continue to monitor the field strengths in various ways, the State explained. Although, according to the State, for various reasons, the exposure guidelines are not expected to be exceeded after the roll-out of 5G, the State has explicitly stated that it can and will intervene if future measurements by the Radiocommunications Agency show that the ICNIRP GUIDELINES are or will be exceeded.

In addition, the State has indicated that it will also INTERVENE IF NEW INSIGHTS SHOW that the exposure limits need to be adjusted; when it therefore appears that there are still health risks in the event of exposure to electromagnetic waves below the LIMITS THAT ARE CURRENTLY CONSIDERED SAFE .

At that time, intervention by the State will also be required and the State has stated that it will be able to do so at all times. In view of this, the roll-out of 5G is not irreversible.

On the basis of all the above, IT CANNOT BE CONCLUDED THAT THE STATE IS ACTING UNLAWFULLY by auctioning the frequencies in the intended manner. The claims aimed at preventing those auctions will therefore be rejected. Stop5GNL, as the unsuccessful party, will be ordered to pay the costs of these proceedings.



The judge trusts the conclusions of ICNIRP.


Stop5GNL’s thesis that the ICNIRP guidelines are obsolete has been SUPERSEDED superseded by its update in March 2020. After all, in that update the guidelines were confirmed on the basis of current insights. Stop5GNL’s argument that ICNIRP erroneously limited its research to short-term thermal effects (warm-up damage) of electromagnetic fields is invalidated by the documentation of those guidelines.
Stop5GNL has argued that ICNIRP’s observations about possible health effects other than warming damage are a ‘paper reality’, but it follows from Appendix B of the new guidelines that the guidelines are based on scientific research into all kinds of conceivable health effects of electromagnetic fields, including non-thermal health effects. In the second part of the new guidelines, literature is dealt with thematically, per (possible) disorder.

It can be deduced from this that ICNIRP has ASSESSED ALL the (possible) effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields discussed in the literature, and not just the health risks due to warming.

THE COURT in preliminary relief proceedings CANNOT TAKE THE PLACE OF SCIENTISTS and has no reason to doubt that the research actually took place. ICNIRP concluded that possible health damage other than that caused by warming (also in the long term) has not been demonstrated. The fact that the limits have been set on the basis of ‘short-term, immediate health effects’ follows logically from this ICNIRP conclusion.”



Stop5GNL wrongly assumes that field strength measur

Vir: https://wearetheevidence.org/dutch-court-ruled-5g-deployment-by-the-government-is-lawful/


