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COVID: "Vsaka strašljiva stvar, ki vam jo povedo, je odvisna od nezanesljivega PCR testa"
COVID: ‘Every Scary Thing You’re Being Told Depends on the Unreliable PCR Test’ by News Wire2st Century WireDecember 30, 2020   Since the COVID-19 crisis began, all of the WHO and Government so-called ‘mitigation’ policies – lockdowns, social distancing, masks, shutting schools etc, have all bee
Več deset najstnikov obkroži in napade avtomobil z medicinskimi tablicami v New Yorku
WATCH: Dozens of teenagers surround & attack car bearing medical plates in New York 30 Dec, 2020 16:09 Get short URL Screenshots © Twitter / @DrWinarick 192 Follow RT on Intense footage from New York has gone viral, showing a large group of teens attacking a stopped car, then
Govor dr. Igorja Shepherda o grozotah cepiva Covid
Dr. Igor Shepherd’s Talk About the Horrors of the Covid Vaccine: Full Transcript By  GaryDBarnett.com December 31, 2020 All credit for this transcription is due to Lew Rockwell at LewRockwell.com, (LRC) and Vicki Marzullo. Also, Dr. Igor Shepherd viewed, edited, and approved thi
CORMAN-DROSTEN REVIEW REPORT CURATED BY AN INTERNATIONAL CONSORTIUM OF SCIENTISTS IN LIFE SCIENCES (ICSLS) report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020 This extensive review report has been officially submitted to Eurosurveillance editorial board on 27th November 2020
Slovenija in svet: smrti in poškodbe po cepljenju s cepivi za COVID-19
Cenzura poškodb po cepivu za COVID-19 https://www.facebook.com/pandemicdebate/videos/4312034785550485 * https://swprs.org/covid-vaccine-adverse-events/ Swiss Policy Research: Pregled hudih neželenih učinkov cepiv za covid. * Vaccine & Blood Analysis Under Microscope Presented By Independent Researc
Showdown at the DC Corral as the Demonrats make their Last Stand - Benjamin Fulford
by Benjamin Fulford, January 4th, 2020 The coming week is expected to be historic as opposing forces will have a showdown in Washington DC on January 6th.  The outcome will determine the survival of the Constitutional Republic with Donald Trump finding his place in history as one of its great hero
ŠTUDIJA: DTP cepivo Billa Gatesa je ubilo 10-krat več afriških deklet kot sama bolezen
According to a peer reviewed study published in a respected journal by the world’s most authoritative vaccine scientists, Bill Gates DTP vaccine killed 10 times more African girls than the disease itself. The vaccine apparently compromised their immune systems. Although, such study was never perf
Spoštovani policisti, zdravstveni delavci in osebje prve pomoči: V zvezi s pomisleki okrog cepiv proti COVID-19
Dear Police, Healthcare Workers, and First Responders: Regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns Dear Police, First Responders and Healthcare Workers Re: COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns I am writing on behalf of Vaccine Choice Canada to express our deep concern for you and your colleagues. We understand that f
Zavajanje 'virogije' in cepiv - Zakaj koronavirus ni nalezljiv
The Deception of Virology & Vaccines | Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious by Jeff GreenVirusesAreNotContagious.comOctober 2, 2020   The following excerpt from Jeff Green’s ebook “The Age of Deception”,  is shared here with his permission.   This post intends to go to the heart of virology and v
Zavezniška grozodejstva proti nemškim ujetnikom
Kriki živo pokopanih v nočeh: preživeli nemški vojni ujetniki opisujejo Eisenhowerjeva uničevalna taborišča po koncu 2. svetovne vojne. Nacizem hujši od nacizma. By John Wear – Renegade Tribune June 13, 2021 One night in April 1945, I was startled out of my stupor in the rain and the mud by pi
Exposed: Fauci and CDC Clash; Can’t Keep Their Story Straight
Once more, dear reader, I venture into the insane world where experts falsely claim they’ve proved SARS-CoV-2 exists. Within that world, they contradict themselves. They just can’t keep their story straight. So let’s begin with Tony Fauci. We have him on video making the following statement: “…In
Znanstvenik Johns Hopkinsa: Cepivo Pfizer je povzročilo smrt zdravnika s Floride z 'medicinsko gotovostjo'
Dr. Jerry L. Spivak, strokovnjak za krvne motnje z univerze Johns Hopkins, je v torek za New York Times dejal, da verjame, da je "medicinska gotovost", da je Pfizerjevo cepivo COVID povzročilo smrt dr. Gregoryja Michaela. . The Florida Health Department and the Centers for Disease Control and
Smrt po naključju?
Izjave zdravstvenih uslužbencev in izdelovalcev cepiv, da so smrtni primeri in poškodbe po cepljenju proti COVID nepovezana naključja, postajajo vzorec. Ljudem skrivajo tudi informacije, ki bi jih potrebovali za sprejemanje lastnih premišljenih odločitev. The official handling last week of the dea
Deset stvari, ki jih morate vedeti o eksperimentalnih cepivih COVID
Cepiva mRNA aktivno manipulirajo z vašimi geni in jih reprogramirajo. Experimental COVID Vaccines are coming to town, being rolled out worldwide as the transhumanistic New World Order (NWO) agenda dictates. This next phase of the COVID scamdemic is an incredibly dangerous one – the phase where aut
US Election Outcome Jan. 20th and Beyond - Benjamin Fulford
Dear Ben, After reading M’s letter, it appears that M, myself, and certainly many other of your subscribers are desperately seeking some specific clarity as to the next 6 days and the plan for  USA Inc.  While you responded about the breakup of the US.   I would have to guess that would be som
Vrh ledene gore? Na tisoče poškodb zaradi cepiva proti COVIDu in 13 smrtnih primerov v mesecu decembru, samo v ZDA
AGENDA GLOBOKE DRŽAVE SE RAZKRIVA V VSEM SVOJEM OBSEGU  Decembra so VAERSu (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) poročali o 3916 škodljivih posledicah, povezanih s cepivom COVID, vključno s 13 smrtnimi primeri. Ko se pojavlja vse več pkodljivih kontraindikacij - od življenjsko nevarne anafilaks
Razvijalci cepiva Oxford-AstraZeneca, tesno povezani z gibanjem Eugenics UK RAZISKOVALNA SERIJA . Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement The developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine have previously undisclosed ties to the re-named British Eugenics
55 ljudi je umrlo v ZDA po prejemu cepiv COVID-19
Health care workers receive a COVID-19 vaccination at Ritchie Valens Recreation Center in Pacoima, Calif., on Jan. 13, 2021. (Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP Photo) PUBLIC HEALTH INFORMATION . 55 People Died in US After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines: Reporting System BY ZACHARY STIEBER   January 16
Benjamin Fulford — January 18th 2021: The Timeline of The World’s Future Will Be Chosen This Week
by Benjamin Fulford, January 18th, 2020 Over the next week, one of several timelines will determine the future of humanity.  One is the fraudulent installment of Joe Biden as President followed by the U.S. surrender to Communist China.  The second is the re-election of Donald Trump as president
Giuliani bo Trumpa zastopal v drugem poskusu impeachmenta
President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani went on record saying that he’ll be part of the defense team in the impeachment trial before the US Senate in the near future. While the date for the trial to start hasn’t been set yet, it is expected to take place in the days following the scheduled inaugura
Vse več mrtvih in škodnih učinkov, med zdravstvenimi delavci, zaradi cepiva COVID-19
(Brian Shilhavy) Zaključujemo drugi teden injiciranja eksperimentalnega cepiva COVID Pfizer mRNA v zdravstvenih delavcih v ZDA in konec prvega tedna iniciranje poskusnega cepiva COVID mRNA Moderne tudi ameriškim zdravstvenim delavcem. . Korporativni mediji, ki jih financirajo farmacevti, poročaj
Vas je pandemija zmedla? Ali MSM (main stream media) zavaja javnost?
Da bi odkrila, kaj je resnično v teh zmedenih časih, sem stotine ur opravljala vse vrste raziskav ... in kot morda že veste, je pregovorna zajčja luknja tako globoka kot široka. Ko sem sestavila koščke sestavljanke, se zdaj pojavljam iz zajčje luknje z utrinki tega, kar sem odkrila. Tukaj sem odkr
Benjamin Fulford 1-18-21… “The Timeline of The World’s Future Will Be Chosen This Week”
FULL ARTICLE  “Over the next week, one of several timelines will determine the future of humanity. One is the fraudulent installment of Joe Biden as President followed by the U.S. surrender to Communist China. The second is the re-election of Donald Trump as president of the bankrupt U.S. Corpo
CDC s svojega spletnega mesta odstranila trditev 'Cepiva ne povzročajo avtizma'
ICAN je prek svojih odvetnikov, ki jih je vodil Aaron Siri, bil neusmiljen pri svojih pravnih zahtevah in ukrepih, da bi CDC prisilil, da s svoje spletne strani odstrani svojo lažno splošno trditev, da "Cepiva ne povzročajo avtizma". Z veseljem poročamo, da je CDC dokončno kapituliral pred temi za
Pandemija COVID-19 nam je prinesla veliko hudih lekcij. Pomembno je, da nam je pokazala, kako enostavno je ustvariti paniko in nadzirati celotno populacijo z zavajajočimi sredstvi. Na vrhu seznama zavajajočih strategij je uporaba testa, ki zdrave posameznike lažno označuje za bolne in nalezljive.
  Hank Aaron se je 5. januarja na televiziji cepil z Moderno. "Upam, da bom temnoameričanom poslal sporočilo, da je cepivo varno." Umrl je danes v starosti 86 let. Sporočilo poslano. Tega si ne morete izmisliti. . CEPIVA SO MORIVA. PFIZER IN MODERNA NIMAJO NIKAKRŠNIH CEPIV IN V RESNICI SPLOH NE VED
Korporacija MSMIK
Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam U K A Z o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o ustanovitvi Medameriške investicijske korporacije (MSMIK) Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o ustanovitvi Medameriške inve
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